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Cadeau aux dirigeants du G8 : 1 pièce d'or d'une future monnaie imaginaire

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MessageCadeau aux dirigeants du G8 : 1 pièce d'or d'une future monnaie imaginaire
par menthalo Jeu 9 Juil 2009 - 19:36

Cadeau aux dirigeants du G8 : 1 pièce d'or d'une future monnaie imaginaire 125380 Serait-ce un message subliminal ?


Les dirigeants du monde présents à la réunion du G8 en Italie Mercredi ont reçu un cadeau représentant le passé et un autre représentant le futur lors de l'inauguration du sommet de 3 jours.

Le passé était représenté par un livre sur l'oeuvre du sculpteur Canova,
L'AVENIR par une pièce d'or d'une future monnaie mondiale imaginaire.

Handmade books portraying works by Neoclassical sculptor Antonio Canova, as well as gold coins representing an imaginary future world currency will be given to the participants at the opening of the three-day summit.

There are 10 copies of the book, commissioned by Italy's Premier

Silvio Berlusconi from the Bologna-based art publishing house Fondazione Marilena Ferrari, each with a personalized dedication for the leader who receives it.

Les pièces, conçues par le belge Luc Luycx, qui a également créé l'une des faces des Euros, sont appellées "eurodollars" dans un appel symbolique pour une monnaie commune unissant l'Europe et les Etats Unis.

Elles ont une valeur de 2800 euros (3.900$) et ont été produites par "the United Future World Currency", un lobby prônant l'idée du monnaie globale.

l'article de AOL
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Cadeau aux dirigeants du G8 : 1 pièce d'or d'une future monnaie imaginaire Coin

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MessageRe: Cadeau aux dirigeants du G8 : 1 pièce d'or d'une future monnaie imaginaire
par menthalo Ven 10 Juil 2009 - 21:52

Tout le monde en parle aujourd'hui

alphaville 24HGold

tout le monde s'excite à tort en disant des bêtises.
Ce n'est pas la Nouvelle monnaie mondiale.

c'est gravé en toute lettre TEST - LIMITED ISSUE

Mais c'est un message ... manifestement bien orchestré

Ici sous le titre
Medvedev sort la nouvelle monnaie mondiale de sa poche

Cadeau aux dirigeants du G8 : 1 pièce d'or d'une future monnaie imaginaire Medvedev_1441271c

Mr Medvedev, who has been seeking ways to displace the dollar as the world's dominant reserve currency, produced a sample coin of what he described as a 'united future world currency'.
“Here it is,” Mr Medvedev said, according to Bloomberg. “You can see it and touch it.” The coin, which was minted in Belgium, was presented to all the G8 leaders attending the summit and bears the words 'unity in diversity.'

The possibility of a supranational currency “concerns everyone now, even the mints,” Mr Medvedev said. The test coin “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.”
Russia, alongside China and India, have all questioned the dollar's future as a global reserve currency - a status it has enjoyed since inheriting it from sterling last century.
China's central bank earlier this year laid out an alternative to the dollar in the form of a special international reserve currency administered by the International Monetary Fund. However, most experts it to take years for the dollar to be eclipsed.
source : telegraph.co.uk

En décortiquant les informations du site "futureworldcurrency" qui a réussi à bien placer son bébé lors de ce G8, vous verrez une page sur l'histoire de la monnaie dans le Monde. C'est extrêmement synthétique, donc ce qui a été retenu est essentiel.

Or il est fait mention de l'Union monétaire latine et son bi-métalisme , qui ont permis d'unir France, Italie, Belgique, Suisse et Grece.

Une fois encore l'Or tient la vedette dans les medias, l'argent reste dans l'ombre et attend son heure...

