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pénurie argent métal / on y est !

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par marie Sam 7 Juin 2008 - 0:21

réponse de "the us mint" au sujet du rationnement des silver eagles .. question posée ..par un des directeurs du Silver institute .. c'est important à noter, car si Silver institute, organisme officiel s'il en est, se met à poser les mêmes questions qu'un Bix Weir ou un Hommel, où va t'on? aaarf


The ongoing supply shortage of 2008 silver American Eagles got the attention of the Silver Institute on May 29 when its executive director, Michael DiRienzo, wrote a letter to Mint Director Ed Moy asking that steps be taken to increase the number being struck.
"It's clear that the Mint misjudged the strength of the current silver market, and we are encouraging the Mint to take immediate steps to increase its production of these popular investment coins and plan accordingly for the balance of 2008 and for 2009," DiRienzo wrote.
The Mint issued a statement in response:
"Since the introduction of the 2008 American Eagle Silver Bullion Coin Program, the United States Mint has issued a record number of coins (about 9.65 million), as demand for them has increased exponentially. That number is almost as high as the United States Mint's production for the entire year of 2007 (about 9.8 million).
"By law, the United States Mint's American Eagle silver bullion coins must meet exacting specifications and must be composed of newly mined silver acquired from domestic sources. The United States Mint will continue to make every effort to increase its acquisition of silver bullion blanks that meet these specifications and requirements to address continuing high demand in the silver bullion coin market."
The Silver Institute notes that over 165 million silver American Eagles have been produced since they were introduced in 1986.
Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Silver Institute is a nonprofit international silver industry association founded in 1971.


autrement dit et pour silver, "the mint" prétend qu'elle est obligée de se fournir en silver aupres de sources domestiques.. la réponse d'un lecteur du midas sur ce point :

Hi Bill,
I saw that the Mint claims that they are required to buy silver from domestic sources:
"By law, the United States Mint's American Eagle silver bullion coins must meet exacting specifications and must be composed of newly mined silver acquired from domestic sources. The United States Mint will continue to make every effort to increase its acquisition of silver bullion blanks that meet these specifications and requirements to address continuing high demand in the silver bullion coin market."
This is untrue. Pursuant to statute, 31 U.S.C. Sec. 5116(a)(1) and (b)(1), they SHALL buy gold from domestic sources but MAY buy silver from domestic sources. Subsection (b)(2) makes it clear that: "If it is not economically feasible to obtain such silver, the Secretary may obtain silver for coins authorized under section 5112(e) [the section dealing with making silver eagles available to the public in amounts sufficient to meet demand] from other available sources."
My 12 year old could have figured this one out.

31 U.S.C.A. § 5116

United States Code Annotated
Title 31. Money and Finance
(Refs & Annos)
Subtitle IV. Money
General Authority
§ 5116. Buying and selling gold and silver

(a)(1) With the approval of the President, the Secretary of the Treasury may--

(A) buy and sell gold in the way, in amounts, at rates, and on conditions the Secretary considers most advantageous to the public interest; and

(B) buy the gold with any direct obligations of the United States Government or United States coins and currency authorized by law, or with amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

(2) Amounts received from the purchase of gold are an asset of the general fund of the Treasury. Amounts received from the sale of gold shall be deposited by the Secretary in the general fund of the Treasury and shall be used for the sole purpose of reducing the national debt.

(3) The Secretary shall acquire gold for the coins issued under
[url=http://enterprise.westlaw.com/find/default.wl?tf=-1&rs=EW1.0&referencepositiontype=T&referenceposition=SP%3b17a3000024864&fn=_top&sv=Full&tc=-1&findtype=L&docname=31USCAS5112&db=br /1000546&vr=2.0&rp=%2ffind%2fdefault.wl&sp=ThomCoburn-1001]section 5112(i)[/url] of this title by purchase of gold mined from natural deposits in the United States, or in a territory or possession of the United States, within one year after the month in which the ore from which it is derived was mined. The Secretary shall pay not more than the average world price for the gold. In the absence of available supplies of such gold at the average world price, the Secretary may use gold from reserves held by the United States to mint the coins issued under section 5112(i) of this title. The Secretary shall issue such regulations as may be necessary to carry out this paragraph.

(b)(1) The Secretary may buy silver mined from natural deposits in the United States, or in a territory or possession of the United States, that is brought to a United States mint or assay office within one year after the month in which the ore from which it is derived was mined. The Secretary may use the coinage metal fund under
[url=http://enterprise.westlaw.com/find/default.wl?tf=-1&rs=EW1.0&referencepositiontype=T&referenceposition=SP%3ba83b000018c76&fn=_top&sv=Full&tc=-1&findtype=L&docname=31USCAS5111&db=1br /000546&vr=2.0&rp=%2ffind%2fdefault.wl&sp=ThomCoburn-1001]section 5111(b)[/url] of this title to buy silver under this subsection.

(2) The Secretary may sell or use Government silver to mint coins, except silver transferred to stockpiles established under the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (
50 U.S.C. 98 et seq.). The Secretary shall obtain the silver for the coins authorized under section 5112(e) of this title by purchase from stockpiles established under the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (50 U.S.C. 98 et seq.). At such time as the silver stockpile is depleted, the Secretary shall obtain silver as described in paragraph (1) to mint coins authorized under section 5112(e). If it is not economically feasible to obtain such silver, the Secretary may obtain silver for coins authorized under section 5112(e) from other available sources. The Secretary shall not pay more than the average world price for silver under any circumstances. As used in this paragraph, the term "average world price" means the price determined by a widely recognized commodity exchange at the time the silver is obtained by the Secretary. The Secretary shall sell silver under conditions the Secretary considers appropriate for at least $1.292929292 a fine troy ounce.

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par marie Lun 9 Juin 2008 - 0:50

us mint prévient ses revendeurs officiels, qu'elle va réduire de moitié; ses livraisons de silver eagle.. le rationnement s'amplifie !


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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Lun 9 Juin 2008 - 1:57

si c'est pour tuer la demande, ils sont fous pour de bon... ça ne peut que susciter la convoitise, En effet, que celà plaise ou non, c'est un fait indéniable que la notion de value et celle de rareté forment un couple indissociable...

bonnet d'âne aaarf je plane pour toi amur tchin ye.s soleil na ! yeuxx en bille

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par marie Dim 17 Aoû 2008 - 23:12

des nouvelles du front avec pas mal d'articles se recoupant tous ( Hommel, Turck,Franklin Sanders etc etc)

la pénurie de certaines formes de silver "monétaire" se poursuit ... et traduit simplement que les brokers qui constituaient leurs stocks avec les particuliers, ne sont plus en mesure de le faire

les particuliers, non seulement ne sont plus vendeurs de leurs piéces ou lingots, mais pire encore .. toujours acheteurs ..

la déconnection des prix du physique et de ceux du spot, n'est que la mise en évidence d'un défault structurel du marché ... qui suit son cours depuis mars dernier ..

mais avant de vous donner toutes les url, qq courtes citations de Hommel, fort édifiantes :

certains dealers tentent toutefois de vendre ce qu'ils n'ont pas .. ( comptant hedger l'affaire en vendant à découvert sur le comex , le tout avec votre pognon .. ) ... vous commencez à piger l'affaire??

Citation :
Other dealers will take your order now, for inventory that will take 8-10 weeks to deliver.

Who has such crazy policies as that? Perth, Kitco, Northwest Territorial Mint, Johnson Matthey, and others. You should avoid them, in my opinion.
And if you have to wait 30-60-90 days for silver from any seller, it means they are selling what they do not have, and hope to get it from someone else that does not have it today either! That means they are short, (they owe you silver) that they do not have!
And if there is a "regular" 60 day delay, where they have you pay for it all up front, instead of a tiny 5% deposit down payment, then they are "floating" on your money, like you gave them an operating loan!

une courte citation du dealer kitco ( en rouge) qui en dit long .. affraid

Citation :
Proof that they sell what they don't have:
SOLD OUT, with a warning:

IMPORTANT NEW NOTICE: Due to market volatility and higher demand in the entire industry, we are anticipating delays in supply of all bullion products. Please note that you can continue to place orders and prices will be guaranteed; however, cancellation fees will still be applicable regardless of the length of the delay. Consequently once inventory is received there may also be delays in processing and shipping by our vaults.
I find Kitco's notice hilarious, and sad. Kitco is essentially saying they will lock you in on price, for silver that they don't have, and cannot find, and their disclaimer seems to indicate that they can delay you indefinitely, and if you want your money back, you have to pay a fee!!!
That smells like a default in the making, to me.
How can Kitco sponsor Nadler's editorials saying there is no shortage, and then put up a big disclaimer about a shortage? Yeah, I'm the ignorant one who doesn't get that.

donc on comprend que kitco prend toujours les ordres d'achat silver ou gold c'est pas précisé .. , pour du matos qu'ils n'ont pas et ne peuvent trouver ... ce pourquoi ils ne s'engagent sur aucun délai de livraison ... et c'est le client qui perdra les frais de la transaction, si lassé d'attendre indéfiniment , il annule son ordre d'achat .. ça devient vraiment lourdingue .. dis donc !!

voici toutes les url relatives à ce sujet
Franklin Sanders article

A Fabrication Bottleneck or Something More / Turck

et chez Hommel



ps: je rajoute cette url fournie par frog

De froggyau (/!\ GoldBug Inside !)

Mary confirmation aux US 23:30 17/08/08
Silver physique introuvable ou alors a 19$ en boutique la décorrélation est de 50% !!!


from Axstone thread - @ GoldIsMoney

ps 2
évidemment ces infos sont à mettre en relation avec la news du 15 aout de suspension par us mint de livraison de gold eagle à certains brokers ..
voir cette info, ici

déja que us mint avait carrément suspendu la production de silver eagle ...

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par marie Mar 19 Aoû 2008 - 12:58

le courrier des lecteurs du midas de ce w end est particulierement édifiant


August 16 - Gold $786 - Silver $12.81
Emails On Retail Physical Silver Shortage Astounding

"Many shall be restored that now are fallen and many Shall fall that now are in honor." … HORACE - Ars Poetica

It is fascinating to receive so many emails regarding the retail physical shortage. I thought you might like to read some of them; therefore this impromptu MIDAS, with little commentary from me except to say this is quite extraordinary. Never seen anything like it to this degree before. It makes no sense to see silver where it is and it is hard for me to imagine the price staying anywhere near these levels. I would think there will be an inordinant amount of investors/traders standing for delivery of the September silver contract should the price not rise sharply from present levels.
Anybody going to the Kitco site to buy silver must be scratching their heads in disbelief. First they have to look at this dreadful chart:
Change -1.28 -9.05%
30DayChg -5.91 -31.49%
Next they get the privilege of getting berated by Jon Nadler for being so stupid as to think gold or silver is a hedge against crisis and inflationary times. Then, if they are really persistent, they must wade through this disclaimer (in bright red no less) contradicting all Kitco editorial content:
IMPORTANT:Due to the volatility of the market, we are experiencing a significant increase in the volume of shipments going out. Although Kitco and our depositories are working hard to stay on top of this, you may experience a delay in your order being processed by our vault, and sent out to you. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your patience and understanding.
And lastly, if they are STILL going to buy some Silver Eagles from this "fine" establishment just to be a contrarian they find this:
*Silver Eagle 1 oz (Currently out of Stock)
The convoluted message from Kitco: silver is a stupid idea, it's practically worthless, and getting more worthless every day. However orders are overwhelming our business, therefore you'll get your stuff when we're damn well ready, which may be a hell of a long time. And by the way,. forget about Silver Eagles, there's none available at ANY price.
Buying into Kitco's lunacy TRULY requires the tin-foil hat. It's amazing how Rube Goldberg couldn't have dreamed up a more complicated explanation for the most simple thought: PAPER GOLD AND SILVER ARE RIGGED, AND THE END GAME IS HERE. If there were gold medals for extreme morons Jon Nadler would be shattering Michael Phelps' Olympic run.
James Mc
Jon Nadler is quoted in this marketwatch article.

