| Santé bien être nutrition environnement / Health | |
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Message | Auteur |
Santé bien être nutrition environnement / Health par nofear Mar 19 Juin 2012 - 22:33 | |
| Au fil des jours cette rubrique devrait faire "flipper" les plus inconscientsles scanners par rayons triplent le risque de leucémie chez les enfants au bout de 2 à 3 expositions - Citation :
- Exposing a child to two or three computed
tomography (CT) head scans may triple its risk of developing brain cancer later in life. A child exposed to the cumulative radiation of between five and 10 CT scans is also three times more likely than an unexposed child to develop leukemia. - Citation :
- LONDON (Reuters) - Exposing a child to the nuclear radiation from two
or three computed tomography (CT) head scans may triple its risk of developing brain cancer later in life, according to a 20-year study published on Thursday.
The study also found that a child exposed to the cumulative radiation of between five and 10 CT scans is three times more likely than an unexposed child to develop leukemia.
While the absolute risk of cancers developing after a CT scan is still small, the researchers said radiation doses should be kept as low as possible and alternatives to ionizing radiation should be used whenever possible.
Dernière édition par nofear le Mar 19 Juin 2012 - 23:25, édité 2 fois |
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
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Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | boissons énergisantes = danger par nofear Mar 19 Juin 2012 - 22:43 | |
| - Citation :
- Energy drink consumption has surged in
recent years, and combining them with alcohol makes for a dangerous cocktail that is causing an increased number of emergency room visits. - Citation :
- CHICAGO (Reuters) - Emergency room visits linked to energy drink
consumption have surged in recent years, according to a U.S. government report released on Tuesday, as more people combine the popular beverages with alcohol and drugs.
The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration said hospitalizations in the United States tied to energy drinks have jumped tenfold to 13,114 in 2009 from 1,128 visits in 2005.
The most recent year for which data is available is 2009.
The agency, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said that 44 percent of the visits involved people who had combined the stimulant-rich drinks with alcohol, pharmaceuticals or illicit drugs.
la suite http://www.healthnews.com/en/news/US-Hospitalizations-Tied-to-Energy-Drinks-Rise/0A1xLZKRLA9hRzLZdUHsZ$/ |
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | Re: Santé bien être nutrition environnement / Health par nofear Mar 19 Juin 2012 - 22:48 | |
| de faibles doses de radiations peuvent entrainer des cancers sur le long terme - Citation :
- Childhood radiation means later danger
Imagine the relief a family must feel when their cancer-stricken child is finally given a clean bill of health.
Now, imagine how that same family must feel when, years down the road, that same child, now a grown woman, gets diagnosed with breast cancer.
It’s been known for a while now that treating childhood cancer with intensive radiation raises the risk of breast cancer, but a new study shows that even a relatively small dose of radiation can raise the risk of breast cancer much later in life (an average of 23 years later, according to the study).
The other new finding is a big one–this study shows for the first time how radiation for cancer compares to other risk factors like the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic mutations.
Overall, women at the age of 50 have about a four percent chance of having breast cancer. Women who had been exposed to high levels of radiation to treat Hodgkin’s lymphoma had a 31 percent chance. Women who carry the BRCA1 mutation have a 30 percent chance.
Low-level radiation more than doubled the expected risk and was comparable to the ten percent risk rate that women with the BRCA2 mutation have.
Of course, these new findings unfortunately have wrong-minded researchers scrambling to point out the importance of early cancer screening for girls who have been exposed to radiation for cancer. You know, screenings like the mammograms that also increase cancer risk.
Making a choice for cancer treatment doesn’t have to mean rolling the dice for your future. If you were exposed to radiation as a child, or if someone important in your life was, later cancer screening doesn’t have to mean raising your risk.
Search “cancer” in the free archives at www.wrightnewsletter.com for pages and pages of alternatives.
P.S. Radiation isn’t the only danger to navigate after a cancer diagnosis. There are all kinds of myths–taken as truth by the mainstream–that could be downright deadly. Click here to learn the truth that could save your life from our affiliate The Douglass Report.