"The world had changed dramatically since the time of the ducats issued by Italian cities (Florins, Genoese and gold zecchino coins, the undisputed lords of international trade). Now, under the powerful shadow of Charles V, a new French gold currency, the écu au soleil or “Sun above the crown” enjoyed conditions in which to reign. Specifically, seven nations united in an agreement of sorts which led them to issue “scudo” coins whose weight and alloy were very similar: France, Spain, Genoa, Venice, Florence, Rome and Naples.
In essence, this heralded the first single international currency of the modern age.

More than two centuries later, France again gave birth to a new currency that would radically alter the monetary systems of the countries across Europe, particularly Italy, that adopted it. Named the Franco-Lira, with a centesimal subdivision, it originated during the French Revolution and was exported under Napoleon’s conquest of new lands.
From 1861 on, the Lira (divided into 100 cents) became the single currency of a unified Italy. Just a few years later, at a memorable session held on 23rd December 1865 in Paris, Italy, France, Switzerland and Belgium (later joined by Greece) signed an agreement which foresaw the adoption of a single currency, based on gold and silver divisions, which could circulate freely in the signatory countries, known as the Latin Monetary Union."

Chapitre précédant le "gold standard"


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MessageRe: Cadeau aux dirigeants du G8 : 1 pièce d'or d'une future monnaie imaginaire
par marie Mar 14 Juil 2009 - 23:30

ba oui, il réedite d'une autre façon, le message de Poutine..avec son lingot d'or .. de mémoire en 2005 .. Wink

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MessageMedvedev sait compter...ce commentaire limpide, c'est le bon sens...
par g.sandro Mer 15 Juil 2009 - 1:29

Nice Midas today.

That statement quoted below I noticed in all the talk circulating about this
new gold coin Medvedev is holding -- it has a shocking price tag. First of all,
it looks like a half ounce, I guess; worst case it's a third of an ounce....so
the gold content value of that piece of gold bullion today is worth around $450
or so. Who is saying it has a $3,900 value? Did they just re-value the price of
gold by 800%?????
If the Russians claim that's the value of that coin that in
the future could be used for common circulation, then Bill, your $3,000-$5,000
price range for gold has just been made manifest by the Russians. And with that,
a $100+ value for silver will follow. I can easily see the new 'Future World
Silver Currency" with a $100 face value; I'm sure Medvedev can too:

"It is called the United Future World Currency. It can already be seen and
touched," he said, according to a transcript posted on the Kremlin’s web
site....Examples of the coin, worth $3,900 and produced by the United Future
World Currency, a group backing the idea of a global currency, was presented to
all world leaders attending the Group of Eight summit in L’Aquila, Italy."


  • Tom

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Cadeau aux dirigeants du G8 : 1 pièce d'or d'une future monnaie imaginaire
par menthalo Jeu 16 Juil 2009 - 14:10


Il a été déclaré au G8 "They have a value of 2,800 euros ($3,900) "

La pièce mesure 29 millimetres de diamètre et pèse 15,55 grammes d'Or pur, a annoncé Sassoli (source Bloomberg )

Si un "Napoléon" en Or pèse 6,45 grammes et vaut 130 euros, cette pièce de 15,55 gr devrait valoir 313 euros et non pas les 2800 euros annoncés.
Ce qui fait 896% d'augmentation du cours de l'or

En considérant qu'il y a une prime sur le napoléon, l'or étant à 664 euros l'once : 31,103g x 15,55 = 331,96 euros
Dans ce cas de figure, le cours de l'or aurait pris 843%

Ce qui amènerait les cours à 7.886 dollars l'once
Mendvedev se serait-il trompé dans ses chiffres ?

Une fois encore, l'Or éblouit les foules et monopolise l'attention, pourtant des pièces d'argent ont été également offertes aux dirigeants du Monde. Mais cela semble très difficile de trouver une image de ces pièces et leur valorisation.
Je poursuis l'enquête.


voici l'article de Bloomberg
G-8 ‘World Currency’ Coin’s Creator Seeks Russia Participation
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By Lyubov Pronina

July 15 (Bloomberg) -- The gold coin displayed by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at last week’s Group of Eight summit as an illustration of how a future global currency may look, may be made at Russian mints, its originator said.