"The speculative allure [gold] had presented to index and hedge funds has all but dissipated," said Jon Nadler, a senior analyst at Kitco Bullion Dealers. Oil, wheat, rice and a host of base and precious metals had climbed "clearly beyond the scope of their fundamentals and reached distorted levels," said Nadler. And "many were well aware that when the oil surge ... would come to a halt or reverse course, that it would carry with it part or all of the group," he said. "This, in fact, has happened -- however, it unfolded a lot quicker than conventional wisdom expected."
Nadler likens the event to someone piercing a balloon with a pin and expecting a "slow, orderly deflation."
Now isn’t that interesting? Precious metals prices had risen "clearly beyond the scope of their fundamentals and reached distorted levels".!! In the face of collapsing metals prices the US mint first of all suspends minting of silver eagles and then yesterday suspends minting of gold eagles. And Kitco itself last night posted this notice

Due to market volatility and higher demand in the entire industry, we are anticipating delays in supply of all bullion products. Please note that you can continue to place orders and prices will be guaranteed; however, cancellation fees will still be applicable regardless of the length of the delay. Consequently once inventory is received there may also be delays in processing and shipping by our vaults.

Kitco can not meet demand!! Jason Hommel noted in a release yesterday that most of the major bullion dealers are completely out of stock. North America can not supply bullion to the market. Yet Nadler laughingly claims the price of gold had reached "distorted levels"! Gold and silver are about the only commodities that have not yet surpassed their previous all time highs on an inflation adjusted basis. That is very strange for the two metals that are the classical inflation barometers! Silver hasn’t even come close to its nominal all time high! And now we find that demand is so high that all stocks of dealers have been depleted. Miners keep reporting losses because the price of the metal has not risen as fast as their costs. When something becomes scarce that is in high demand its price should go sky high not crater well below a recent high that is barley 1/3 of its all time inflation adjusted high price.
There are only two things that are distorted…Jon Nadler’s thinking and the ridiculously low manipulated price.
The physical market is about to call the Cartel’s bluff.

Bill H:
To all; 5 months ago a shortage in silver began. It was explained that there was so much buying at $20 by the public that the shelves were emptying. Now under $13 an ounce we have evidence that the shortages are intensifying. Something is wrong here. Silver has dropped like a rock for 4 weeks now. Shouldn't that mean that there has been huge selling and the market should be flooded with silver? Physical Gold and Silver have gone into hiding for the time being. Physical supply has dried up and won't be for sale until we see much higher prices. This is the "two tier" market I wrote about last year. It has arrived. The government sponsored "cabal" has sold and sold and sold paper contracts for both Gold and Silver. This has depressed the prices artificially. The result is less supply. I believe many mining companies may be slowing deliveries and individuals are not selling to dealers because they deem the prices to low. Funny result we are getting here. The COMEX [paper futures market] is portraying a panic out of Gold and Silver while in the physical market, supply of any real size cannot be found at these prices. In a "real" market, a selling panic would result in a glut of product. We clearly don't have that now! This has the potential of destroying the credibility of the US futures markets plain and simple. The way I learned economics, when there is a shortage of something, anything, the price rises to ration remaining supply. But since we are living Alice in Wonderland, I guess I have my glasses on backwards. Below are a some thoughts by Jason Hommel on the shortages. Regards, Bill H.
Just got back from the local coin merchant - only 1/2 bag of junk available... They had not yet heard about the gold Eagle sales suspension. It seems that there is a growing disconnect between paper and physical markets - something you have noted for a while.

It seem to be an ideal time for the "small" buyers out there to get as much physical as possible (coins, take delivery, etc) at these fire-sale prices and finally fracture the paper markets.

If 10,000 contracts stood for delivery in the near month, that's about all it would take. I am moving my liquid assets into contracts with the intent of taking delivery. Jim Sinclair has the right idea - time to take them on..!
JB in TN
In the 8/15 Midas, Ed Wener had a question about silver availability and pricing. This has been my experience purchasing physical silver and gold.
I have made most of my physical silver and gold purchases from Blanchard & Co. out of New Orleans. I believe that Blanchard is in the top 2 for being the largest bullion and rare coin dealer in the US. The bulk of my physical purchases were around the lows in silver and gold around 2001 and 2002.
In 2007, I made a couple purchases from a local dealer in the Chicago area. When the local dealer completely ran out of silver around March of 2008, I contacted Blanchard again. The local dealer did not have any 100 oz bars and did not know when he would receive any.
On 3/24/08, I purchased a 100 oz bar from Blanchard when the price of silver was $16.80/oz. My total cost including shipping, handling, and insurance was $1,803.54. I received the bar within 2 weeks or so of placing the order. On 5/28/08, I bought some 1 oz American Eagles with the price of silver at $17.30/oz. My total cost including shipping, handling, and insurance was $19.95/oz which was a premium of $2.65/oz. I received my silver in 2 weeks or so and Blanchard offered so sell me as much silver as I wanted. This was during the time when many people were having a hard time finding physical silver. I can't say enough good things about Blanchard.
The availability of silver and gold has recently changed - drastically. I had been waiting for the bad guys to completely pummel silver, so I could place a bigger than normal order to purchase physical silver. The manipulators did not let me down. On Aug. 15, I called Blanchard to place an order to purchase 1 oz silver American Eagles. I was initially told they were out. My response - how can you be out when the last time I called I could purchase as much silver as I wanted? I resigned myself to purchasing silver in bar form. When talking to another representative at Blanchard, I advised that I really wanted to purchase the 1 oz silver American Eagles. Blanchard advised that they could sell 1 oz silver Eagles to me for a total price of $3.01/oz over spot, but it would take 4 to 6 weeks to get the silver. I placed my order on Friday. As the silver shortage intensifies, I agree with Ted Butler that the US mint may stop producing these 1 oz silver American Eagles and the premium for these coins will eventually be much higher than $3.00/oz.
To answer Ed Wener's question - Yes, the spread between paper and physical is increasing and the time for delivery is increasing. Welcome to the intensifying silver shortage.
Maybe we could have a contest for cafe members. The contest would be to guess the date the US mint permanently stops making 1 oz silver American Eagles. Temporary suspensions don't count. Maybe the sponsor of the contest could be Sprott Asset Management who was just featured in Barron's. Eric Sprott indicated that his funds contain 25% gold and silver bullion. All that silver bullion has got to be weighing him down.
Take Care,
Paul [b]
Hi Bill,
Hope you're having a restful weekend wherever you are. As Friday's Midas came off the presses, I was at my local coin shop having a long conversation with the owner. He's been in business for 30 years and I've known him for ten. I feel that he shared more private info with me than he would with the average Joe, so I'm not going to name his business out of respect for his privacy.
He had just learned about the Mint ceasing production of Eagles, which he heard was because blanks weren't available. And the decision he made may telegraph what will be unfolding in the markets next... who knows?

This guy has no bullion for sale, but he DOES have inventory. Hundreds of ounces of Au, and substantial Ag in bars. However, he decided to cease all sales indefinitely, until he knows that he'll be able to re-order what he sells.

-He has no idea when that will be, of course. He confirmed what so many of your contributors have also said, that wholesalers will take an order and accept the money, but will not give a date for delivery in full, because of backlogs and BS and gods know what else. This dealer will not place an order under those conditions as he will not let his cash be used to enable more short-term paper manipulation of the physical market.

-He told me that for the first time in 30 years, if a customer walked in with $100k to spend on bullion, he'd have to spend a few days working the phones and buying 'five or ten' coins here and there until he could fill the order. In other words, he's trying to talk other people into selling a little, because he will not sell from his own tranche.

-He had one mint box of silver eagles left, which he won't split, and it's $5 over spot, which equalled $18/oz. yesterday afternoon. He has no other silver for sale save for a little 90% coin.

-He didn't quite acknowledge that two separate price tiers are operating in silver, but he fully understands that the paper manipulations have distorted the physical market beyond belief. I think he knows that day may not be far off.

-He was pondering making a big buy in palladium, since the price has come down so much and since just about everything else is sold-out. (Any Midas comments on palladium?)

-He said that his numismatic business is steady and it will carry him until the bullion availability issue resolves.

My head is spinning at the thought of what could come down the pike this week. Is the Big Foot finally going to come off the Big Spring? Or, is the Big Foot going to come down even harder on Our Necks?

My bullion dealer here in Edmonton did a record day in silver on Friday...only to have to cancel all orders because his suppliers (in both Canada and the US) would no longer take orders for silver because THERE WAS NONE TO BE HAD...anywhere, and at any price!!!

He says that as of Monday, the retail silver market will be at a total stand still all across North America.

Right now he can get gold maple leafs...but that's all. And the Royal Canadian Mint is no longer taking larger order for silver maple leafs.

I note that the US Mint sales in gold eagles have taken a huge jump. We're only half way through August and the mint has already sold 100,000 gold eagles and buffaloes.

Note the notice that just went up at Kitco. At Tulving and A-Mark the cupboards are bare as well.

I hope you have your stash already...because it doesn't sound as if there's going to be any more coming...as the retail pipeline is empty and will be impossible to refill.

My bullion dealer and I discussed this very thing last year, and to see it actually come to pass is truly frightening.

Even if the price of silver dropped to $5 next week, it wouldn't matter, no one is selling and everyone now wants to buy...but the cupboard is bare.

I guess that's why gold sales are skyrocketing.

We live in interesting times.
Ed Steer

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par GdB Mar 19 Aoû 2008 - 15:06

Il semblerait bien que ce que vous m'aviez expliqué lorsque je suis arrivé sur ce forum il y a plus de deux ans est bien en train de se produire, concernant l'instrumentalisation des ETF pour manipuler le marché des futures... au détriment des acheteurs d'ETF au final!

Mais bon, si le marché physique se bloque à cause d'une manipulation trop flagrante des futures, ça va finir par poser problème non?

Tu vois quoi comme prochain acte dans cette farce? En tout cas ils ont des ressources manipulatoires étonnantes nos caballas


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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par marie Mar 19 Aoû 2008 - 17:04

qu'est ce qu'on achéte, si on veut se couvrir contre l'inflation, et que le physique est artificiellement rationné ?

attention, plusieurs options sont possibles et cumulables kis tu dis?

ya toutes sortes d'issues, GDB toutes aussi bull les unes que les autres

voir le décryptage donné ici

-1 soit on ne peut pas du tout acheter du physique ( trop grosses quantités ) et on achéte des réserves en terre.... car ça c'est aussi du physique .. et en plus, c'est bradé ..
c'est un facteur non négligable du redressement magistral des mines, à venir ... certains seront surpris de l'ampleur du phénoméne ...

-2 soit on spécule sur la différence des cours papier / physique.. et comme le prémium est trop important, on se remet sur le papier... et on fait décoller le cours du spot ..

- avec bien entendu, toutes les combinaisons mixtant 1 et 2

ça se sont les 2 solutions les moins douloureuses , pour ceux qui ont engeeniré l'affaire ..
le pire, pour eux, serait d'arriver à mettre le comex en default ...une cata pour leur crédibilité ... et une TRES mauvaise affaire pour les papiers longs, qui se trouveraient pris au piége.. avec leur papier non cotable ..

catastrophe qui bien sur ferait péter au grand jour, cette manip qu'ils s'évertuent à nier ... je te raconte pas le big scandale que ça ferait .. et les têtes qui tomberaient ... faudra bien trouver qq boucs émissaires, d'importance pour calmer le jeu ..
bref, une facture exhorbitante ...

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Dim 31 Aoû 2008 - 14:30

Take Delivery! par L'impétueux Jason Hommel

Take Delivery!
(Most silver is like other silver!)
Silver Stock Report
by Jason Hommel, August 29th, 2008

Some people have suggested that if I believe there is a shortage of silver, why not "take delivery at the COMEX?"

Well, I have taken delivery of physical silver, but not at the COMEX. But the effect on silver, and the effect on COMEX is just the same. See, if I buy "extra silver" from a coin shop, then that coin shop does not have to sell their "extra silver" to the refiner, where their "extra silver" may end up at the COMEX. See, silver is fungible. It does not really matter what form of silver you get it, or where you get it, taking delivery of real silver from a coin shop puts the squeeze on COMEX silver all the same.