Sources: “ASCO: Early RT Hikes Risk for Breast Cancer,” Medpage Today (medpagetoday.com)
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | Re: Santé bien être nutrition environnement / Health par nofear Mar 19 Juin 2012 - 22:58 | |
| - Citation :
Dès l'âge de 30 ans commence une diminution du taux de testostérone de l'ordre de 1% par année. La baisse de la testostérone n'affecte pas seulement la vie sexuelle de l'homme, sa virilité et sa libido, mais de nombreux aspects de sa santé physique, particulièrement au niveau circulatoire, musculaire, osseux et nerveux.
Tout comme la femme, l'organisme de l'homme contient des œstrogènes, mais à un taux différent. Lorsque le niveau de testostérone diminue, son taux d'œstrogènes augmente! Cette augmentation aura pour effet de féminiser physiquement l'homme: une perte musculaire et un développement plus ou moins marqué des seins, mais également une accumulation des gras au niveau abdominal, une perte de libido et virilité et un risque accru de maladie de la prostate.
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | | Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | | Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | survie "miraculeuse" par nofear Mer 20 Juin 2012 - 9:49 | |
| un jeune survit à une flèche de harpon qui lui traverse la tête de part en part bon c'est du gogole : - Citation :
- Yasser Lopez, un jeune de 16 ans à partir de Miami est à peine vivant. Après un voyage de pêche, le garçon se trouvait une lance avec une lance plantée dans sa tête. La flèche, qui a débuté accidentellement percé son cerveau de côté à l'autre. Le jeune a été soumis à une chirurgie délicate de trois heures. Heureusement, l'arme n'a pas d'incidence sur les parties vitales de l'orgue et, selon les médecins, après 3 mois de cure de désintoxication ses fonctions neurologiques sont à nouveau d'être tout à fait normal.
la vidéo : http://tv.liberoquotidiano.it/video/106927/Arpione_gli_trapassa_il_cervello__ragazzo_vivo_per_miracolo.html |
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | Diabètes type 2 révélation par nofear Jeu 21 Juin 2012 - 0:01 | |
| Diabète type 2 : cette étude américaine confirme ce qui était déjà connu et écrit dans le bouquin ci dessus et donc connu par ceux qui l'ont lu ! comme moi depuis belle lurette... La testostérone (libre) est sous dosée chez 30 % des diabétiques . Ne rêvez pas AUCUN épicier en blouse blanche en France (du moins dans l'immédiat) ne prescrira de la testo pour soigner un diabète ... - Citation :
Diabetic men have another option
Olivia Olarte-Ulherr, Khaleej Times, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News
June 16--Male patients suffering from diabetes can now look forward to an alternative treatment that could help them control their condition better ? through testosterone replacement therapy.
However, this treatment is only prescribed to those who were diagnosed with low testosterone, through a blood test.
According to Dr Manaf El Hashimi, urologist at Lifeline Hospital, patients with diabetes are more likely to have low testosterone and vice-versa.
A study by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2009 showed that "one-third of men with Type 2 diabetes have low testosterone".
"Testosterone decreases with age, and this will cause some changes that will increase obesity and insulin resistance, meaning pre-diabetes stage. Obesity by itself will cause some changes that will decrease the testosterone level. So, low testosterone results in obesity and diabetes, and, by itself, obesity and diabetes can decrease testosterone," explained Dr El Hashimi.
According to him, those with low testosterone have more than double risk of having obesity and diabetes and less than double of having hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
"If you have diabetes, obesity and hypertension, we have to check for your testosterone, this is the point that missed by all doctors. If it is low and you treat them, then you control your disease and you prevent further complications," said the specialist.
A study published in the Journal of Andrology in 2009 showed that diabetics going through exercise and diet have only 40 per cent successful rate of managing their condition. But when testosterone replacement therapy was added to their regimen, the control spiked to 87.5 per cent.
Citing another study in 2011, Dr El Hashimi pointed out that when diabetes patients get testosterone treatment, their mortality rate goes up to 20 per cent as opposed to just nine per cent.
Despite these findings, doctors here are not aware of this therapy or recommend a testosterone test for their patients. They are not also aware of the availability of the preparation here.
There are different testosterone formulations available in the country, which are tightly controlled. These include intramuscular injection, gel or patches and oral capsules. However, testosterone therapy is not advisable for those with prostate cancer.
Lifeline Hospital has started giving patients, who fit the profile, a questionnaire asking about their physical, psychological and sexual health to detect if they are a candidate for the testosterone test. "This is not very specific but very sensitive; it will detect. You cannot diagnose 100 per cent (clinically), that's why we need to do blood test," Dr El Hashimi said.