Medvedev pulled out the coin at a news conference on July 10, saying: “Perhaps one day something similar could appear. You would be able to hold it in your hand and use as a means of payment.” Leaders at the summit in L’Aquila, Italy, received the coin as a gift, said former journalist Alessandro Sassoli, author of a project he calls “united future world currency.”

“We are thinking of involving Russian mints and school students” to find a name for the currency in a competition involving a thousand schools worldwide, Sassoli said by e-mail. He provided Medvedev with a cover letter describing the project and asking for his opinion.

Medvedev, who has questioned the future of the dollar as the global reserve currency, used the coin to illustrate his call for a mix of new reserve currencies to address the global financial crisis. Russia’s proposals for the G-20 meeting in London in April included the creation of a supranational currency. Russia and China have been pushing for a greater role in the global economy and less U.S. dominance.

Russia didn’t join China in supporting a call for new reserve currencies at the G-8 summit. Medvedev’s chief economic aide, Arkady Dvorkovich, said the issue of reserve currencies better fits the G-20 format.

‘Unity in Diversity’

Medvedev said at the press conference that the fact that the coin has been minted means people “are getting ready.”

The coin, which bears the digit “1” and the words “unity in diversity” on one side and “united future world currency” and a bundle of five leaves on the reverse, was made in a limited edition at the Royal Belgian Mint.

The obverse was designed by Luc Luycx, author of the common side of euro coins, according to the project’s Web site. Laura Cretara, who designed the reverse, formerly worked as artistic chief at the Italian State Mint.

The coin, resembling a euro, is 29 millimetres in diameter and weighs 15.55 grams of pure gold, Sassoli said. As many as 20 gold and 150 silver coins have been minted. Sassoli said the G-8 organizers and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s government asked for 13 gold and 10 silver coins for the summit.

Sassoli said he has already received proposals from collectors to sell them for 12,000 euros apiece, though the project so far does not have a commercial interest, he added.

A former journalist who worked for ‘Il Tempo’ newspaper in Rome, Sassoli, 60, conceived the idea in 1996 after conversations with the late Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., an assistant to U.S. President John F. Kennedy.

‘New Currency’

“I strongly believe that one day, not far away, another new currency has to be inserted in the economy,” Sassoli said.

“This project is driven by a firm belief in the unification and co-existence of different peoples,” according to a brochure for the project. “It aims to promote an increasingly equal distribution of the planet’s resources and human intellect.”

Sassoli, who also said he organized celebrations of the Italian lira currency in 2002, has so far spent 300,000 euros of his own money and is seeking sponsors to raise funds to present the coin at the 2015 Milan Universal Expo.

Sassoli said he may also present the coin at the G-20 summit in Pittsburg in September.

Medvedev’s spokeswoman Natalya Timakova said by phone that “the coin will take up its rightful place in the president’s collection of gifts.” She declined to say whether Russia may take part in the project.


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MessageRe: Cadeau aux dirigeants du G8 : 1 pièce d'or d'une future monnaie imaginaire
par marie Jeu 16 Juil 2009 - 15:42

sur la valeur faciale de la pièce .. ya un "petit pb", Menthalo .. relis le post de Sandro plus haut ..

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MessageRe: Cadeau aux dirigeants du G8 : 1 pièce d'or d'une future monnaie imaginaire
par menthalo Jeu 16 Juil 2009 - 17:05

le scoop c'est d'avoir trouvé le poids exact de la pièce ...

la valeur, elle même, 2800 euros, n'est qu'une affirmation qui a été reproduite dans tous les medias... cf le lien dans le post original

affirmation que certains ont voulu attribuer à Medvedev...
mais ce n'est pas dit dans les premiers communiqués de presse

je prends toujours cela comme un "message" ...
que "certains" ont voulu faire passer ... avec de gros moyens médiatiques


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