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Peregrine Financial Group / PGF : vers un MF global bis?

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MessagePeregrine Financial Group / PGF : vers un MF global bis?
par marie Mar 10 Juil 2012 - 23:44

ça commence comme pour MF global, avec des fonds clients qui manquent à l'appel !

encore une histoire bien glauque ave en prime la tentative de suicide, lundi dernier, du dirigeant de la firme, Russell R. Wasendorf Sr.


Regulator: $220 Million Missing at Iowa Brokerage

By MICHAEL A. LEE AP Business Writer

CHICAGO July 10, 2012 (AP)

A regulatory group ordered accounts frozen at Iowa-based brokerage Peregrine Financial Group late Monday, saying it hasn't been able to account for $220 million in customer funds, following what the company said was a suicide attempt by its founder and chairman.

The National Futures Association said it received information that PFG may have falsified bank records, and that the company only had about $5 million of $225 million it had claimed to have in a deposit account. The association, an industry group that serves as a self-regulatory role, said PFG could not demonstrate that it meets capital requirements and rules requiring it to segregate customer funds.

A PGF spokeswoman didn't return phone messages and emails from The Associated Press, and several messages left at PFG's offices in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and Chicago were not returned.

But in a statement to its clients, the company said its founder and chairman, Russell R. Wasendorf Sr., attempted suicide earlier Monday, though it provided no information on his condition. The company said the attempt prompted investigation of "some accounting irregularities."

Lauren Nelson, spokeswoman for PFG customer Attain Capital, said her company has a "substantial amount" of business with PFG and is still assessing how badly its accounts were affected. Nelson provided a copy of the PFG client statement to the AP.

The futures association's action bars PFG from most trading, except as needed to liquidate customer accounts. The company also can't accept any new customer money except to cover existing accounts.

It was unclear late Monday if the government would get involved. Pete Deegan, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa, said he could neither confirm nor deny any investigations handled by the office.

But the move is likely to increase scrutiny on an industry still smarting from the implosion of futures firm MF Global last October.

MF Global, a brokerage headed by former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, filed for bankruptcy protection, crippled by disastrous bets on European debt, less than two years after Corzine became CEO.

A bankruptcy trustee is still trying to recover $1.6 billion in money missing from MF Global's client accounts. That case prompted calls for increased regulation of the futures industry.

A message left at a phone listing in Cedar Falls for Wasendorf wasn't returned Monday. The local sheriff's office said it had no information on the suicide attempt, and the local hospital said it didn't have a patient listed under his name.


There is no telling if liquidation of Peregrine Financial Group’s positions affected today’s gold and silver trading, at least for now.

Something about the firm…

PFGBEST is a financial services and technology company that began as Wasendorf & Associates in 1980. It was incorporated in 1990 as Peregrine Financial Group, Inc. (PFG), and the brand evolved to PFGBEST in 2008 to represent industry leadership. PFGBEST is a member of the National Futures Association, and is registered with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission as a Futures Commission Merchant and Forex Dealer Member.


Now, for their clearing firm, Jeffries & Co. …

In response to inquiries, Jefferies today confirmed that it has a clearing relationship with Peregrine Financial Group ("PFG") with trading positions held on behalf of PFG's clients fully secured by cash held in margin accounts. After PFG was unable to meet a margin call that Jefferies made in response to yesterday's National Future Association's Member Responsibility Action, Jefferies began an orderly liquidation of PFG's positions. Jefferies has already liquidated a substantial portion of those positions and expects to be able to expeditiously liquidate the remainder in a fair and reasonable manner, after which all proceeds of the liquidation will be maintained in segregated accounts. Jefferies does not expect to incur any loss in respect of PFG.


Dave from Denver…

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Systematic Wealth Confiscation

"[S]ome accounting irregularities are being investigated regarding company accounts...What this means is no customers are able to trade except to liquidate positions. Until further notice, PFGBEST is not authorized to release any funds" - that is the notice given to brokerage customers of PFGBest, Peregrine Financial Group.
"PFGBest is not authorized to release any funds." Get used to seeing brokerage notices like that. That is what happened with MF Global. It's also, in part, what happened with Lehman. There's also a common thread behind these brokerage firm collapses: JP Morgan and the systematic confiscation of your wealth. JP Morgan was one of Lehman's big custodial banks, JP Morgan was the custodian for MF Global's failed book of investments and JP Morgan is the custodian for PFGBest's FX business, which is around $220 million - the amount of missing client funds.

If anyone wants to read about the details, including PFG's CEO's attempted suicide, you can do so here:
LINK. If the PFG CEO really wants to end his life, I'd be happy to be his Dr. Kevorkian.