According to the IDF 2010 Atlas, the UAE ranks second in the top ten countries with the prevalence of diabetes.
"We have the highest rate of obesity and diabetes. By logic, we have, maybe, the highest prevalence of low testosterone, but we don't have statistics," Dr El Hashimi pointed out.
The Health Authority-Abu Dhabi's (HAAD) 2010 statistics revealed that only 20 per cent of the diabetics in the emirate have their condition well under control. Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases accounted for over a quarter of deaths in 2009 in Abu Dhabi.
Testosterone, the principal sex hormone in men, is important not only for normal sexual function but also for maintaining bone and muscle strength, mental and physical energy, and overall well-being. Low testosterone is associated with diminished libido, erectile dysfunction, increased fat mass, decreased muscle, bone mass and energy, depression and anaemia.
Age plays a major factor. Testosterone decreases sharply at 40 years, then gradually thereafter. The World Health Organisation (WHO) study has shown that this affects 20 per cent of males at the age of 60.
Dernière édition par nofear le Jeu 21 Juin 2012 - 7:48, édité 1 fois |
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | Anti dépresseurs et autisme par nofear Jeu 21 Juin 2012 - 7:47 | |
| les anti dépresseurs peuvent être source d'une dégénération moderne galopante : l'autisme ici il ne s'agit pas d'allégations mais d'étude indépendante que de nouvelles "études" financées par les suppôts de IG Farben viendront "contredire" ... et comme les soit disant anti dépresseurs reviennent encore sur le devant , ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore visionner regardez ce film déjà proposé dans mes chroniques : (attention au risque de sentiment de révolte ...) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYRUi108UC4&feature=related - Citation :
- (NaturalNews) A report by the University of Idaho claims that
antidepressants in drinking water can trigger the condition in people that have a genetic disposition to Autism Spectrum Disorders. As the UK government dithers over the clean up of the water supply contaminated by pharmaceuticals, the report suggests even small amounts of drugs in the water supply can have devastating effects.
Caroline Hattersley, Head of Information, Advice and Advocacy at The National Autistic Society, said: "It's important that we expand research into the causes of autism. We know that environmental and genetic factors have some role to play, but our understanding is still very limited as it is such a complex disability."
Many researchers and health campaigners have drawn their own conclusions as to the source of the sharp rise in autism rates. Many point to the sharp rise in the use of the MMR vaccine, which correlates almost exactly with the rise in autism, whilst others point to the rise of additives in food. Autism Spectrum Disorders are a complex issue because there is such a huge range of behavior that is classed under the general term "Autism". Whilst there are common factors in the behavior of autistic people, such as problems with social interaction and communication, some have very different needs to others.
Big Pharma made this mess, they should clean it up
Reported in the Daily mail, the findings state that the tests were carried out on fish using two drugs, Prozac and Venlafaxine. The minnows the fish fathered were tested and were found to have genetic pathway changes, mimicking idiopathic autism disorders in humans. The dosages were at the level of the maximum dosages expected in the environment.
"We need to be cautious when looking at these particular findings. Said Ms Hattersley, There is simply not enough evidence to draw any firm conclusions and so people should not be alarmed by this research."
The tests are early research that raise important considerations in the way we impact our environment. It is not only anti depressants, but also contraceptives and agricultural chemicals that have devastated our most valuable resource, water. By pushing dangerous chemicals and drugs on millions of people, who in turn have excreted the drugs into the environment, Big Pharma have made billions of dollars. The environmental implications of these drugs is the need to spend millions upgrading the water purification plants. Surely it is the responsibility of the pharmaceutical companies to pay for this clean up. Meanwhile the emphasis on researching links between autism, ADHD, vaccines and food must still continue. ASD is varied in scope and severity, and so it may be that the disorders may also be caused by different stimuli.
Sources for this article include the websites below
http://www.dailymail.co.uk http://www.guardian.co.uk
About the author: D Holt is currently involved in research in the UK into the mechanisms involved in healing due to meditation, hypnosis and other ''spiritual'' healers and techniques. Previous work has included investigations into effects of meditation on addiction, the effects of sulphites on the digestive system and the use of tartrazine and other additives in the restaurant industry. new blog is now available at http://tinyurl.com/sacredmeditation twitter @sacredmeditate
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036195_antidepressants_autism_water_supply.html#ixzz1yP5y665u
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | les enfants vaccinés sont 5 fois plus malades par nofear Jeu 21 Juin 2012 - 11:19 | |
| Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than unvaccinated children - Citation :
- (NaturalNews) Suspicions have been confirmed for those wary of
vaccinating their children. A recent large study corroborates other independent study surveys comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children.
