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EXEMPLE de lettre à mailer au boss de vos mines

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MessageEXEMPLE de lettre à mailer au boss de vos mines
par g.sandro Mer 16 Mar 2005 - 23:25

Ca va déplaire souverainement aux hedgeurs ça...lol

bon sang , bien sur mitraillette mitraillette tchin clap clap ye.s na ! party kelcul r.ire r.ire

Posté le: Lun 14 Fév à 1:13 Sujet du message: EXEMPLE de lettre à mailer au boss de vos mines


EXEMPLE de lettre à mailer au boss de vos mines pour les convaincre de s'interesser aux thèses du GATA.

En fait, GATA en organisant cette conférence dont nous avons déjà parlé ici, poursuit plusieurs objectifs importants, l'un d'eux est de remplacer le WGC...carrément...!!!

( WGC qu'on appelle aussi ici Wagon de Gros Collabos)

Oui, oui, vous avez bien lu...le WORLD GOLD COUNCIL, il est clair que c'est une idée originale et terriblement dérangeante pour Caballas...
et donc une idée formidable...cqfd...!

Il va de soi que notre soutien leur est acquis (hein? Qui ça? Lauretta Ki ?), voilà une initiative que nous ne pouvons pas ne pas relayer...

C'est pas le tout de se lamenter, là, il faut se bouger le cul, on a déjà organisé ce genre de soutien depuis pourceau en 2000 +2001 et acti + tard.

C'est galvanisant l'action collective...et puis au moins, vous pourrez légitimement dire à vos petits enfants..."J'y étais...!".

Ca leur servira pour l'école, car ce que nous sommes en passe de vivre est de nature à intégrer durablement les livres d'Histoire de nos cheres têtes blondes (ou brunes d'ailleurs, je n'ai jamais compris cette expression).

En pompant par un simple CC la bafouille et en changeant 2 ou 3 bricoles si vous y tenez, on pourra la mailer en indiv aux boss des mines.

Je vous renvoie à la maxime du célèbre agitateur franco-bulgare Amédée Souanbank:

" C'est pas en arrêtant de le demander que tu finiras par l'avoir".

" Haie de toits, le ciel tête de rat" " Haie de toits, le ciel taie de draps" (Copyright Sandro...LOL).

...Matelots, au rapport...!

Bonne nuit et bisous aux filles.


Dear Sir or Madame:

As a shareholder with a significant position in your company, I have suffered exceptional losses during the past year. Moreover, I have studied the precious metals bullion markets on a daily basis and observed disproportionate selling in a manner commensurate with price fixing. Seemingly, this manipulation is conducted by a cartel of bullion banks, including but not limited to: J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Citibank, etc. Astute investors recognize this price fixing as the carry trade in which central bank gold is leased to increase the perception of supply. It is the proverbial elephant in the room that everyone notices, but no one discusses. However, the tacit acceptance and long term silent acquiescence to this price fixing can no longer be tolerated by producers, because investors are being forced to cut their losses and reallocate their portfolios to other hard asset groups, which are not manipulated.

Accordingly, I strongly suggest that you proactively address this precious metal price fixing and become involved in the marketing of your product in a manner comparable to other industries. Otherwise you risk the total disgust of your investors and their capitulation of share ownership.

In this connection, you now have a fantastic opportunity to exponentially increase the amount of consumers of your product, as well as having a public relations promotional campaign that will serve to expose and eliminate this sinister, covert price fixing. This is a win, win situation for the producer and investor, because substantial increases in product consumption at a much higher price will benefit both.

Accordingly, I urge you to attend, or otherwise support, GATA’s Gold Rush 21 conference being held on August 8th and 9th, 2005 in Dawson City, Yukon, Canada. I have provided a link to the conference’s web site (www. goldrush21.com), which will describe the agenda and guest speakers. In the event that you are unaware of GATA (Gold Anti Trust Action Committee), suffice it to say that they are a non-profit, educational organization, whose sole purpose is to make the public aware of the price manipulation of gold, and the greatly diminished supply of bullion due to the carry trade leasing. Additionally, GATA promotes precious metals bullion as a currency, which is both a safe harbor investment and hedge against inflation. That message better serves both the investor and producer because it markets the bullion product to a much greater audience than the existing jewelry consumer. Imagine the phenomenal financial benefit that you could achieve if every equity and bond investors’ portfolio consisted of just a five percent holding of bullion.