In fact, if I think COMEX is likely to default, then COMEX should be the last place where I should go to get silver. After all, if there are several different places to get silver, and if one is expected to default, you'd be sure to avoid that company too, wouldn't you?

So all the nay-sayers, who claim there is plenty of silver (while they have none to sell), who tell us to "just take delivery at the COMEX" (while their own companies seem incapable of taking delivery at the COMEX, because they have no 1000 oz. bars to sell either) are, at best, woefully uninformed about the basic assumptions we are making. At worst, they are lying on purpose, to hide their impending bankruptcy. In fact, a failure to deliver silver to their own customers on a timely basis who have paid for silver, is the very definition of bankruptcy. But for some reason, silver buyers are some of the most patient and kind creditors of all, because they, for some reason, don't demand forclosure or government prosecution on the businesses that cannot deliver on their promises. Maybe that's because silver buyers don't trust the government in the first place. That's good news for those who lie about an abundance of silver, while they don't have any.

Ironically, the nay-sayers say the same thing we do at this point. TAKE DELIVERY, and GET PHYSICAL!

My auction proved something. I was saying there was a premium on 100 oz. bars, and that it was difficult to source any. My auction proved that, to the tune of $44,000.

Also, in nearly every email, I try to tell my subscribers where you can get silver.

But those who claim there is no shortage, make absolutely no effort to tell you where you can get any, without having to "wait indefinitely". Isn't that telling?


May I suggest to Meet up other Silver Stock Report readers at YOUR LOCAL COIN SHOP, on Tuesday, September 2, at 2PM.

Suppose if all buyers during a month show up all at once? Clearly, the shop will be sold out immediately, if it isn't already. I think that would leave an impression on the owner.

This will serve several purposes:

1. You will find out that you are not alone.
2. You will impress upon your dealer the amount of demand for silver.
3. The coin shop owner will be more confident and more likely to raise his bids to get silver for everyone, so it's in your own best long term interests to show up.
4. Be sure to tell him about good sources, such as fidelitrade.com, amark.com ($50,000 minimum), wexfordcoin.com ($10,000 minimum), apmex.com, tulving.com, and others where he can buy in bulk, cheaply, if he needs to.
5. Be prepared to network with other buyers. Other buyers may have bars to sell if they are retired, and "all in"; they may have to sell bars for normal life expenses.

I suggest that everyone visit their favorite local coin shop on September 2, at 2PM. That's Tuesday, 4 days from now. (TWO's-Day) Easy to remember!


Jason Hommel

Et l'article initial que celui que vous venez de lire commente:



Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par marie Ven 5 Sep 2008 - 2:34

cette fois ci, notre impétueux Jason pourrait bien avoir soulevé un TRES gros lièvre sur l'argent métal:
la fermeture des "bureaux" silver de AGR Matthey, filiale de Johnson Mattey, par perth mint ...un default potentiel de 500 millions$ silver... qui peut entrainer en cascade la banqueroute de Perth mint et LE défault sur comex silver

accessoirement et pour les lecteurs très avertis, la fermeture des bureaux de AGR Matthey remet en question l'ensemble des certificats de Perth mint .. vendus par Kitco et Nadler .. Wink

ou si vous préférez : l'australienne connection ==>-perthmint-agr matthey- kitco-nadler

et pour mémo , John Matthey est le plus gros raffineur d'argent métal aux usa .. AGR matthey étant sa filiale australienne, dont Perth mint posséde 40%.. et perth mint, c'est tout simplement l'équivallent australien d'us mint ..

attention, article long et complexe ... mais qui vaut le coup d'étre lu, hyper attentivement


plus pour ceux qui préférent une traduction automatique, cliquez ici

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Dernière édition par marie le Dim 20 Mar 2011 - 4:18, édité 1 fois




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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par marie Sam 6 Sep 2008 - 4:00

suite avec un feed back d'Ed Wener, du gata, qui confirme la fermeture des bureaux d'agr mathey ,un des plus gros négociants-revendeurs...en plein bull market .. vraisembablement pour cause de paris contre nature.. comme l'a évoqué Jason Hommel ..

du coup, que devient leur business de raffineur, puiqu'ils avaient la double casquette, négociant-revendeur / raffineur?
la question reste ouverte ... s'ils trouvent suffisamment de matos à raffiner pour faire de la marge à ces prix de misére..Wink ?

JPM connection, avec ses raids maffieux, est en train de se tirer une sacrée épine dans le pied ..en provoquant des dégats collatéraux considérables, dont les conséquences ne devraient pas se faire attendre !!

1-la filiere production d'argent métal avec des producteurs étranglés, par la hausse des couts de production et le cours ridicule du spot comex
2- la filiére approvisionnement/ transformation
les négociants- revendeurs .. mais surtout les raffineurs, qui fournissent la Demande industrielle..anémiés ..

résultat: une Demande monétaire en forte augmentation + une Demande industrielle qui ne faiblit pas .. et en face, une production et un approvisionnement décimés ..

sont vraiment trop forts, la JPM connection, c'est vrai !
surtout pour fabriquer les clous de leur propre cercueil !

-1 qu'on rationne les investisseurs d'argent métal, soit !
-2 qu'on fusille les longs sur le comex, qui ont pourtant investi avec les fonda ET avec le trend, soit !
-3 qu'on le fasse de telle façon, que le paper market puisse défaulter, soit !
-3 qu'on saborde la filiére production ...soit !
-4 qu'on arrive également à mettre en difficulté la filiére qui fournit les utilisateurs industriels cad la raffinerie et la transformation .. soit !
-5 le tout sans arriver en aucune façon à diminuer la Demande..pas plus monétaire qu'industrielle .......
-6 tuer collatéralement l'offre, dans un marché demandeur est suicidaire ..

.. ya un sacré problème la .. ..pour EUX, ceux qui ont organisé délibérément ce beans


AGR Mathey...
Hi Bill:
Just a quick follow up on Jason Hommel's report about AGR MATTHEYclosing their silver operations. I called the local office here in Auckland yesterday. This is the same dealer in bullion I called a few weeks ago to check on prices and availability of bullion. At the time they told me a deposit was required and there would be a waiting period of several weeks before any silver could be delivered.
Well today I was told the Auckland Office was CLOSED down. The woman I spoke to thought I was calling about picking up a pre order and that these were now now in the Office. So they are honoring previously made deals but not taking any new orders. She gave me the names of the other two leading Auckland bullion dealers and I wished her well in her search for a new job. So there we have it. A major bullion dealer closes up during a bull market. I think Jason is on to something. This smells like they were betting against the trend. But that's not all-AGR MATTHEY are refiners-will that business remain open?
from their website...
"AGR Matthey, the only LBMA accredited refiner in Australia, currently refines the total annual production of gold in Australia. In addition, gold dore is also sourced from New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Thailand and Malaysia. Gold jewellery scrap is also sourced from a variety of Asian markets. Refinery throughput is expected to be between 350 tonnes and 400 tonnes in the current fiscal year. Refining capacities are well in excess of this."

Cheers from Auckland, Ed Wener

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Sam 6 Sep 2008 - 14:11

More TwosDay Silver Shortage Reports
(Just about everyone is sold out!)


More TwosDay Silver Shortage Reports
(Just about everyone is sold out!)
Silver Stock Report
by Jason Hommel, September 5, 2008
I asked my readers to go to their local coin shop on Tuesday, September 2, at 2PM. On September 3rd, I published the first 10 reports from my readers. Here are the rest, about 25 more. They are almost identical. No customers. No silver. Long delivery times, or unknown wait times. What little silver there is, is often selling at shockingly high premiums, and going higher.

How can this be? No customers AND no silver? Very simple, as I've explained many times over the years. Less than 1 person in 1000 is interested in silver. Only $1 billion of total investor demand per year. Silver investment is an extremely tiny market, ridiculously tiny compared to world finance. There is 100,000 times more money in paper bonds than in silver. Often in the world, in cities of millions, there is only one major large bullion trader, and these days, they are sold out. This is exactly why silver must go up, and exactly why silver is such a great bargain. Nobody wants it, (relatively speaking) while everyone needs it. Today, there is "record" demand greater than ten times normal in places, yet, still no lines. The public, who used to sell, to help fill the supply/demand gap, is no longer selling, and is now buying. The coin dealers looked at the prior customer selling, and from their perspective, "nobody wants silver". From an investor's perspective, the former public selling was an "unsustainable supply source" that was filling a supply/demand gap, that cannot be filled, except by rising prices. This current change in the market structure of the silver market could easily be forseen by anyone, yet some people continue to deny it today.

COMEX paper prices continue to diverge from physical. It may well be that the premiums on real silver, are creating the incentive for people to sell out of their paper futures contracts, and buy real silver, instead, since paper silver prices are not keeping up with the real thing.

NEWS: Barclays, sponsor of the silver ETF, SLV, needs £7.5 billion in capital, and is clearly in trouble! I have warned about the integrity of SLV, because its silver is unauditable, with JP Morgan the custodian, who also uses many sub custodians, so the ETF is basically reliant upon the promises of JP Morgan and its creditors, and JP Morgan has the largest derivatives exposure of all banks, by far, $72 Trillion, with a T.



Where can you find silver, since people below cannot find any? Right now, try apmex.com. They are reliable, and show their inventory. They have 257 100 oz. bars of JM and Engelhard bars as low as $1.49 over spot, which are a wonderful bargain.




I am an avid reader of yours. On August 30th, I went to four antique shops in Indiana where I have been buying silver over the past several years (supplied by local coin dealers). During this period, they had plenty of coins (Morgans,Peace dollars,1 oz rounds and bars).

In all these shops, their inventory was low or non-existence -- there were no Eagles available and I bought all the Morgan & Peace Dollars they had (28 coins) and all their 1 oz silver rounds (14).

Also, I have been buying silver rounds/bars from a dealer in Colorado -- he has been out of silver for the last several weeks and just got a shipment of 100 oz bars.This has never happened before (I've been a customer of his over the past 3 years).

Just thought I'd let you know of my experienced.

Ed P.


Sry I didn't get this to you before your 'TwosDay Silver Shortage Reports' was published.

And my experience at San Rafael Rare Coin was identical - no lines; no customers; no bars left;no rounds; and i bought him out of his last $2000 of 90%. He was taking orders but not taking money or deposits; he reported a 'few' weeks delay to fulfill good faith orders taken; he explains the shortage as a production issue with JM & E.

Since your are in NorCal, do you have any experience with this coin shop owner. He seems very honest and forthcoming.

FYI, have you discovered 'Feed Demon' yet - it's a way of aggregating all the RRS feeds from multiple websites. Really great tool, esp keeping up on silver & world economics news.



Dear Jason,

[Personal and Private]

I meant to send this to you yesterday, but I had some medical complications, so I am sending this note today.

Yesterday's push down of the price of silver is just another example of the constant fraud in the COMEX. Nothing said to these people will do anything to solve this crime until their system breaks. Before then they are making a lot of money plundering small investors by forcing margin calls and disheartening the uninformed. The only way to bring this house of corruption down is to speed up its end by herring their run out of all silver.

My previous suggestion to buy one COMEX silver contract every month, paying full price for delivery, and then accepting delivery of the five 1000 ounce bars to yourself or an agent who will melt them down to smaller pieces. This will work for several reasons. One, this will bleed silver out of the COMEX and hasten the day it dies (more so if this practice becomes widespread).

Second, you already shown that there is a $4.00 premium over spot on bars. As this fraud continues the scarcity premium WILL rise, maybe to $8.00 or $10.00 per ounce. You can pay a fee to some silver smelter (to be safe under escrow) of maybe $5,000.00 for the five 1000 ounce bars, pick up the 50 one hundred ounce bars, and sell them to your people for eight or ten dollars over spot, for a $40,000.00 or $50,000.00 gross profit. This will make you a benefactor of your readers, i.e. it is better to receive silver at $20.00 an ounce, than receive nothing, especially when the shortage will initially cause silver to blow up to $30 - $50 an ounce.