They all show that vaccinated children have two to five times more childhood diseases, illnesses, and allergies than unvaccinated children.
Originally, the recent still ongoing study compared unvaccinated children against a German national health survey conducted by KiGGS involving over 17,000 children up to age 19. This currently ongoing survey study was initiated by classical homoeopathist Andreas Bachmair.
However, the American connection for Bachmair's study can be found at VaccineInjury.info website that has added a link for parents of vaccinated children to participate in the study. So far this ongoing survey has well over 11,000 respondents, mostly from the U.S.A. Other studies have surveyed smaller groups of families.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036220_vaccinated_children_disease_allergies.html#ixzz1yPyDUFQA
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | Pleomorphisme: le dogme pasteurien a du plomb dans l'aile par nofear Jeu 21 Juin 2012 - 11:29 | |
| rappel Pasteur lui même l'a admis , Béchamp a raison le terrain est tout ... Ainsi il est aujourd'hui établi que l'on est infecté en permanence par au moins 10 000 bestioles supposées pathogènes chez un quidam en bonne santé. - Citation :
- The human body is essentially a "germ" factory, but this is not
necessarily a bad thing. A new study published as a series of reports in the journals Nature and Public Library of Science (PLoS) debunks the widely believed germ theory, or the belief that all germs are "bad," by showing that the average, healthy human body harbors more than 10,000 species of microbes that together maintain microbial balance and promote vibrant health.
Funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), the study included a collaboration of 200 scientists from 80 different research institutions, all of whom worked together for five years to gain a better understanding of how microbes affect the human body. And what they discovered is not only fascinating but also revolutionary, at least as far as mainstream medicine is concerned.
In essence, this cohort of field experts uncovered something that many of them had never before considered, mainly that not all bacteria is detrimental. Many types of bacteria are absolutely necessary for the body to thwart inflammation and other disease causing factors, for instance, without which there would be no natural defense against harmful bacteria.
To come to this conclusion, the team first collected tissue samples from 242 healthy adults in the U.S., including from their mouths, noses, and different areas of their skin. They then separated the bacterial DNA from the human DNA in each of the samples in order to analyze the various types of living organisms that were present.
The researchers learned that as much as three percent of a person's total body mass is composed of various microbes, which for the average adult translates into several pounds of microbiome, the name given to the "trillions of individual germs" that live within the body. And this collective microbiome basically ups the total number of human genes from about 22,000 to roughly eight million.
What this means is that the entire human genome depends on this plethora of unique microbes in order to perform vital bodily functions such as digesting food and processing nutrients; resisting disease and building immunity; and maintaining a healthy flora balance in the intestinal system. Without this bacteria, in other words, the human body would not be able to function properly or maintain any semblance of proper immunity.
"This is a whole new way of looking at human biology and human disease, and it's awe-inspiring," said Dr. Phillip Tarr of Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., one of the lead researchers for the study. "These bacteria are not passengers. They are metabolically active. As a community, we now have to reckon with them like we have to reckon with the ecosystem in a forest or a body of water."
Antibiotic drugs, chemicals, vaccines, and other modern interventions destroy human microbiome
Unfortunately, many in modern society still cling to the antiquated and disproven notion that disease is primarily caused by germs. Also known as germ theory, this belief assumes that practically all bacteria are harmful, and that if a sanitary, bacteria-free environment can be maintained, humans will not "contract" illness.
It is this flawed germ theory that is responsible for the creation of modern interventions such as antibiotic drugs, chemical pesticides and herbicides, vaccines, and antibacterial soaps, all of which obstruct the human body's natural microbiome in various ways. Hand sanitizing gels and wipes are another byproduct of germ theory, which kill the bacteria that naturally lives on human skin and protect it against disease by maintaining a proper acidic pH.
As we have been saying here at NaturalNews for years now, all germs are not evil, and the human body is not a sterile environment that develops disease because it becomes contaminated with germs. And this new study simply proves this point by demonstrating that germs play a vital role in preventing disease.