For the past six years GATA has stood alone, with minimal corporate support, battling the cartel of bullion banks as they manipulated the bullion price. Moreover, GATA has denounced the disinformation campaign by the World Gold Council, which relegates precious metal ownership to only jewelry applications, and also aligns itself with the hedging producers; who both are rewarded by lower bullion prices.

In closing, please take advantage of this watershed event and learn what GATA can do for you. Even if you can not attend this conference and directly benefit by the message of the renowned guest speakers, I implore you to utilize GATA as your industry representative so we both can enjoy a more prosperous future.




The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee is pleased to announce that we will be hosting an international conference on August 8 and 9 in Dawson City in Canada's Yukon, the center of the Klondike Gold Rush at the turn of the 19th century.

Since it represents the golden excitement of the past, this historic location is just the place for our conference as we enter a new time of excitement for gold. So we will call our gathering GOLD RUSH 21 and here's what we aim to do there:

Expand GATA's role as an advocate for the precious metals industry.
Offer the mining industry and precious metals investors an alternative to the World Gold Council, which represents no more than 20 gold companies and has done so little for those it purports to represent. GATA will seek to include more of the industry, and we will not align ourselves with the bullion banks and jewelry interests, which want precious metals prices suppressed. More than 40 mining and precious metals-related companies have supported GATA in recent years. We believe we can raise that total to 200.
Spread GATA's message that the gold and silver markets are not free and not fair, and develop ways to change that. Renowned gold experts from five continents will explain and discuss the price manipulation committed by the gold and silver cartels. We will cover who has done it, why they did it, and what can be done about it.
Give conference participants a memorable trip to Klondike Gold Rush country so they can see what a gold rush was and what one might be again. We expect that conference participants will forge some memorable relationships.
Receive suggestions from conference participants about how GATA can best build long-term support from the precious metals industry.
SILVER is KING...Go GOLD...!!!

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Message+ les adresses nécessaires pour ce faire...
par g.sandro Mer 16 Mar 2005 - 23:41

+ les adresses nécessaires pour ce faire


Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited
#500, 145 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 2Y7

Key Personnel:
James D. Nasso, Chairman of the Board
Sean Boyd, President & C.E.O.
David Garofalo, V.P.Finance & C.F.O.
Hazel Winchester, Investor Relations 1-416-847-3710
e-mail: hwinchester@agnico-eagle.com

AngloGold Ashanti Ltd
11 Diagonal Street
Johannesburg 2001
P. O. Box 62117, Marshalltown 2107)
South Africa

Key Personnel:
Mr. Russel Edey, Chairman of the Board
Robert (Bobby) Godsell, C.E.O.
Sir Same Esson Jonah, President
Michael Clements, Investor Relations +27 11 637 6647
e-mail: investors@anglogoldashanti.com

Barrick Gold Corporation
#3700, 161 Bay Street
P.O. Box 212
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2S1

Key Personnel:
Peter Munk, Chairman of the Board
Gregory Wilkins, President & C.E.O.
Jamie C. Sokalsky, Senior Vice President & C.F.O.
Darren Blasutti, Investor Relations 1-416-307-7341
e-mail: investor@barrick.com

Bema Gold Corporation
#3100, 595 Burrard Street
P.O. Box 49143
Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1J1

Key Personnel:
Clive T. Johnson; Chairman, President & C.E.O.
Mark Corra, Vice President Finance.
Ian MacLean, Investor Relations 1-604-681-8371
e-mail: investor@bemagold.com

Cambior Inc.
#750, East Tower
111 Saint-Charles Street West
Longueuil, P.Q. J4K 5G4

Key Personnel:
Guy G. Dufresne, Chairman of the Board
Louis P. Gignac, President & C.E.O.
Bryan Coates, Vice President Finance & C.F.O.
Robert Lavalliere, Investor Relations 1-866-554-0554
e-mail: info@cambior.com

Coeur d’Alene Mines Corporation
505 Front Avenue
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
U.S.A. 83814