After COMEX is broken and they accurately reflect the real price of silver, then the falsehood caused shortage premium will go away, and things will return to normal with the usual premiums, except you helped a bunch of people to obtain silver.

Another thing you may do with your is to inform all of the dealers, that you can find customers for them willing to pay more than the price which silver smelters pay to them for their bars or rounds.

And one last comment against the stupid dealer of American Coin in Orem, Utah who said:” Why raise my bid price when people are throwing silver at me”. You can reply: ”Because there are other people who are willing to throw even more money at you for this same silver”.

Anyway, good luck to you.

(name withheld)


Jason, I went to my favorite local coin shop on Tuesday at 2:00 pm.
He had no silver dimes, as somebody had bought all that he had. He
had some half dollars, but somebody had already paid for them. He had
maybe 50 silver eagles of different dates but was asking $15.00 each
when the spot price was about $12.77. He also had 3 one ounce bars
that looked like they had been through hell. There were a small
amount of silver quarters, maybe about 200. I bought a roll for
$90.00 and felt lucky. I asked the dealer what was going on, and he
responded that he thought the paper silver market was responsible for
the confusion. He said people have been buying silver like crazy ever
since last year. This shortage looks real to me.


CNI, where I usually buy my bullion has a hoard of silver eagles which they are offering at $3.36 over spot in lots of 500

I saw the inside of their silver vault 2 weeks ago when they had no 100 Oz. bars. they had what I would estimate by the size of the stack, about 200,000 Oz of rounds in boxes of 500. They also had about 30,000 Oz of coin bags, I believe all quarters. I know these as I own 20 of those boxes among my stock. At the time, they were offering generic rounds at $1.50 over spot. Two weeks ago, CNI would not commit to a date certain for delivery of 100 Oz bars.




Jason, I visited my local, coin shop at exactly 2pm Tues. Only one person was there dealing for a coin. I asked to purchase some 10oz bars and Jack informed me that he had no bullion at all. JHe offered me some junk dollars and said he had one box of Silver eagles. So, I asked for some, he said come back tomorrow, I have them at home. So, I asked Jack if he had heard of Jason Hommel, he stated that he had. Then I told him what you had predicted. He explained that he didn`t know when he would get more bars. Seems like you struck the nail on the head. Sincerely, Phil Spokane, WA


Hi Jason,

I wasn't able to make it to my local shop but I did call a friend of mine in Seattle and told him to go and try to buy some silver.

He called Northgate Rare Coins and Precious Metals who informed him that they had nil as far as inventories go.

He informed the gentleman that he wanted to buy about 500 ounces of silver in whatever form and he was told there would be a 4 week wait and would have to pay up front, $1.25 over spot.

He called one other shop that was also out. The shop owner said he just got in a shipment the other day of 500 oz's and within an hour a buyer came in and it was gone. He was willing to put an order in for another 500 oz's at .80 over spot for cash up front -- Guess he doesn't value the premium or the shortage.

Would you happen to know of any other folks in Toledo, OH that you are in contact with? I'd like to hear what their experiences have been like. You can forward my email to them if you wish.



Steve Pratt
Toledo, OH



Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Sam 6 Sep 2008 - 14:12

SUITE des témoignages

Hi Jason,
Tuesday at two I called my local coin shop, (just had knee replacement and couldn't drive), we are on a first name basis. I asked to buy 100 single ounce rounds and he chuckled and told me he had zero stock. He offered to buy any I would sell him at $2.00 over spot. I declined his offer. He told me he was even having a hard time getting his supplier to commit to availability for the near future even. He did not know when he would have stock. He said he had plenty of gold for sale. He also reads your emails as diligently as I do. I agree with your views 100% on the silver market, keep up the great work.
Mel W. Indiana/Michigan state line, coin shop in Roseland, IN by the University of Notre Dame


Nobody has any silver around my neck of the woods. Coin shops are only ordering rounds (blanks) Pay full price up front. They are selling a few eagles at 18$ a piece. I told them I had silver for sale at a minimum of 50$ an ounce, got a good laugh. After that questionable silver blank I bought, I don't plan to buy any more rounds. Only Eagles or 100 oz bars


My local "wholesaler" buys from local shops and walk ins.
I asked about silver eagles over the last few weeks.
The first time he had one tube at $385
The second time I got three at $342.
The third time he told me he was out.
He later said that he had had two monster boxes and sold one at $25.00 per ounce.
The buyer wanted the second one also but the dealer said that he was not going to part with
it even at that price.
(Editor's note: ebay.com, while expensive, is much cheaper.


Jason, Started reading your articles about a year ago...On july 31st 2008, i bought my first 100 silver maple 1 oz -- Every week in August i went to the kitco store in Montreal and bought 100 maples with no problem but on september 2nd, around 2 p.m. they told me on the 9th floor that they had no more silver to sell...Disapointed -- Cannot understand, if there is such a shortage, that the price of silver is not going higher -- Thanks for your incoming stock report -- Pierre from Québec, Canada



Hi Jason,
Went to the local coin shop on Tuesday and found myself looking into an empty (bullion) show case for the most part. There were some silver rounds but no 5, 10, or 100 oz bars. I cleaned 'em out of the rounds with about three hundred bucks.
No promises, I could order more if I were willing to wait 6-8 weeks for delivery which could not be guaranteed but would still be required to pay up front.
There were also some silver eagles, about two thousand $$$ worth,(the last ones in stock) and they were $25.00 each!
Richard in Montana

PS Jason I find it interesting that bullion has dropped to where it currently is but the silver with the government stamp (eagles) is selling for what spot price probably OUGHT to be. Is this a fair guess? What's up with that? Are things getting SO corrupt that honest (PHYSICAL) investors are being hoodwinked by the paper guys? What do you do? Is 'sit tight and be right' a good philosophy in this wildly confusing market? I guess I know how you feel but I notice that even you have sold some ozs recently --

Dear Jason, Thank you for all the important information you are putting out on your website. I'm a small investor and am purchasing 1 oz rounds. I went to a local coin shop/precious metals dealer again on Tuesday and had good results. No one was in the shop but the owner, an employee, and my wife and I. This shop has been there since the 70's so I assume they have a decent reputation. They recognized me from a purchase of 1 oz rounds about 3 weeks ago & I didn't even ring the buzzer as the door unlocked as soon as they saw us. No one else was in the shop at 2 p.m. I asked if they had anymore 1 oz rounds & he said they were sold out. I asked if he heard of you and he put out some false press on you saying you're the guy that uses the Bible to sell your metals. I said there was a shortage of gold & silver, especially silver and he said that was not true. He named a bank in the Northwest that I don't remembe r that had millions of oz for sale. He said the reputable coin dealers in California hate you for being a false propagandist. I knew he was misinformed. I saw a pile of large silver bullion coins laying on his desk & asked to see one. He told me they were a collectors item someone brought in & sold them to him. They were minted by Franklin mint and mostly depicted engravings of English & other European historical events & they were strikingly beautiful. I asked about the larger than usual size & he said that each coin was .999 pure silver and weighed exactly l.333 oz. What do you want for them I asked. He said spot price of $13.05 per oz and let me have them for $17.40 per coin and I bought all 45 coins for $783 for 60 oz. total. I was happy you had your readers do this on Tuesday. I would ask if you share this letter that you leave out the part about him not thinking a lot of you and what the purchase was as he reads your letters. Thanks again for wising us up on silver. My wife and I went to a McAlvaney seminar here in our city about 3 weeks ago. As you know, he's been in the metals business since 1972 & writes a monthly newsletter. He too says that the metals are about to shoot the moon & that for the next 2 years silver will out perform gold. You may call McAlvaney for his DVD seminar about 2 1/2 hrs. long God bless you and guide you in all that you do. Buddy Kae



I have visited my local silver shops here in Indianapolis and it is cost prohibitive to buy from them due to large spreads and having to pay sales tax in Indiana. I buy from Bullion Direct and have had great service from them. They are delayed but I still got 1400 eagles delivered in about 2.5 weeks... taking delivery today.

I am trying to use craigslist.com to sell my silver locally. There are no fees. I have used craigslist many times to sell all kinds of merchandise but I have had no action on a post I put on over 2 weeks ago. I don't think many people with silver use it to connect with buyers/sellers.

If you could put the word out about craigslist.com maybe it would be the freemarket we are all looking for. --Matt Bopp

No, there is not much silver for sale on craigslist. I have not sold any silver through them, only general items. BUT...I believe it would be a great forum because the whole idea is to bring buyers/sellers together (face to face) . I like this idea because it deletes the need for fraud protection. It's meant to be a localized market.

I prefer this greatly over ebay because there are no fees for using craigslist and I know I am going to meet with a live person for delivery and payment of whatever a selling. In the case of silver I would probably meet in a public place (not my house). Also, this keeps all transactions "off the radar" and most people pay cash for items that are $500 or less.

I hope you also see the stregnths of this format and promote the idea. OR, I would love to collaborate on creating an online forum to address the needs of the silver community.

Matt Bopp


I went to a shop in Cedar Rapids that I'd never been to. Pick up a half a dozen Silver Eagle tubes and a few Silver Eagles. They had a small supply of Silver Eagles and rounds and bags of circulated/worn Morgan Dollars. I'm going back tomorrow to check out the Morgans. I was the only one in the shop at the time and I've no idea what his volumn is business wise. The owner is a locale Numismatist with the locale coin club. He did mention that Silver Eagles we're becoming hard for him to get.





Didn't make it yesterday, but went to my local coin shop in Corvallis, Oregon today. I bought 3 100 oz bars (2 JM's and 1 Englehard) and that cleaned them out. They held them for me for 4 hours after a phone conversation(I have previously purchased from the same store and they remember me), they had 6 calls wanting to purchase the same bars by the time I picked them up. I paid $2.30 over spot. Store said that supply is difficult and that they sell out routinely. They also said I got lucky with my purchase today.

Best Regards,



I visited a local coin dealer yesterday... Coin Mint White Plains NY 914) 428-6682

He says business has been brisk both buying and selling.

he said it was hard finding silver... yet I realize now there seemed to be a lot of silver products in his display case - one oz Silver bars, nice one oz silver rounds, lots of Morgan dollars and various other silver coins.

I had no intention of buys that day so I forgot ask price..


Maybe it's because I'm a small buyer. A very small buyer. I only buy like a few hundred dollars worth of silver at a time but I've called about 10 places in my area. Out of the 10 about 6 or 7 has silver in some form. A couple of the places say they have hundreds of silver eagles. The others say they have only 1 to 2 rolls and the other only has 9.6 oz bars. Now at first i started getting shocked that these places were saying that they had silver. Not realizing the small amount i was looking for or that they were telling me they had, excluding the 2 places that told me they had hundreds of silver eagles. One of them got smart when I asked how many silver eagles he had in stock and said in a smug manner "more than you can afford." without even knowing how much i was looking to buy. Anyway, maybe I'm just a small buyer because at first i started to question if there was a shortage just by the fact that so many of the places were saying they had
silver. I was expecting to hear that there was no silver in any form available in all the stores. I'm a small buyer. One of the places has 20 silver eagles for $16.50/oz. I plan to head over there right now and buy them but the news of not hearing all the places saying they were void of silver of any kind shocked me and had me pause to ask about the shortage. But maybe it's because I'm a small buyer only expecting to by a few hundred dollars worth of silver at a time, that i did not notice the shortage.


Dear Jason,

Following your suggestion to visit local coin shops on the 2nd of this month, I thought you might like to hear about my own experience.

I live in one of the larger cities in the U.K. I decided to source my local coin shops and find out what they had in stock. Normally I would go straight to an internet source for coins (in fact, London is the only real option for any quantity) but it seemed only fair to check out the local places and pay them a visit.

I was surprised to find that my city supported only 2 coin shops with any hope of holding bullion in stock. The rest were basically jewellers or pawnbrokers/valuables-for-cash exchanges which were not worth the time.