This whole situation is almost boilerplate like MF Global. What surprises me the most is that no one in blogosphere or the media has connected this "boilerplate" to the Lehman collapse. JP Morgan made off with several billion in Lehman assets then.

This kind of adventure, if the Obama Administration does not start dismantling JP Morgan and cracking down on this extreme financial fraud, will be become a weekly event. The beauty of the MF Global situation is that it set up the boilerplate for customer funds to be confiscated within a rigged jurisprudence framework.

It gets back to the necessity for everyone to unload their IRAs, get out of their 401k's to the extent possible, and get as much of their invested wealth IN to precious metals and OUT of the financial system. People can "pooh pooh" this advice, but they'll regret it.

Back in 2002, I made the statement that the insider elitists would hold up the system to loot every last crumb of middle class wealth and that the IRA's/401k's would be the last go. It's starting to look like I was right. In fact, I just got off the phone with a very good, long time friend who accused me back in 2003 of "seeing black helicopters in the sky" (i.e. I was a whacked out conspiracy theorist). His greeting this morning was: "I can't believe how right you've been about all of this."

By the way, anyone keeping their precious metals IRA account, or any other precious metals-related account, at PFG Precious Metals, you can probably kiss it good-bye. Will Monex be next?

©️ Marie
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Messageon n'a pas fini d'en entendre parler amah !
par marie Mer 11 Juil 2012 - 18:31

ça commence exactement comme l'affaire MF global !

Citation :
Welcome to Capital Account. More than $200 million in customer money is allegedly missing from the accounts of one of the largest, non-clearing, US futures commission merchants, PFG Best. That's according to regulators. The money was supposed to be in segregated customer accounts. Customers have been told their money is frozen. Does this sound oddly familiar? We will hear from two PFG Best customers, Christopher Olson and Mohamed Hawary.

And there is evidence PFG Best may have been committing fraud with falsified statements for years, according to regulators. The FBI is investigating, the CFTC is alleging fraud, but why did regulators miss this? We'll talk about what this shortfall means for investor confidence when a regulated broker can get away with this undetected for years..../...

voir à la marque 9:30 , la déclaration d'un des 2 clients de PFG, interviewé :

Notre position métaux précieux sur le forex est bloquée, et Jp Morgan est en train de la liquider, sans notre accord !

Citation :

Lauren Lyster’s latest Capital Account is an absolute MUST WATCH as Lyster interviews two PFG customers, one of which states (at the 9:30 mark) ‘our entire PM FOREX future position is locked and JP Morgan is liquidating our position at a loss without our consent!

voir la vidéo sur youtube


©️ Marie
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MessageJ'imagine que c'était des positions longues ce qui expliquerait le raide de fou actuel... J'ai bon?
par g.sandro Mer 11 Juil 2012 - 19:54

J'imagine que c'était des positions longues...ce qui expliquerait le raide de fou actuel...
J'ai bon?

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Peregrine Financial Group / PGF : vers un MF global bis? 2wecua10




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Messagere / Sandro
par marie Mer 11 Juil 2012 - 20:24

Citation :
J'imagine que c'était des positions longues...ce qui expliquerait le raide de fou actuel...
J'ai bon?
quel mauvais esprit tu as !Wink

que dire d'autre? tu lis dans mes pensées ==> les "coincidences" s'accumulent, puisqu'on avait eu le même genre d'effet avec les liquidations et le pillage des stocks entreposés au comex, des clients Mf global ... toujours by coutoisy de JPM

©️ Marie
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Messageça se confirme !!!
par marie Ven 13 Juil 2012 - 17:31

Citation :

JB Slear updates SD readers on MFG 2.0 (PFG). Fort Wealth IB’s accounts remain frozen, and all of their positions were liquidated by force at the authorization of Jefferies at massive discounts and losses. Not only were they liquidated by force, but positions were liquidated at 33% below the settling price given for contracts!
Slear states that the $200 million segregated client theft by PFG will result in every single trader being left out of the precious metals market.


©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Peregrine Financial Group / PGF : vers un MF global bis?
par g.sandro Ven 13 Juil 2012 - 20:43

le père est green.... normal, un père c'est vert.... même un père sévère persévère.... ou perd ses vers.... ou perd ses verres... mais quand on pérégrine, parfois on se perd et si l'on pérore, parfois on perd or...les clients pelés sont verts et l'ont dans le dos (dans le derrière)..et pas que les pères verts, c'est carrément pervers...les banksters sont des "pèle-reins" déguisés en pèlerins....na ! bonnet d'âne fffuck resssssort

Citation :

pérégriner (v.)
1.aller et venir constamment en de nombreux lieux.

