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Hardinvestor- Investir sur l’or et l’argent Hard Investor   |  Silver is King, Go gold!

Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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Messagerégulation dérivés, de qui se se moque t'on?
par marie Ven 25 Juin 2010 - 23:48

gold et silver restent quoiqu'il arrive et contrairement aux mat 1eres, en dehors du dispositif concernant la séparation des activités swaps et des activités "purement bancaires"..
les jpm et consorts pourront donc continuer tranquillement leurs "opérations", sans avoir à les céder )à une autre entité ..

et moi qui croyait que le silver était un métal industriel, et l'or, uniquement bon pour la jonquaille.. ba faut croire que non .. sinon pourquoi les distinguer des autres métaux ou du pétrole, hein?

bon d'accord, mais puisqu'on peut pas dire que ce sont des métaux monétaires, et que ce ne sont pas non plus des mat 1eres, kesaco alors??

des métaux stratégiques??

régulation dérivés, de qui se se moque t'on? 354172


Compromise on Lincoln swaps desk bill seals deal

* Lincoln, administration agree on swaps desk compromise
* Banks must spin off CDS, equity, commods swaps in 2 yrs
* Lincoln says it will "get the risky stuff out of banks"
*Approval of plan rebuts predictions it would be scrapped

WASHINGTON, June 25 (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln credited common sense for helping forge a compromise on her tough proposal to force banks to spin off their swap trading operations, allowing them to retain the bulk of their books but bar them trading commodities, equity and credit default swaps…
Under the agreement, banks could continue to handle foreign exchange, interest rate, gold and silver swaps and to hedge their own risks. Activity in cleared and uncleared commodities, agricultural, energy and equities swaps, and credit would have to move to an affiliate within two years.

I thought silver was an industrial metal? Why will the banks not be allowed to trade in crude oil, but can continue as is in silver? The World Gold Council has long heralded the most important aspect of gold as jewelry. Why do the banks want to continue to trade jewelry? The answer, to even the clueless, ought to be obvious. The Gold Cartel has a mandate to keep gold under control as much as possible and they can’t manage the price of gold as best they can without putting a damper on silver. Otherwise, their rigging operations would be even more obvious than they are now.
No matter, if our camp is right, silver will go bonkers in the weeks and months ahead and will make all of this moot. Physical Market 1 Gold Cartel 0.
Bill H:
Even Congress knows!
To all; this wording is in the new "FINREG" bill...."At the same time, the proposal would allow banks to hold onto certain derivatives trading related to interest rates, currency rates, gold and silver. They also would be allowed to continue trading in derivatives in order to hedge against their own risks." Imagine that, banks can continue trading in GOLD and SILVER! So bottom line is that EVEN CONGRESS KNOWS! For them to include (unimportant and not thought of) Gold and Silver they are showing that they know the only way to even try to continue the charade of fiat money is to allow the banks to naked short even more metal via derivatives. In a word SHAMEFUL! When this thing blows up, Congress will have to testify to themselves because they are now clearly involved! Regards, Bill H.

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: régulation dérivés, de qui se se moque t'on?
par marie Lun 28 Juin 2010 - 19:11

ça tombe bien, si je peux dire .
les dernières statistiques officielles dérivés 2010 sont sorties...

en augmentation, y compris pour gold et silver...

avec des chiffres etune concentration toujours aussi hallucinants ..

avec une remarque finale sur la réforme dont je parlais en tête de file

Citation :
It is intriguing to say the least that the banks retain the right to continue to trade derivatives in gold and silver. This is almost a de-facto recognition that manipulating the gold and silver markets is a necessary function of the banking industry to keep the dollar Ponzi scheme running. But the manipulators are like King Canute ordering the waves back from the shore. The demand for real physical gold and silver in preference to paper and derivative substitutes is an investment theme that is gaining pace and is approaching like a tsunami. The suppression of gold and silver prices is doomed to fail and, in my opinion, in the very near future.


©️ Marie
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