The first shop was really tiny. Enough room to swing a cat - a very small one. Most of the stock was curiosity pieces in velvety boxes. I found a small section dedicated to familiar gold and silver coins. I got the idea very quickly. The complete 'bullion' inventory consisted of:

- 1x 1oz gold Britannia @ £500 GBP (10% premium)
- 1x 1oz gold Maple @ £550 GBP (22% premium)
- 1x 1oz silver Eagle @ £22 GBP (!!!)
- a 3-coin set of Royal Mint proof pound coins, at some silly price
- a few 1/4oz gold sovereigns, most of them of numismatic value
- a large silver Crown which was again a numismatic coin
- a few miscellaneous small gold coins such as Francs, Roubles, etc.

I asked if they stocked (or sourced) bullion coins which were not on display. I was told 'oh no, we are too small for that'. I commented that there appear to be no other retail sources of bullion coins in the city, perhaps even a lot farther. I suggested that given the recent bullmarket in precious metals and gold/silver coins, that he may have be missing out on an opportunity. But his interest seemed to be firmly in rare coins, and not shifting gold or silver - which I suppose is fair enough for an enthusiast with a shop. But its quite alarming to think that one customer could empty this shop in 5 minutes, and that would be pretty much it concerning 'real shops' with gold coins.

Oh, and I was the only customer, possibly even that day.

There is a second shop in the city, which is not a coin shop at all, but they do list a few bullion coins on their website in very small quantities. I think they would be cleaned out 5 minutes later.

When I got home I made a call to a coin 'dealer' in the city which operates without a shop and I found via google. I asked about bullion coins and was quickly referred to their HQ in London, so I said thanks an goodbye.

It seems this country has completely dropped the ball in terms of gold & silver?? I didn't realise it was this bad.


Doug Little


Appreciate your knowledge and wisdom that you share with us. Just wanted you to know that I did contact my local coin shop on Tuesday, and they didn't have any silver rounds (what I usually buy), and of course wanted me to place an order to be recieved later.

Just eight months or so ago they always had some rounds on hand.

John in Portland



I also went to a coin shop at 2 on Tuesday in central New Jersey. I was only customer. Lots of demand for gold, less for silver. Little of each to sell without significant premiums. I also called 2 local wholesalers. They confirmed silver bars in 10 to 100 oz weights are hard to find and they have dealer waiting lists. Dealers are not selling at low prices. One dealer who is buying but not selling told me, "the world is too messed up for silver to stay cheap for long". It really does appear that paper silver price is low; silver bar prices are higher if you can find sellers. It seems to me that dealers can only hold back for a limited time as they need cash flow to pay rent and taxes, etc.

Also, I think alternative energy development (wind, solar, battery, etc will be silver-requiring) as silver is such a great electrical conductor. I was unable to find out how much silver goes into a new Bosch calcium-silver alloy car battery.

Do you think silver industrial users want investors competing with them? I don't think so and the silver investors are being cut off from supply from major fabricators, refiners, and industrial operations. The market will adjust and Ebay will reflect the free market.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Sam 6 Sep 2008 - 19:40

Au coeur de la tourmente, des opportunités incroyables se font jour

J'attire votre attention sur le post de Marie , un peu plus haut, dans cette file:


C'est en effet très important: Caballas est en train de se tirer une balle (une rafale) dans le pied..., les industriels confrontés à la pénurie de Physical ce n'est pas de la Science-Fiction; Caballas peut ravager le "prix officiel" du Silver+Gold via le comex et les futures tant qu'il veut (du reste il ne s'en prive pas) n'empêche, Du Silver, on n'en trouve plus...enfin, du vrai, du lourd et brillant...!!!non !

Je profite de la tourmente à l'oeuvre sur le secteur (et sur les autres) pour rédiger ce billet d'humeur en forme de synthèse des éléments qu' il est, selon nous, devenu indispensable de connaitre pour tenter de piger en quoi nous vivons un moment littéralement historique.

Les investisseurs (qui sont de plus en plus nombreux à venir lire Hardin, comme en témoignent nos statistiques phénoménales de fréquentation)] et qui ne peuvent pas acheter de Silver, parce qu'ils n'en trouvent plus, ne sont pas assez (plus assez) mal informés pour se consoler avec les contrats et autres certificats bidons prétendument indexés sur le métal, ils comprennent chaque jour plus nombreux que c'est de la baise.

Ils n'ont pas de réelle faculté de choper du véritable Silver, si ce n'est en se rabattant sur les mines unhedged à grosses réserves en terre.

J' insiste, si les petits et moyens investisseurs ne peuvent plus s'approvisionner qu'au prix d'acrobaties, pour les gros, ce n'est même pas envisageable ! ( ce marché est très étroit, j'y reviendrai plus bas car c'est essentiel à la démonstration que sous-tend ma thèse).

Attention, je ne suis pas en train de dire que le graph des mines est actuellement repassé Bull, (ce serait vous mentir), ce que je dis en revanche, c'est que la capitalisation des mines est souvent devenue dérisoire, bien inférieure en tout cas, à celle que justifierait le niveau (même outrageusement manipulé à la baisse) des métaux...

Cette baisse, artificielle et illégalement orchestrée, est d'ores et déjà largement excessive; aussi, à ce stade, toute poursuite de la dégradation ne peut s'analyser que comme une incroyable, une invraisemblable opportunité de MT/LT.

Le Silver est un marché étroit, terriblement étroit, on le sait; mais celui des mines de Silver est minuscule lui aussi...

Or, dans un contexte de Krach mondial, les capitaux en quête de "value" sont considérables, on assiste à la 11e faillite bancaire US, celles des gigantesques Freddy mac et Fanny mae non comprises, la confiance est partie, elle l'est durablement.

Avec la baisse incroyable des mines, ce marché qui a toujours été très étroit, s'est encore nettement contracté, il est devenu caricaturalement dérisoire, si bien qu'on on peut acquérir des quantités impressionnantes de titres avec peu de (fausse) monnaie biodégradable...

Les (énormes) capitaux en quête de refuge hésitent encore à s'investir en mines, puisque loin de jouer leur rôle de bouée, elles ont accompagné la baisse, quand elles ne l'ont pas carrément amplifiée.

Mais privés de la faculté de choper du physique, prenant enfin (tardivement) conscience du piège que constituent les ETF, dégoutés par le spectacle de l'attaque illicite orchestrée début Aout sur les futurs des métaux précieux, ils vont, au moindre signal, s'engouffrer sur les mines bradées, la capitalisation des compagnies (exploratrices, patrimoniales ou productrices confondues) est devenue si minuscule que, justement, le moindre afflux d'achats ne peut que provoquer une envolée épique.

Ajoutons, pour la bonne bouche, que le phénomène (décrié ici) consistant, de la part des banques et courtiers, à prêter VOS/NOS mines à des spéculateurs naked shorts contre un plat de lentilles, (trahissant ainsi leurs clients que vous êtes et que nous sommes), facilite grandement la prise de ces positions vendeuses....positions que ces intrépides suivistes des Gros manipulateurs, se croyant malins et appliquant à la lettres l'adage 'trend is my friend" (même quand le trend a été manipulé grossièrement) chercheront à racheter en catastrophe au moindre rebond technique...

Les diaboliques initiateurs, à leur tour, seront squeezés par cette lame de fond...Gap UP...!!!

Alors, certes, Le timing est délicat (il l'est toujours) et pour l'heure, personne n'ose attraper "the falling knife" le couteau qui tombe, de peur de se couper les doigts...mais quand le prix est à ce point décalé de la valeur, ça s'appelle "une affaire en OR"...ce qui ne signifie pas pour autant que la baisse soit terminée, puisque cette circonspection la pérennise....Bref, ce n'est pas parce que c'est très et même trop bon marché que ça ne peut pas être encore plus bradé ...oui...mais la gourmandise est un vilain défaut.

Il y a donc lieu de songer à constituer des lignes sur les plus beaux fleurons, histoire d'être près...

selon le tempérament de chacun, et son goût pour le fonda ou l'ATn on attendra prudemment le signal technique au risque de rater le train (l'avion), ou au contraire, on pourra entrer maintenant, pour une petite partie 20 à 25% de la somme dédiée et augmenter l'exposition à mesure que la baisse se poursuivrait.

La poudre sèche (le cash) devient terriblement précieuse en ce sens qu'elle permet d'accumuler peinard des réserves (certes encore en terre) très largement sous le cours (pourtant massacré) du spot.

Mon petit doigt me dit que des compagnies comme SSRI, ECU, et dans une à peine moindre mesure, SLW, ont un tel potentiel fondamental que leur niveau est complètement irrationnel et donc hyper-attractif.

Plus généralement, le massacre de mines comme CDE (en sénior productrice) et MGN ou FAN (en junior spéc à réserves polymétalliques élevées) représente également une opportunité qui sera d'autant plus phénoménale que la baisse (qu'indiquent encore, au moins à court terme, nos signaux techniques calamiteux) se poursuivrait...

Il est plus que vraisemblable que des opérateurs généralistes jouant en levier aient été appelés en couverture sur leur portif général en raison de la baisse subie depuis mi mai 2008 par les indices classiques et se soient donc vus contraints de liquider leurs positions gagnantes (leurs mines)...et ce à un moment fort peu opportun...

Celà n'a pu qu'alimenter la spirale baissière déclenchée de longue date (on a vu comment) par Caballas, mais en particulier au moment où les marchés étaient désertés (début Aout).

Enfin, et les chartistes n'y seront pas insensibles, en majorité, les mines présentent de spectaculaires "gap downs" qui finiront bien par se combler...ils sont plusieurs dizaines de % au dessus...

En plus, tous les "gaps up" anciens ont été comblés (même CDE va combler le sien, qui est très vieux, sous 1.60... elle est à 1.62) ça au moins, c'est sain, à toute chose malheur est bon...

WD. Gann disait: "le risque augmente avec la hausse et diminue avec la baisse...!"

Le paradoxe (c'est un doux euphémisme) de la dichotomie actuelle nous prend à contre pied, c'est désagréable...mais on sait pourquoi on est là... et pas ailleurs...

Le fondamental des métaux est sain, il n'a même jamais été plus sain depuis le début de ce Bull.

Celui du Silver est, comme on le dit ici sans relâche, encore bien plus impressionnant que celui, pourtant remarquable, du Gold; la part "investissement" de la demande est bien moindre que celle dévolue au Gold; pour l'essentiel cette demande est industrielle, vous noterez du reste que cette part ne se dément pas, et ce, malgré l'importance prise par la photo numérique au détriment de l'argentique, le recyclage et la refonte sont très faibles, Ca, c'est le 2è effet Kiss Cool, nous l'avions anticipé: les effets du numérique commencent à peser puisque 73% du Silver utilisé en photographie était recyclé....r.ire

la filière scrap est en hypoglycémie...En effet, qui est assez con pour se débarrasser de ses Hercules, écus et autres semeuses, quand on sait qu'il est devenu presque impossible d'en trouver?

La production minière de Silver baisse, le recyclage est plus que faiblard, la demande industrielle ne se dément pas et les investisseurs continuent à assiéger les bureaux de change, les bijoutiers, les numismates pour se procurer des pièces, acceptant souvent de payer un prémium, c'est un signe fort que la prise de conscience s'opère.

Bref, une pénurie avec des prix en forte baisse, on the long run, c'est impossible, intenable...

Alors de 2 choses l'une, soit on a tout faux (vos caddys ne sont pas de plus en plus chers à contenu égal) soit ce genre d'anomalie est très rare, il est appelé à n'être que très temporaire...et... très lucratif...!!!

helllo aaarf

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Message100 t Silver were imported in August that is a mere 1200% INCREASE!!
par g.sandro Mar 9 Sep 2008 - 20:23

There are some interesting snippets about silver demand in this

Note that in the first 7 months of 2008 India imported just 54 t of silver (7.7 t/month).

The Bombay Bullion Association President estimates 100 t were imported in August that is a mere 1200% INCREASE!!

He says "the demand has started picking up". What is clear though is the Indian silver trade has been
running down its inventories and are now running on vapors and are having to air
freight silver supplies ….