Think of it as a war between two countries -- the human body's microbiome against pathogenic invaders. Without a robust microbiome that is rich in beneficial bacteria, the human body is unable to resist the continual onslaught of harmful pathogens that fight against it from both inside and outside the body. And the key to winning the war is to maintain a proper microbial balance, which includes eating plenty of probiotic foods; avoiding antibiotic drugs and toxic chemicals; and getting plenty of rest, clean water, and natural sunlight.
Sources for this article include:
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036219_germ_theory_human_body_bacteria.html#ixzz1yQ0iF8cN
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | Hypertension la pastèque est bénéfique par nofear Jeu 21 Juin 2012 - 11:37 | |
| Extrait de pastèque c'est le moment de vous gaver mais attention à l'urémie avec la pastèque fraiche... c'est ce que démontre une étude récente en double aveugle comme les aiment l'église pasteurienne et plus efficace que les hypotenseurs de chez IG Farben. Bien sûr c'est un peu simpliste et illusoire de croire que vous serez "guéri" avec une pillule miracle tout en se vautrant dans une hygiène alimentaire toxique. Watermelon extract lowers blood pressure better than dangerous pharmaceuticals Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036216_watermelon_extract_blood_pressure_remedies.html#ixzz1yQ2ZzE8E
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | | Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | | Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | Aluminium poison quotidien parmi d' autres suite par nofear Ven 22 Juin 2012 - 0:33 | |
| - Citation :
- Voici la liste des additifs contenant de l'aluminium :
E 173, E 520, E 521, E 522, E523, E 541, E 554, E 555, E 556, E 559, E 1452. E173 est utilisé comme colorant dans les charcuteries , confiseries et pâtisseries. E520, E521, E522 et E523 sont utilisés comme affermissant dans les préparations à base de blanc d'oeuf. E541 est utilisé comme levain de synthèse présent dans les fromages et pâtisseries. E554, E555, E556, E559 : anti-agglomérants présents dans les chewing-gums, bonbons et charcuterie. E 1452 : émulsifiant présent dans les cosmétiques. Les usines de traitement de l'eau utilisent de l'hydroxyde d'aluminium. Les vaccins contiennent de grandes quantités d'aluminium. Surtout, l'aluminium est utilisé pour stabiliser la levure chimique et la farine.
rappel : l'église scientiste officielle admet qu'une fois dans le corps l'aluminium n'est plus "excrété. Il y a donc un effet cumulatif qui comme toute cause donnera ces effets même si c'est du long terme... |
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | Re: Santé bien être nutrition environnement / Health par g.sandro Ven 22 Juin 2012 - 0:44 | |
| c'est "ALU sinon".... ...ALUzeimèmère... sauf si je souffre d'"Alu Sinaï Sion"... même les habitants des "beaux cites" savent que l'ALU mine... ALU, t'es russe? Allô? T'es rosse...! je ne cèderai pas "ALU le team at home" |
| Captain  
Inscription : 04/02/2005 Messages : 14576
| | | Alu zination encore un peu ? par nofear Ven 22 Juin 2012 - 0:53 | |
| On peut aussi rajouter LE SEL DE TABLE (ordinaire , le déchet "raffiné) qui comme vous l'avez remarqué est devenu insensible à l'humidité grâce à à un sel d'aluminium qu'on y rajoute (sulfate) . DISSOLUTION DE LA CONSCIENCE : Aluminium, notre poison quotidien - Citation :
- Dans la mythologie grecque, Circé la
magicienne avait transformé les compagnons d'Ulysse en porcs. Bien sûr, il s'agit d'une image. En fait, en leur donnant une boisson à base de Lotos et de poudre blanche d'aluminium, elle leur avait fait perdre la mémoire. L'aluminium est un puissant neurotoxique qui se retrouve partout, surtout dans notre alimentation. Une étude publiée en 1994 dans The Lancet a pourtant démontré que le cerveau des patients atteint d'Alzheimer contenait entre 10 et 30 fois plus d'aluminium que la normale. Source : http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2894%2990124-4/abstract Mais, il y a plus étonnant, et, les contes sont comme d'habitude notre fil d'Ariane. L'aluminium, de symbole AL est de numéro atomique 13, or, A est la 