Key Personnel:
Dennis Wheeler, Chairman and C.E.O.
James Sabala, Executive Vice President and C.F.O.
Tony Ebersole, Investor Relations 1-800-523-1535
e-mail: tebersole@coeur.com

Crystallex International Corporation
#210, 18 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1C4

Key Personnel:
Robert A. Fung, Chairman of the Board
Todd Bruce, President & C.E.O.
Borden Rosiak, C.F.O.
Richard Marshall, Investor Relations 1-800-738-1577
e-mail: info@crystallex.com

P. O. Box 390
Maraisburg, 1700
South Africa

Key Personnel:
Mark Wellesley-Wood, Executive Chairman
Ian Murray, Chief Executive Officer
Ilja Graulich, Investor Relations +27 11 381 7826
e-mail: graulich@drd.co.za

Eldorado Gold Corporation
#1188, 550 Burrard Street
Bentall 5
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2B5

Key Personnel:
Hugh C. Morris, Chairman of the Board
Paul Wright, President & C.E.O.
Earl Price, C.F.O.
Nancy Woo, Investor Relations 1-888-353-8166
e-mail: nancyw@eldoradogold.com

Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold Inc.
1615 Poydras Street
New Orleans, Louisiana
U.S.A. 70112

Key Personnel:
James R. Moffett, Chairman of the Board
Richard C. Adkerson, President & C.E.O.
Investor Relations: No contact person 1-800-535-7094
e-mail: ir@fmi.com

Gabriel Resources Ltd.
#1501, 110 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1T4

Key Personnel:
Oyvind Hushovd, Chairman & C.E.O.
Paul Martin, Chief Financial Officer
Simon Lawrence, Investor Relations 1-416-955-9200
e-mail: info@gabrielresources.com

Glamis Gold Ltd.
#310, 5190 Neil Road
Reno, NV 89502

Key Personnel:
A. Dan Rovig, Chairman of the Board
C. Kevin McArthur, President & C.E.O.
Cheryl S. Maher, Vice President, C.F.O. & Treasurer
Michael A. Stevens, V.P. Investor Relations 1-775-827-4600
e-mail: info@glamis.com

Goldcorp Inc.
#2700, 145 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5H 1J8

Key Personnel:
Robert R. McEwen, Chairman
Ian Telfer, Chief Executive Officer
Gregory Laing, Investor Relations 1-800-813-1412
e-mail: info@goldcorp.com

Golden Star Resources Ltd.
#300, 10901 West Toller Drive
Littleton, CO 80127

Key Personnel:
Ian MacGregor, Chairman of the Board
Peter Bradford, President & C.E.O.
Allan Marter, Senior Vice President & C.F.O.
Allan Marter, Investor Relations 1-303-894-4631
e-mail: info@gsr.com

Gold Fields Limited
24 St. Andrews Road
Parktown, 2193
Johannesburg, Gauteng
South Africa

Key personnel:
Christopher (Chris) M.T. Thompson, Chairman of the Board
Ian D. Cockerill, Chief Executive Officer
Willie Jacobsz, Investor Relations +27 11 644 2460
e-mail: williej@goldfields.co.za

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited
Suite No. 1
Private Bag X1
Melrose Arch, 2076
Johannesburg, South Africa

Key Personnel:
Patrice Motsepe, Executive Chairman
Bernard Swanepoel, Chief Executive Officer
Mangisi Gule, Executive Director (Corporate Affairs)
Corne Bobbert, Investor Relations +27 11 684 0140
e-mail: cbobbert@harmony.co.za

Hecla Mining Company
#200, 6500 North Mineral Drive
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815-9408

Key Personnel:
Arthur Brown, Chairman of the Board
Phillips S. Baker, Jr., Chief Executive Officer
Lewis E. Walde, Vice President and C.F.O.
Vicki Veltkamp, V.P. Investor Relations 1-208-769-4144
e-mail: v.veltkamp@hecla-mining.com

IAMGOLD Corporation

220 Bay Street, 5th Floor

Toronto, Ontario M5J 2W4

Key Personnel:
William D. Pugliese, Chairman of the Board
Joseph F. Conway, President & C.E.O.
Grant A. Edey, V.P Finance and C.F.O.
Thomas R. Atkins, V.P. Investor Relations
e-mail: info@iamgold.com 1-888-464-9999