Le Littré (1880)

PÉRÉGRINER (v. n.)[pé-ré-gri-né]
Aller çà et là de place en place, de contrée en contrée.
• Depuis deux heures j'en poursuivais vainement la solution [d'un problème], en pérégrinant à travers mon logis (CH. DE BERNARD le Paratonnerre.)
XVIe s.— Si mon estat se pouvoit exercer en peregrinant d'une part et d'autre, je pourrois donner plusieurs advertissements de ces choses.... (PALISSY 344)
Provenç. peregrinar ; catal. pelegrinar ; espagn. peregrinar ; ital. pellegrinare ; du lat. peregrinare, peregrinus (voy. PÈLERIN).

pérégrination (n.f.)
errance, erreur, voyage
dictionnaire analogique

fait de se déplacer[Classe]
déplacement et voyage[Thème]
errer (physiquement)[Thème]
tourism (en)[Domaine]
Motion (en)[Domaine]
déplacement, flux, jeu, mouvement - voyager[Hyper.]
voyager - parcourir, traverser - move around, travel (en) - pérégrination[Dérivé]
déplacement, voyage[Classe]
action d'aller et venir[ClasseParExt.]
déplacement, voyage[Hyper.]
pérégrination (n. f.)

Le Littré (1880)

PÉRÉGRINATION (s. f.)[pé-ré-gri-na-sion ; en vers, de six syllabes]
Voyage fait dans les pays étrangers.
• Aimez-vous le mot de pérégrination, dont M. Sarasin s'est servi dans un discours de la Tragédie ? (BOUHOURS Doutes sur la langue française, p. 43)
XIIe s.— En l'exil et en la misere de ceste peregrination (ST BERN. 546)
XVIe s.— Les peregrinations des apostres, qu'ont-ce esté sinon des communications continuelles avec les gentils ? (NDR) LOL bah là, c'est quand on pérègrine à Sion... aaarf r.ire (LANOUE 78)

Provenç. peregrinacio, pelegrinatio ; espagn. peregrinacion ; ital. pellegrinazione ; du lat. peregrinationem, de peregrinari, peregrinus (voy. PÊLERIN).

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Peregrine Financial Group / PGF : vers un MF global bis? 2wecua10

Dernière édition par g.sandro le Ven 13 Juil 2012 - 23:44, édité 1 fois




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MessageRussell Wasendorf , pdg de PGF arrété en iowa
par marie Ven 13 Juil 2012 - 21:24

Lol, tu crois pas si bien dire, Sandro ...

le " pélerin -péle reins", "encore dans le coma" après sa tentative de suicide, vient d'étre arrété en IOWA, et "chargé "un maximum par la Fed

Contrairement à Corzine de MF Global et faute :

- d'avoir financé la campagne d'Obama

- d'être un ex de GS avec les connections qui vont avec ( y compris à la CFTC avec Gary Gensler )

ce ne sera pas une simple amende, mais de la taule ... 20 ans selon les procureurs de la FED


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Messagejim willie
par marie Mar 17 Juil 2012 - 22:58

je reprends le post de Nofear, placé dans la file Mf global

tout ça est tellement interconnecté, qu'il vaut mieux le placer dans plusieurs files,

afin que ça n'échappe à personne

Peregrine Financial Group / PGF : vers un MF global bis? Alcooliq

En ce qui concerne PFG-Best on retrouve le même schéma , les comptes clients sont évaporés et JPM à la manœuvre ...

Mais comme on dit jamais 2 sans 3 voir plus car la JPM est dans de sales draps, normal quand on pratique des saloperies.

extrait de la lettre jim CB willie de juillet



At the scene of the crime once more is the same custodian for the PFG-Best foreign exchange FOREX accounts, none other than JPMorgan! Look for the venerable giant JPMorgan to discover another $400 million in mysterious profits or precious metals deliveries soon from a murky source.

The same drill. Segregated accounts at PFG-Best have been raided. After the MFGlobal fiasco, they were supposedly made safer. Not so! No solutions come to the US financial system, only whitewashes and continued thefts. The regulators were put on the spot in the aftermath. But the regulators at the CFTC, the SEC, and the CME assured such an event would never happen again. Wrong! The Jackass warned of its inevitability. Ann Barnhardt warned all to exit such futures brokerage accounts. The National Futures Assn has filed notice prohibiting PFG-Best from operating further, thus freezing all of its accounts. Their public statement read, "On July 9, 2012, the NFA made inquiry with US Bank and learned that rather than the $225 million that PFG had reported as being on deposit at US Bank just days earlier, PFG had only approximately $5 million on deposit at US Bank." The translation is simple, that another $220 million in segregated accounts had been stolen, the Modus Operandi looking strangely familiar to the trails left behind by Jon Corzine and MFGlobal.

©️ Marie
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par Contenu sponsorisé 

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