1ère lettre de l'alphabet et L la douzième soit 1+12 = 13. Un pur hasard... Lorsque Abraham Stoker a écrit son roman phare Dracula publié en 1897 personne n'a relevé le secret de son écriture inversée (les vampires n'ont pas de reflet dans un miroir). En effet, le passage I 267b du Sefer Ha Zohar (Livre de la Splendeur) nous éclaire : « L'homme qui regarde souvent dans la glace réveille l'esprit mentionné, lequel lui amène « Lilith », la mère des démons." Donc, Dracula = alu card (la carte alu) en écriture inversée, étrange non ? D'autant plus étrange que Dracula injectait le virus donnant la porphyrie. Il faut rappeler que la porphyrie est une affection causée par les métaux lourds dont l'aluminium et, les personnes atteintes de porphyrie deviennent hypersensibles à la lumière. Le parallèle avec l'injection de vaccins bourrés d'aluminium est pour le moins étrange... De plus lorsque l'on sait que le meilleur chélateur de l'aluminium, c'est à dire un produit qui permet d'éliminer les métaux contenus dans l'organisme, est l'ail !!! Dans l'Odyssée (Homère), Ulysse est sauvé par Hermès qui lui donne l'antidote au poison de Circé : de l'ail. http://gillesbonafi.skyrock.com/3092120889-La-dissolution-de-la-conscience-l-aluminium.html
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | Re: Santé bien être nutrition environnement / Health par g.sandro Ven 22 Juin 2012 - 0:58 | |
| Aie, ail, ail...c'est l'ALU te finale...
putain, c'est pas le pied.... on est loin de "l'ALU panard"
l"ALU s'embourgeoise...comme dirait la serpillère humide van fripouille...
Hein? lacère Pierre? Olotey, c'est Hermann, pas Pierre...Pfff
j'te foutrais tous ces criminels et Taule....(en tôle? Ah bah oui, en tôle d'ALU...) Bon, en, tout cas, au moins ALU zine...ça traînerait pas
Dernière édition par g.sandro le Ven 22 Juin 2012 - 1:07, édité 1 fois |
| Captain  
Inscription : 04/02/2005 Messages : 14576
| | | ho putin, le sel par marie Ven 22 Juin 2012 - 1:07 | |
| heuresement que je suis poivre, moi ... ya pas d'alu ds le poivre quand même??? en revanche mylove en fait une énorme consommation... va falloir que je le mette au sel de guérande... et encore... il me semble avoir lu qu'il y avait un pb aussi ? ça devient infernal !!! ils exagérent quand même ... le taux d'humidité ds une maison ... c'est pas dramatique au point de traffiquer comme ça... pour mémo et sur la goélette, on met qq grains de riz dans la salière et c'est bon ... et justement ... y compris avec le sel du supermarché, comme quoi leur combine pourrie est même pas efficace ! bon... une cure d'ail ... alors ... moi qui ne le digére pas ... ça va etre chouette pour la cuisine pftt, je vais le lui mettre à croquer... après la séquence bizoux !
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 22 Juin 2012 - 1:18, édité 2 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | | Captain  
Inscription : 04/02/2005 Messages : 14576
| | | | Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Santé bien être nutrition environnement / Health par nofear Ven 22 Juin 2012 - 1:16 | |
| - Citation :
- ya pas d'alu ds le poivre quand même???
à priori pas dans le poivre en grains . Méfiance avec le "moulu" pour d'autres raisons en plus de l'alu comme pas toujours du 100% poivre ... le problème possible avec guérande est la pollution actuelle de la mer ... le plus "sûr" à mon avis actuel est le sel gemme rose de l’Himalaya pas en poudre svp ! |
| Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
| | | oki, merci Nofear par marie Ven 22 Juin 2012 - 1:21 | |
| le poivre est TOUJOURS en grains, chez nous ... donc pour milov... cure de gros sel de l'hymalaya et d'ail ... à volonté put'1 ... l'ail, rien que de l'écrire ... ça me met en vrac !
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 22 Juin 2012 - 1:37, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | | Chef cuistot  
Inscription : 03/10/2009 Messages : 2398
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» TREASURY METALS PFS publiée edit: *NB: TML est devenue NEXTGOLD (NXG)
Sam 26 Oct 2024 - 18:50 par g.sandro
» Wheaton précious metals/ WPM
Ven 25 Oct 2024 - 1:29 par g.sandro
» Comment l'Union européenne nous prend pour des imbéciles
Mer 23 Oct 2024 - 22:59 par g.sandro