Kinross Gold Corporation
52nd Floor, Scotia Plaza
40 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Y2

Key Personnel:
John E. Oliver, Chairman of the Board
Robert M. Buchan, President & C.E.O.
Lars-Eric Johnansson, V.P. Finance & C.F.O.
Christopher T. Hill, V.P. Investor Relations
e-mail: info@kinross.com 1-416-365-7254

Meridian Gold Inc.
#200, 9670 Gateway Drive
Reno, NV 89521
U.S.A. 89521

Key Personnel:
Christopher Lattanzi, Chairman of the Board
Brian J. Kennedy, President & C.E.O.
Peter C. Dougherty, V.P. Finance & C.F.O.
Deborah Liston, Investor Relations 1-800-557-4699
e-mail: investorrelations@meridiangold.com

Miramar Mining Corporation
#300, 889 Harbourside Drive
Vancouver, B.C. V7P 3S1

Key Personnel:
Anthony Petrina, Chairman of the Board
Anthony (Tony) Walsh, President & C.E.O.
Brian Labadie, Executive Vice-President & C.O.O.
Nicole Copley, Investor Relations 1-800-663-8780
e-mail: info@miramarmining.com

Nevsun Resources, Ltd.
#800, 1075 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6E 3C9

Key Personnel:
Gary E. German, Chairman of the Board
John A. Clarke, President & C.E.O.
Cliff T. Davis, Chief Financial Officer
Maureen Carse, Corporate Secretary 1-888-600-2200
e-mail: maureen@nevsun.com

Newmont Mining Corporation
1700 Lincoln Street
Denver, CO 80203

Key Personnel:
Wayne W. Murdy, Chairman & C.E.O.
Pierre Lassonde, President
Seymour Schulich, Chairman, Newmont Capital Limited
Randy Engel, Investor relations: 1-800-810-6463
e-mail: investor.relations@newmont.com

Northgate Minerals Corporation
#404, 815 Hornby Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2E6

Key Personnel:
Terry A. Lyons, Chairman
Kenneth G. Stowe, President & C.E.O.
Jeneen Weekes, Investor relations: 1-416-216-2771
e-mail: jweekes@northgateminerals.com

Novagold Resources Inc.
P.O. Box 24
#2300, 200 Granville Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1S4

Key Personnel:
Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse, M.Sc., President & C.E.O.
R.J. (Don) MacDonald, CA, Senior V.P. & C.F.O.
Greg Johnson, Investor Relations 1-866-669-6227
e-mail: info@novagold.net

Pan American Silver Corporation
#1500, 625 Howe Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2T6

Key Personnel:
Ross J. Beaty, Chairman of the Board
Geoffrey A. Burns, President & C.E.O.
Brenda Radies, V.P. Corporate Relations
e-mail: bradies@panamericansilver.com 1-604-806-3158

Placer Dome Inc.
Four Bentall Centre
#1600, 1055 Dunsmuir Street
Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1P1

Key Personnel:
Robert M. Franklin, Chairman of the Board
Peter W.Tomsett, President & C.E.O.
Rex J. McLennan, E.V.P. and C.F.O.
Greg Martin, Investor relations 1-604-661-3795
e-mail: goldpanner@placerdome.com

Randgold & Exploration Company Limited
28 Harrison Street
Johannesburg 2001
South Africa

Key Personnel:
R.A.R. Kebble, Chairman of the Board
R.B. Kebble, Chief Executive Officer
George Poole, Investor relations +27 11 688 5000
e-mail: gpoole@jci.co.za

Rio Narcea Gold Mines Ltd.
#1210, 181 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3M7

Key Personnel:
Chris I. von Christierson, Chairman of the Board
John W.W. Hick, Vice Chairman and C.E.O.
Laurie Gaborit, Investor Relations 1-416-956-7470
e-mail: info@rngm.com

Southwestern Resources Corporation
#1650, 701 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, B.C. V7Y 1C6

Key Personnel:
W. David Black, LLB, BA, Chairman of the Board
John G. Paterson, President & C.E.O
John Paterson, Investor Relations 1-604-669-2525
e-mail: info@swggold.com

Wheaton River Minerals Ltd.
#1560, 200 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3L6

Key Personnel:
Ian Telfer, Chairman & C.E.O.
Peter Barnes, Executive V.P. & C.F.O.
Julia Hasiwar, Investor Relations 1-800-567-6223
e-mail: ir@wheatonriver.com

(List 2) Besides the above companies, below is a list of other companies that should be approached to join the conference.