"As the price has been volatile, banks are preferring air shipments to sea shipments as it is much faster’


Even though the air shipment may be faster they will no doubt run into the problem of actually locating something to ship! But not to worry JPM can probably sell them some silver derivative contracts instead!

MUMBAI: Amid volatile prices and slow demand, banks have reduced their silver imports.

The metal is currently being imported purely on the basis of need as
high costs make it logistically unviable to store. Festival demand is just picking up and depending on the urgency banks are charging customers a premium of anywhere between 20-25 cents an ounce for silver.

ScotiaMocatta India managing director (bullion) Rajan Venkatesh said that demand for silver has been extremely dull over the last one year and has only started picking up in the last few weeks. "A major deterrent has been the prices, which hit the psychological mark of Rs 25,000 per kg levels (in May 2008)," he said.

However, with prices falling over the last few weeks, he indicated that there has been an upswing in demand and enquiries have been coming in.

As the price has been volatile, banks are preferring air shipments to sea shipments as it is much faster….



Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par marie Ven 12 Sep 2008 - 14:14

les BC et le cartel sont en train de détruire un de leurs outils , le marché des futures
j'avais déja évoqué ce point dans la file, avec les dégats collatéraux sur les filiéres ( production, approvisionnement etc .. )

le raid violent et totalementdéconnecté des fondamentaux a éjecté nombres d'intervenants ... qui ont perdu toute confiance en ce marché de papier ..
par exemple les revendeurs qui couvraient leurs ventes en se portant long sur le comex .. ont été balayés ..

l'article suivant reprend tb ces points, et remet les choses en place en ce qui concerne la soit disant déflation qu'on nous sert, pour justifier l'ampleur de ce qui n'est qu'un raid orchestré par la fed et consorts ..


©️ Marie
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Dernière édition par marie le Mar 16 Sep 2008 - 2:40, édité 2 fois




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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Sam 13 Sep 2008 - 22:23

Excellent en effet cet article que je n'avais pas pris le temps de le lire

Merci marie... je plane pour toi bisou queen soleil

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Mer 17 Sep 2008 - 0:36

Encore des témoignages et pas que des US (inde, canada aussi)
Perso, je suis passé il y a 4 jrs Rue Vivienne pour sonder mes contacts... nada... que tchie...Dalleke...wallou Silver...

Bottom line: I don't want futures. I want silver! And the two are not the same thing. Never were. Never will be!


So, what's next?

The shortages will lead to higher prices. Probably shockingly higher prices! The shortages will cause others to buy silver from the paper market to sell at big profits to the real market. People are considering opening up new mints to meet market demand. The market will break the back of the manipulations. The low price is temporary, and it is ending through higher prices for real silver. Eagles are selling for $4.00 to $4.50 over spot at the major wholesalers now, and up to $20-24/oz. at ebay for tubes and individual Silver Eagles!

Shockingly, some people still deny that there is a shortage. They don't see the evidence because they have not seen it on their news, because they have not been to their coin dealer, because they don't know the statistics of the silver market, and because they don't understand the economic implications.

Here, then, are reports of the worldwide shortage of silver that is here now, worse than ever.


Before I list them, there was one report in particular that I was looking for, and I apologize that I cannot share it with you now. It talked of a coin show of 65 dealers. Before the show, they were all trying to buy silver from each other, but nobody had any. The man who attended the show left without any silver. 65 dealers! All sold out of silver!


9/15/2008 2:31 AM

Hello Jason

Over the past few weeks I have been reading your articles on the shortage of silver. I really did not expect a shortage to show up in India - but was in for a surprise over the weekend.
In the past I have purchased silver bullion from a well-reputed jeweller in my city - PNG. Never faced any problems earlier. When I visited them on 13-Sep - I was told that there was a shortage and I would have to place an order. I was asked to pay in full upfront and order would be fulfilled in 8-10 days. I asked them why there was a shortage. They said that lot of the silver they sell is recycled scrap. And for some reason the refiner (based in Bombay) was not able to ensure supply to meet demand. I couldnt probe deeper as the shop was packed with customers - all of them buying silver items given the low price and the fact that we are in a period of some auspicious Hindu festivals. The rate quoted for silver was Rs 19,400 per Kg.

Jason notes: 46.5750 Rs per $1. 19400 / 46.57 = $416.53/kilo. 1 kilogram = 32.1507466 troy ounce. $416.53/. = $12.96/oz. On 9/15/2008 2:31 AM


Dear Jason,

I started buying silver bullion and coins about three years ago (when, ironically, it was also in the $10.00 range), and today experienced for the first time since then what so many of your other subscribers have recently reported. I went to a coins and collectibles dealer in my area for my weekly silver buy, and was promptly informed that they were completely out of .999 bars and rounds. They did have plenty of 2008 Silver Eagles--not surprising, since they're asking $20.00 each for them, nearly double the current spot price. Only one other customer came in while I was there and (like me) bought some 90% coins instead, their prices for which were about the same as another local competitor of theirs where I normally buy, and who, on my last visit also seemed to not have the usual large selection of pure silver bullion products (and that was BEFORE the recent correction).

So it would indeed appear that at the moment retailers aren't selling to us because private holders aren't selling to them, and probably won't be, especially while the price is on the floor. Presumably this won't change until the oft-predicted Next Big Leg Up in the silver price begins in earnest, and, with the numerous small bank failures (nearly a dozen this year so far) and bailouts/buyouts of other big lenders and securities houses, plus the worsening economic collateral damage from the housing market bubble burst (inflation, unemployment, stagnant consumer spending, super-tight credit, etc.), the hysterical flight of the debt-ridden masses back to Real Money may happen sooner than we fortunate (literally) Silver Bulls expected.

My compliments to you on your insightful, well-researched, faith-based guidance.

L. Clements



Just thought I'd fill you in on the shortages in my area. I live in Northern San Diego County.

I couldn't make it to the local coin shop on TWOs-Day, so I ended up going on Wed. They were out of generic silver bullion. One of the employees said they hadn't been able to get any silver from their "wholesaler," which I imagine meant the general public is not selling, as most of their generic bullion has looked like it's had a rough life.

One man came in and had apparently called ahead and had some silver eagles reserved for him. He bought 25 of them for $400. That equals $16/Eagle. Silver was right around $14/ounce. So on 9/3 the premium on eagles at this coin shop was $2 over spot.

Today, 9/13, I stoped back in to see if they had gotten any more silver bullion in. I was told "no, things are really tight now. But, I do have some Silver Eagles for $18 each." The employee then commented something to the effect that they are "at a premium, but that's how it is now." Today, silver is under $11/ounce. The premium is now over $7 over spot.

Just thought you might be interested,


Went Hunting for Silver at my Local Coin shop. ."Accent On Coins", in So Everett, Wa.. they had ZERO Silver.. The store owner said the only silver he is seeing is silver someone is brings in to sell, and that lasts for 2 minutes as the next person to enter the store buys it..
The Owner said he is Trying to Buy Silver and is in contact with ALL of his "Suppliers"
He Wnt On To Say "No One Has Any Silver To Sell"..........
Mean While Silver Sits At 10.84$.. Something Is Going On.. You Know It - We All Know It...
Keep Writing your Reports They are the only light out there among the darkness..


Refiner out of $1000 oz bars begging for bars to keep doors opened.


no silver to be found in any coin shop in sioux city ia. jim peck



You're absolutely right about the silver shortage. My 2 local coin shops I normally buy from are on empty, and see no prospect of getting some anytime soon. They haven't put in any orders for at least 2 weeks. One said that she stopped putting in orders because all her suppliers can't say when they'd be able to deliver. So she hasn't put in any more orders for weeks. The other one said that he hasn't been able to get any for 2 weeks. It appears that Ted Butler's predictions are finally coming true. This is the final phase--the physical shortage which will lead to the short squeeze in the paper markets.




Dear Jason,
I just confirmed from my local dealer (LaGrande Gold and Silver) that he is out of silver and is frantically trying to find some.
I'm always pleased to read your reports for their content, but also because you are still around to make them. It takes faith to oppose the powers that can bring down international prices. What might they do to any individual who is exposing them with God's truth?

I don't want to support the fraud by selling my silver into the current fraudulent market. Is there a place to sell that would capture at least some of the true value of the commodity? I would appreciate your reflection on this dilemma as I suspect would many small-scale silver investors facing real financial obligations.

Yours in Christ,
Bob P.

Jason answers: ebay is the best for now. they take up to 15%, depending on order size. Or others say as little as 5% for 1000 oz. bars. (I don't use ebay, I'm just reporting.)


Hi Jason... hope your having a great day today!! Bad)

Just wanted you to know I( went to my local coin dealer to see if he got any junk silver coins in...
& to ask him what silver he did have. Since I buy alot of coins from him over the years... he did sell
me $125.00 face... I ask him what he had left & he said NOT much as he sold it to his resource
(smelters)... He told me he has not sold any silver at all for the last month... he says he has about
another $200 face but paid much more then what he could sell it for so he is going to hold on to it
till silver rises. (I hear the same thing from others) BUT they all say they DO NOT have alot available.

I like coins as it give a good hedge... if silver rises... I got the silver value... after it rises & falls back
I have the coin value... as so much 90% silver is being melted once silver goes way up, then even the
common coins will become more scarce... I also buy silver eagles when I can....

Many are looking for silver to buy but they (the dealers) can't find any & customers are not bringing in any
silver to sell... so everything you been saying is TRUE... here again this proves there is shortages... I tried to
get more silver from a few other of local dealers I know but again they don't have any or are sitting on it till
silver prices go up past what they had to pay for it earlier...

Just thought I'd let you know...


Hey Jason, Im a subscriber to your newsletter and always enjoy reading what you have to say. I just got my dad to start reading you too and he loves it. I live in the Salt Lake valley and thought I'd share whats happening in the local silver market with you. I just called the two coin shops that I regularly buy silver from. The first one is located in downtown Salt Lake City and they are completely out of silver. No 40% or 90% bags, no rounds, no 10 oz. or 100 oz. bars....nothing. The other one is located in Ogden which is about 40 minutes north of Salt Lake. They just got a shipment in today of 300 rounds and already sold 50 of them. They are selling them at 15.50 an oz. which is about 5 dollars over the current spot price of 10.65. The highest premium I ever paid them in the past was 1.50 over spot. Neither shop has ever had any shortages. Amazing. I believe you are 100% correct that prices are artificially low, perhaps being kept there by big players in the financial and government sectors in order to prop up the dollar and prevent the paper silver market from huge defaults. In any event its quite interesting to watch it. Keep up the good work and God bless you.

Nate C


I was actually shocked today for the first time. I have been buying silver from a coin shop in Lakeland Florida for the past year and a half. You could get basically anything a small timer could want. You could buy monster boxes of silver eageles and a sale of 100 gold eagles was not unusual for 25 to 35 over spot The man has two shops, one in Lakeland and one in Clearwater and has been in business for 40 years. He has no silver other than nusimatic coins. None. He wants 100 dollars over spot for gold eagles which he has plenty meaning several hundred. The other coin shop in Lakeland that I frequent usualy has some art bars and a few bags. They mostly make their money on diamonds. He had 200 silver eagles and wanted 3 dollars over spot. There is now a shortage in Lakeland!



Just let you know that Canadian Scotia bank is no longer accepting order for 100 oz silver bars. You can order 1000 oz or coins only now. RBC is still selling 100 oz but waiting time will be 4 to 6 weeks. They said the siver bar is sold out in several cities and they have to get from Bank of Canada. It seems very tight. However, I did not notice there is long lines though. Strange, did someone withdraw the available silver before engineered this sell off? Is this lawful?

What will happen if cartels make the silver not available to public. They can claim the price to be whatever it is if people can not buy. It is bad fro investors and manuafacturers too.

Jason Notes: Others have reported that Scotia Mocatta is completely out earlier today, and others said they just got some silver in today.


