Utter global collapse.Not simply economic collapse: GOLD 5000$/oz...!!!
Exrait du Midas, : Julian Robertson himself...53 ans de trading: gros Krach systemique imminent et ensuite hyperinflation...!!!
Got Physical?
www.lemetropolecafe.comGata, Midas.
it is with considerable satisfaction to bring you the following from the legendary Julian Robertson, who formerly ran Tiger Management (the world's largest hedge fund):
Funds Manager Predicts Global Economic Collapse
There was an interview on CNBC of the renowned funds manager Julian Robertson. He is one of the greatest of the old-timers. 53 years on the Street. He manages the Robertson group of funds. They used to call him, still do call him `Never Been Wrong' Robertson. He has predicted every economic cycle, every debacle, every bull market, and every bear market.
Of course, he's a very old man now. But his reputation on the Street is like nothing you could imagine. When the segment of his interview was through, his comments alone took the Dow Jones down 50 points. Just on his comments alone. That's how powerful this man's reputation is.
Robertson was actually a teary-eyed, an old man. When Ron Insana asked him about his predictions, he said that he's worried about the speculative bubble in housing and the fact that more than 1/4 of all consumer spending is now sustained by that bubble, plus the fact that 20 million citizens could lose their homes in a collapse of the speculative bubble in housing, and that the Fed and, indeed, central banks worldwide would act in concert out of desperation to reinflate the global economy in the process, creating an inflationary spiral unheralded in the economic history of the planet.
Insana then asks, "Where does it end?" And he said, "Utter global collapse." Not simply economic collapse; complete disintegration of all infrastructure and of all public structures of governments. Utter, utter collapse. That the end is collapse of simply epic proportion.
In 10 years time, he said, whoever is still alive on the planet will be effectively starting again.
The Orwellians are taking our country down which is why I get strident at times. It is plain as day. That will be the last we hear of Julian R on CNBC. Those present notions alien to Planet Wall Street are silenced by the US financial market press and CNBC types.
As for Robertson’s comments as they relate to gold, we will most likely see the price somewhere between $3,000 and $5,000 an ounce. Wait until the facts surface about how the central banks squandered 2/3 of all their bank reserves to foster a price manipulation scheme. There will be a frenzy to own the stuff like never seen before.
By the way, Robertson is not alone. One of the attendees at the dinner for Antal Fekete is a person who has been very influential over the years in the Republican Party here in Texas. He was off to Washington the next day. It was fascinating to hear him talk about how the Neo-Cons are taking the country down and how upset he and other Republicans are with President Bush. They are dismayed he has taken the country in the wrong direction and swayed so far from the party of Goldwater and Reagan. He fears for the country he loves so much and says we are looking at "chaos" down the road with Republicans thrown out of office all over America.
Aujourd'hui à 15:19 par g.sandro
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