NO SILVER IN CANADA: In Toronto for example at Scotia Bank you can,t buy any silver for few months now.Two months ago i bought 400 ounce because that silver was kept for another person and he did not came to take the silver.I guess i was lucky,because the price is so low now my wife is angry with me,she think that we lost the money and the price will go much lower.I know that the z-----t criminals manipulate the market.I have no fear about the price going up soon.I invested about 80000$ in silver.For few weeks i call the Scotia Bank every day to check for silver,i want to buy some more,but there is no silver and i have a very god friend that work at the precious metals department.He told me the same thing,there is no silver for so long and the price still went down.People are going crazy,they want to buy,but there is not even 1000 ounce bars.Today i call the bank again,i call them almost every day and told me that they don,t have any kind of silver,nothing,zero,everything is empty.They told me that they have gold but not silver,i ask,when do you expect any silver?The lady told me that this month i cant buy any,maybe in october if an investor is low on cash and needs money.Here is the address and the the phone number if you dont believe me.Foreign Exchange&Precious Metals Scotia Plaza 44 King Street West,Toronto,Ontario M5H 1H1 TEL (416)866-4900 If you dont believe me call them and see that is true.God bless you.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Mer 17 Sep 2008 - 0:36

Suite de la suite des témoignages:

Jason, I went to Greenville's only silver coin store in town. They are out of all pre 2008 silver eagles, but have a small supply of 2008 silver eagles. I bought a few rolls at $16/oz, which is about $5.00 over spot. He had 1 100 oz bar offered at 4.75 over. 2008 coins are allocated and he is waiting for more. He doesnt expect any older eagles until paper spot gets back to 17-20 range. He said it is very hard to find silver to buy now. Everyone is buying silver and no one is selling except at very high markups.



I enjoyed your article this morning. I called Apmex to buy some silver this afternoon. They are out of 90%, rounds, and all bars. They are going to call me when they get some in. Tulving has only 1000 oz bars. I also called CNI and they also had 1000 oz bars.

When CNI gave me their spead on 1000 oz bars, I told them that they were $0.25 higher than Tulving. (content deleted)

I also called 5 coin shops in Madison, WI today. All are out. All wanted to sell me some even though they didn't have any. I told them to call me when they got any in stock - we'll see.

Keep up the great work!


I enjoy you emails on the silver. I tried to go to my coin shop (Lakewood Coins) in Lakewwod, Colorado today. The were 3 other people waiting for the store to open when I got there. The first Customer in wanted to buy silver and was told they had no bars of any weight, no rounds, no maple leafs, no silver eagles. It would be 4 to 6 weeks before they would have any. The only thing they had was 1 Bag of silver for $11,000.00 and other odd silver coins. I was really shocked even though I read your emails. I bought a 1/10th oz. gold eagle for $100.00. Just though I would let you know how things are in Denver.




I just wanted you to know that I went to the bank today at 3:30PM after seeing the price of silver drop to $10.75, after debating if I should wait for further price drops, I am glad I did. When I went into the bank to place an order for any kind of silver remaining, Nickolas the bank teller made a phone call to order my silver. The person on the other end of the phone line said they only had 300 Canadian maple leaf coins at $15 even! They had no 1000 ounce bars, no 100 ounce bars, no bars what so ever!! I told Nickolas that there is a world wide shortage of silver and he said "Maybe I should buy some?". I joked "Sorry I just purchased the last few ounces."

The economic con game of paper currency created out of nothing and paper promises of silver, gold, stocks and bonds is coming to an end and as a newly awakened individual since February I am glad I purchased on the way down and did not wait for the contraction before the explosion. Why? Because silver and gold is money and I got it at a discount when there were some supply left.




Have been following your emails here in UK - and buying silver as and when it is available in my local coin shop.

Before the silver price dropped, I was paying £10 - £11 for 1oz Britannias.

Yesterday I was quoted £14 for older coins and £18 for new 2008 Britannias - equivalent to nearly $32 !!!

That's what you call a hefty premium! - and people are buying.

Keep up the good work,


HELLO AGAIN JASON I went to our local coin shop yesterday and was able to buy 2 Swiss 1 oz. gold bars for $840 each and a bag of $100 face value old coins for $960. He had no silver eagles, maples or any rounds or any other gold in stock. During our chat he mentioned his great concern at being unable to buy any 2008 silver eagles for his long time Christmas customers, and that very few people are bringing coins into sell.
The availablity picture for gold and silver is indeed very bleak. Again I thank you for giving us a heads up on this story over the last 18 months.


“Just have a comment on the state of the silver market, at least in my local market,Victoria, British Columbia,” writes a reader. “I went to cash in on the recent increase of the gold/silver ratio -- to trade my gold for silver and then reverse the trade when the ratio (hopefully) drops -- at the largest coin dealer in the area. To my surprise, they were sold out of silver -- SOLD OUT!

“The dealer said the recent drop in silver had people lining up out the door to buy silver. They said in 30 years of business, they have never sold out of stock. Just from a purely social commentary, I would say the ‘gold rush’ is far from over.

“Alas, I went home still holding my gold -- not altogether a bad thing in today's market conditions.”

Ed z



The NW Mint in Auburn, WA, told me today that it is a 4-6 MONTH wait for silver now. Another coin shop in Victoria also confirmed they are out and have "no idea" when they will get any. The last batch went it one day. He said, "I've been doing this for 30 years and have never seen anything like it". He sounded very frustrated to me. He does have some gold, which sounded more encouraging.

Who would have believed spot silver at 11-12 bucks when you can't find any? It is tragic yet somehow comical. Absurdity reigns!

Ted Butler and you guys are 100% correct. The proof is right in front of us
now. Rather obvious, wouldn't you say?



Hello Jason,

Love reading your articles, great work!

Just wanted to let you know that I called Nortwest Territorial Mint today to order some silver; which they promise to deliver withing 10 weeks, but they would not take my order. They said they are too busy and the only thing they could do is take my number and call me back. Yeah. So, I gave them my number but it's one of those "don't call us, we'll call you" type of situations.

I was able to order some silver (Pan Am) from them before. Not today.

In any case, what in the world is happening to the spot price of silver???

Look forward to your articles.

God bless,




In Belgium we don't know something like coin shops, after a long surch ,
I found a dealer in Ostend who's advertising on the internet and
he is asking 20 euro for one ounce silver Eagle excl. taxes VAT 6 percent. 1 Euro is 1.4160 dollar.
so one eagle cost you 30 dollar. delivery time 2 weeks , 210 in stock

that's 18.5 dollar over spot 6 percent VAT Included

I don't think he's sold a lot.

Dirk B.
Jason Notes: Thank God we don't have it as bad as those in Europe.


Hi Jason,

Just to let you know that the shortage of retail silver has now arrived over this side of the Pond--
just checked availability with one of our main bullion dealers/fabricators Baird & Co (see www.goldline.co.uk)--
even at the prices they charge (UK £176 for a 500g bar !!!!) they are now sold out and offering 3 week lead times--
and these guys make their own bars !

As an aside, I have a fairly hefty investment in the ETF securities physical ETF--
given the difficulty (and crazy prices including VAT tax here in the UK) of owning physical metal oneself, would you recommend James Turks goldmoney.com physical storage programme as a safe alternative?

Many thanks

Martyn S


Those are some of the silver shortage reports from September 9th to the 15th.

I have about another 40 emails that I saved that report silver shortages from September 3rd to the 9th, but that's all for now.

Oh, here's one.

My webmaster, Greg Kyle, who writes an excellent FAQ on silver at www.silveriswealth.com who handles my billing for the website, has been trying to convince a friend of ours from our college days to buy silver. Our friend always buys at the top. Finally, he's now saying he might buy some now. But he says, "I'll wait for it to go up a bit, and then I'll buy only 100 oz. bars!"

The guy is so willfully clueless, it's just amazing. There are no 100 oz. bars for sale in this market; all the wholesalers of the bars are sold out! Boy is he in for a shock! He acts as if his paper money is worth something, like the "customer is king" or some such nonsense, as if his paper money can instantly conjure up what he desires, whenever he desires it. Fat chance.

More likely, he'll find one of the online stores offering bars, place an order, wait 5 months, and maybe get nothing at all as the companies go bankrupt as the price heads back up.

Food for thought: If silver was abundant, and if all the refineries took orders at $15-$20/oz. for silver several months ago, then why can't they all buy silver now at $10, and instantly catch up on all orders? Oh, I suppose you know the reason for that. I'm sure you've heard about the shortage of silver by now?


Jason Hommel

My offer:
For the price of just a few ounces of silver per month, you can look at my silver stock portfolio. Once a month, at the end/beginning of the month, around the 31st or 1st, for paying subscribers, I update the stocks I own and the percent of each stock or position in my portfolio. It's very simple. Very revealing. Very useful. It's not trading advice. It's not a model portfolio. It's my portfolio. Sign up here:
Paying subscribers also get access to the member's forum where some very, very smart people discuss silver, stocks, economic issues, growth rates, why peak oil & global warming are frauds, and many other things.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par GdB Mer 17 Sep 2008 - 15:15

Je rajoute cet article sur le site Implodometer qui reprend certains points déjà abordés ici, mais qui est intéressant cependant;


Je sors cet extrait car il me semble être très fondé. La question étant combien de temps cette déconnexion peut-elle être maintenue????

Citation :
it is now almost impossible to get silver and gold at anywhere near the prices given by the paper market, in order to protect onesself from the turmoil in the paper markets. I can't think of a circumstance more desireable for a tyrannical government to achieve, in pulling out all the stops to protect a fiat currency regime. It is better than outlawing ownership of precious metals, because such a move is very visible and basically broadcasts the failure of the government's financial managers.


et aussi mon autre site



  Piano bar
 Piano bar


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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Lun 29 Sep 2008 - 1:50

Mints, refiners cut off gold, silver supplies, Irish dealer says

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Submitted by
cpowell on 04:33PM ET Sunday, September 28, 2008. Section: Daily

Gold and Silver Dealer Reports 'Unprecedented' Shortage of Metals
By David Clerkin
The Sunday Business Post, Dublin, Ireland
September 28, 2008
A surge for demand in gold and silver has resulted in an unprecedented
shortage of the metals for retail investors in recent days,
according to Gold
and Silver Investments, a Dublin-based firm that allows retail investors to
speculate on movements in the value of precious metals.
Gold and Silver Investments director Mark O'Byrne said the supply of gold and
silver available for small retail investors suffered a dramatic deterioration
within hours on Friday, as wholesalers reported that government mints and
refiners, the primary suppliers of the metals, had stopped offering new
"It's absolutely unprecedented," said O'Byrne, who said the shortages were
likely to drive up the costs of gold and silver in the secondary market.
"This did not happen even in the 1930s and the 1970s, and will result in
markedly higher prices in the coming months."

According to O'Byrne, gold and silver were now easily accessible only in the
primary market, which consisted of central banks and other major traders of the
precious metals.
However, he said that minimum transaction sizes in this market were out of
reach for most retail investors -- at approximately $350,000 for gold and
$135,000 for silver.

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Toronto Resource Investment Conference
Saturday-Sunday, October
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Canada

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Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Mar 30 Sep 2008 - 0:58

Tight coin supply…
From the Colorado Gold website:

"Silver Eagles not available temporarily.

All silver orders must be 500 ounces, and must be in increments of
500 ounces. (no more hundred or two hundred ounce orders).
A possible ten week delay on all silver orders. "


Hi Bill,
Bought sovereigns today at a 10% premium here in London.
krugerrands are also quoted 10% above the "official bank price".

Hi Bill,
I just went to the local coin store, getting a quote
for junk silver at 16.71 per OZ. At the time bullion was being quoted around 13.05-13.10 area. That is the largest premium I have seen on junk. I bought some junk silver on Friday at normal premium (at or near spot). Gone today.

I buy small amounts 2-3 times per week so I will see what is available later in the week. I bought the remaining stock of early 90s, encased 1 OZ Kookaburras

for $20 each - a really nice lower priced numismatic which will likely be hard to find in the future.
Edward C.

Spoke with Toronto based coin dealer this am – one of the largest in
Canada. Here’s what he had to say:

He has ABSOLUTELY ZERO silver; no junk, no bars – zippo.
Has standing orders to buy junk cannot get product. He said that the last "pure" silver sales he did was a couple of weeks ago
– maples, on a "put through" basis where he was paying
18 bucks cash to a private holder and selling them for 20 bucks per ounce +

Said that J & M [refiner] has a minimum of 4 weeks backorder for silver
bars [thousand ounce] and even then will only accept limited orders from long
time customers.

Has had no gold coin or small bars of any kind now for a couple of weeks.
Royal Canadian Mint has no product to sell him. Mentioned that the only bullion
of any kind he has is a couple of Kilo gold bars.

This guy is probably Canada’s largest retail bullion coin
Rob Kirby

Staunch GATA supporter Seabridge Gold keeps hitting…

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Mer 1 Oct 2008 - 3:33

Gold aussi?

there's no Rush like a Gold rush... avais-je coutume de ponctuer mes premiers posts pourceau en 2000

Je rajoutais:" Bon krach !" et ça me valait bien des avanies...

Bah, il semble que ça y ressemble de plus en plus là...non?

'Unseen' and 'unprecedented' demand for bullion by rich

pénurie argent métal  / on y est ! - Page 2 Gata_painting_small
Submitted by
cpowell on 05:09PM ET Tuesday, September 30, 2008. Section: Daily

Wealthy Investors Hoard Bullion
By Javier Blas
Financial Times, London
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
KYOTO, Japan -- Investors in gold are demanding "unprecedented" physical
amounts of bullion bars and coins and moving them into their own vaults as fears
about the health of the global financial system deepen.
Industry executives and bankers at the London Bullion Market Association
annual meeting said the extent of the move into physical gold was unseen and
driven by the very rich.
"There is an enormous pick-up in investment demand. I have never seen a
market like this in my 33-year career," said Jeremy Charles, chairman of the
LBMA. "The gold refineries cannot produce enough bars."
The move comes as fears grow among investors over the losses at investment
vehicles previously considered almost risk-free, such as money funds.
Philip Clewes-Garner, associate director of precious metals at HSBC, added
that investors were not flying into gold simply because they saw it as a haven
amid Wall Street's woes. "It is a flight into gold because it is a physical
asset," he said.
"Vault staff are also doing overtime," another banker at the LBMA meeting
said, adding that investors in some countries were paying premiums of up to $25
an ounce above the London spot price to secure scarce gold bars.
Spot gold prices in London on Tuesday traded at about $900 an ounce, more
than 25 per cent above the level before Lehman Brothers' collapse. Although some
traders said the rush into physical gold could boost prices, others cautioned
that prices were depressing jewellery demand, capping any price gain. Industry
executives said gold refineries and government mints were working at full
throttle to keep up with investor demand, but acknowledged they were suffering
from shortages, particularly on coins.
Johan Botha, a spokesman for the Rand Refinery in South Africa, which
manufactures the Krugerrand, the world's most popular gold coin, said the plant
was now running at full capacity seven days a week. "Even so, now and then we
have shortages," he said.
The Austrian mint, which manufactures the Vienna Philharmonic, a popular gold
coin in Europe, said it had extended work to the weekends to accommodate soaring
Last week the US mint suspended the sale of its American Buffalo coin after
it ran out of stocks.

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Join GATA here:
Toronto Resource Investment Conference
Saturday-Sunday, October 4-5,
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Canada

New Orleans Investment Conference
Thursday-Monday, November 13-18,
New Orleans Marriott Hotel

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Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par marie Mar 14 Oct 2008 - 16:42

je commence vraiment à me demander si cette pénurie n'est tout simplement pas organisée.. de maniére à freiner artificiellement la demande et pourvoir donc sérieusement accélérer la baisse des cours papiers...

voir les dernieres news à ce sujet


©️ Marie
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MessageRe: pénurie argent métal / on y est !
par g.sandro Lun 20 Oct 2008 - 4:15

From staunch GATA supporter, David Schectman...
[b]Physical silver is virtually unavailable at any price! If you can find any,
the premiums are sky-high and rising. That’s why you must call us at 1 (800)
822-8080 now. We are changing all of that.
[b]We recently signed a contract with a major silver refiner to supply us with
1000 one hundred ounce silver bars per week. Every bar will have a “.999
hallmark,” an individual serial number AND a certificate! Our first order for
200 bars is in house right now and are available for immediate delivery.
Starting a week from Monday, we will have an additional 200 bars a day (1000 per
week) ready to ship. The actual bars are pictured, below.

[b]pénurie argent métal  / on y est ! - Page 2 Midas1018A[/b]
[b]Look what one hundred ounce bars are selling for at auction[/b]
[b]Jason Hommel, Silver Stock Report, just completed an auction for 125
Englehard bars from his own hoard. This is what he wrote on October 16, 2008:
The 125 bars sold in my last auction, that
closed yesterday on Wednesday, were
sold for an average price of $15.56/oz., and, at the time, silver was $10.33, so
the premium was $5.23 per ounce for Engelhard bars, a premium of 50.6% over
spot. The 26 separate auctions were won by 16 different bidders. One person won
70 bars in the auction! 95% of the silver was shipped out today, to everyone

whose wire came in.
[b]Starting on Monday, October 20, we will take orders for these bars and sell
them at an industry low price of just $2.50 an ounce over spot! Since silver is
so scarce, we could have marked the price up considerably higher, but we want as
many of you as possible to be able to own “affordable” silver. Our mark up is
only 1% or less. It is possible that the demand will be so great that we will
sell out our first 200 bars and even the 1000 bars that we get the following
week. We will lock in a price for you and guaranty delivery regardless but it is
possible that shipment may have to be delayed a few days. We will ship as soon
as your funds clear our bank. Personal checks are held for one week.
[b]David Schectman
Miles Franklin
1 (800) 822-8080

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Messageça parle+de Gold que de Silver mais le maître mot est PENURIE de vrai
par g.sandro Mar 4 Nov 2008 - 2:04

Coin dealers puzzled as paper gold falls amid real gold's scarcity

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Submitted by
cpowell on 08:11AM ET Monday, November 3, 2008. Section: Daily

The New Gold Rush: Supply of Coins Tight at Tucson Stores
By Dan Sorenson
Arizona Daily Star, Tucson
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The price of futures contracts for gold surged to more than $1,000 per ounce
earlier this year, then dropped back before surging again as the financial
crisis rocked stock markets in September. Then the price of gold futures started
slipping again.
In October, Bloomberg News reported, the price dropped 18 percent, the most
it has in a single month since 1980. Gold for December delivery closed at
$718.20 an ounce Friday on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Your college Econ 101 course may not help you understand the latest gold coin
Banks have been on wobbly knees, the stock market has been plunging, and
401(k)s are as deflated and sad as four-day-old party balloons.
But, oddly, gold has been both falling in price and in short supply for those
looking for a safe haven during the stock market storm. Some Tucson dealers say
gold coins are scarce at best, even as gold -- and silver -- prices are
There is even more complexity within that scenario, local dealers say.
Retail gold coins generally sell for the current price of the metal they
contain, plus a "premium" -- the dealer's fee -- on each coin. Of late, the
premiums have risen significantly to reflect the shortage of supply of some
denominations, the dealers say.
"I get 10 to 20 calls a day, 'Do you have any gold or silver?' We don't have
any, and we can't get any," said Peter Spooner, a coin expert at American Stamp
& Coin, 7225 N. Oracle Road.
"There are people who are selling their stocks to get into gold and silver
because they fear we are going into a tremendous depression," said Spooner. Yet,
he noted, the "price of paper (futures contract) gold is dropping while the
price of owning actual hold-in-my-hand gold is going up" when the seller's
premium is added.
Historically, it would be cheaper to buy an ounce of gold in one coin than to
buy an ounce as four quarter-ounce coins. But the price for an ounce of gold is
actually cheaper if you buy it as four quarter-ounce coins than in a single
1-ounce coin -- if you could find one, said Brett Sadovnick, owner of Tucson
Coin & Autograph, 6470 N. Oracle Road.
In this case, a classical supply-and-demand situation is at work: There's
more demand for the 1-ounce coins than the quarter-ounce and other smaller
coins, so it's driven up the price of the 1-ounce coins.
... Buyers Might Be Newcomers
Sadovnick isn't quite sure why buyers are fixated on the 1-ounce coins. Gold
is gold, purity being equal.
It could be that the buyers driving the demand for the 1-ounce American Eagle
coins are newcomers fleeing the wild uncertainty of the stock market for the
relative calm of the world's longtime favorite precious metal. Maybe they feel
better about owning the hefty full-ounce American Eagle, rather than a handful
of smaller gold coins -- half-, quarter-, or tenth-ounce -- that weigh just as
much. Sadovnick isn't sure.
"I've been a coin dealer in Tucson since 1998, a professional since 1974. I
haven't seen a situation quite like this," said Sadovnick. Not even the crazy
precious metals roller-coaster days of early 1980 -- when gold hit $850 an ounce
for one day -- compares, Sadovnick said.
And it's not just gold, he said.
"I placed an order a month ago, 1,000 1-ounce silver bars. I paid him spot
(the spot price), plus $2.50 an ounce premium," Sadovnick said. That order might
not arrive until January.
"Three months ago I could have bought it from them for the price of silver,
plus $1.50 an ounce, and I would have had delivery in a few days."
Even Jim Ganem, owner of the venerable Arizona Stamp & Coin, 4668 E.
Speedway, is baffled.
The shop is the only Tucson dealer mentioned on the U.S. Mint's Web site as
dealers of American Eagle coins, and Ganem says he can't get any Eagles, or
anything regularly. He said the U.S. Mint sent out a notice saying it isn't
making the coins because even they can't get the gold blanks to stamp.
... 40 Buyers to One Seller
Ganem said hedge funds are dumping billions of dollars worth of gold
contracts they hold, driving down the price of gold. But to actually get gold,
not just a contract, buyers are having to pay a premium -- a higher premium than
he can recall in the past.
Some of those contract holders are asking for the gold they represent,
instead of just trading in the paper. But that gold is disappearing in an
instant on the spot market, said Ganem. He said he gets a few chances a day to
buy gold that becomes available, but that it disappears in a matter of
"Typically," he said, "we're running 40 buyers to one seller right now coming
into the store to purchase. People don't want to be in the stocks, real estate,
and they don't trust the banks -- three typical havens for large amounts of
money. The other one is metal."
One would think the skidding stock market and real estate decline would be
driving up gold and silver prices. And while it did initially, in September, the
price of precious-metal futures plunged in October.
An industry expert in Phoenix said the gold market isn't behaving in a
traditional manner.
David Henry of Arizona Coin Exchange Inc. in Phoenix is a wholesaler who
sells to coin and precious metals retailers. He said most people who buy paper
gold, contracts, never physically possess the gold, choosing instead to resell
the contracts, hopefully for more than it cost them.
"You can get it, physically, but it's complicated," Henry said.
Physically possessing gold is an entirely different mechanism, Henry said,
something that is done for security -- a way to safely hold value, often for a
very long time.
Unfortunately, he said, this is an occasion for a "Perfect Storm"
The price isn't high enough to bring sellers into the front door of coin and
precious metal shops, and the main source of new gold, the federal government,
can't deliver.
Spooner said the vagaries of the current gold market don't
change his view of gold.
"I don't present gold as an investment," said Spooner. "Buying a half- to
1-ounce piece of gold every month is like insurance ... like portfolio
insurance. In economic turmoil, it's a flight to safety."
... Decline in Gold Futures
The price of futures contracts for gold surged to more than $1,000 per ounce
earlier this year, then dropped back before surging again as the financial
crisis rocked stock markets in September. Then the price of gold futures started
slipping again.
In October, Bloomberg News reported, the price dropped 18 percent, the most
it has in a single month since 1980. Gold for December delivery closed at
$718.20 an ounce Friday on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

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Join GATA here:
New Orleans Investment Conference
Thursday-Monday, November 13-18,
New Orleans Marriott Hotel

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Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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par Contenu sponsorisé 

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