Gammon Lake Resources Inc.
202 Brownlown Avenue
Cambridge 2 Suite 306
Dartmouth, N.S. B3B 1T5

Key Personnel:
Fred George, Chairman & President
Bradley H. Langille, Chief Executive Officer
Terence F. Coughlan, Investor Relations 1-902-468-0614
e-mail: gammonl@sprint.ca

IMA Exploration Inc.
#709, 837 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3N6

Key Personnel:
Dr. Gerald Carlson, Chairman of the Board
Joseph Grosso, President & C.E.O.
Sean D. Hurd, V.P. Investor Relations 1-800-901-0058
e-mail: info@imaexploration.com

Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd.
#1020, 800 West Pender Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2V6

Key Personnel:
Robert Dickinson, Co-Chairman
Ronald Thiessen, President & C.E.O.
Jeffrey Mason, Secretary & C.F.O.
Shawn Wallace, Investor Relations 1-800-667-2114
e-mail: info@hdgold.com

Queenstake Resources Ltd.
#2940, 999 Eighteenth Street
Denver, CO 80202

Key Personnel:
Robert L. Zerga, Chairman of the Board
Dorian (Dusty) Nicol, President and C.E.O.
John F. (Jack) Engele, V.P. Finance & C.F.O.
John Haig, Investor Relations 1-800-276-6070
e-mail: info@queenstake.com

River Gold Mines Ltd.
#1305, 8 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1B5

Key Personnel:
Robert K. Landis, Chairman of the Board
Murray H. Pollitt, President and C.E.O.
George N. Mannard, V.P. Exploration/Investor Relations
e-mail: rivgold@idirect.ca Phone: 1-416-360 3743

Royal Gold Inc.
#1000, 1660 Wynkoop Street
Denver, C) 80202-1132

Key Personnel:
Stanley Dempsey, Chairman and C.E.O.
Tony Jensen, President and Chief Operating Officer
Karen Gross, V.P and Corporate Secretary/Investor Relations
e-mail: kgross@royalgold.com Phone: 1-303-575-6504

Seabridge Gold Inc.
#300, 172 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5A 1J3

Key Personnel:
James S. Anthony, Chairman of the Board
Rudi P. Fronk, President & C.E.O.
Rudi Fronk, Investor Relations 1-416-367-9292
e-mail: info@seabridgegold.net

Silver Standard Resources Inc.
#1180, 999 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2W2

Key Personnel:
Gordon Davis, Director
Robert A. Quartermain, President
Ross A. Mitchell, Vice President, Finance
Paul LaFontaine, Director, Investor Relations
e-mail: invest@silverstandard.com Phone: 1-888-338-0046

Western Silver Corporation
#1550, 1185 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6E 4E6

Key Personnel:
F. Dale Corman, Chairman & C.E.O.
Thomas C. Patton, President & C.O.O.
Gerald Prosalendis, Investor Relations 1-604-684-9497
e-mail: info@westernsilvercorp.com

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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EXEMPLE de lettre à mailer au boss de vos mines 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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MessageRe: EXEMPLE de lettre à mailer au boss de vos mines
par marie Jeu 18 Aoû 2005 - 1:42

salut les goldeux !
hi !

je profite des derniers attendus exceptionnels de gold rush 21 conference ( voir nombreuses files récentes en forum public ) pour vous rappeler que :

si vous voulez agir efficacement .. soleil

et non subir ... ou trader le jeu de caballas qui vous fera baver des ronds de chapeau .. ( ceci n'est pas un appel antitrading ... loin de la ... mais une nécessaire mise en garde ..)

.puisque vous jouerez SES ATOUTS , et non les votres ...... baston compressé

c'est le moment ou jamais de mailer les responsables de vos miniéres ..de maniere à leur montrer que , non seulement et contrairement à eux na ! , vous connaissez les théses du gata , mais que vous leur accordez du crédit ! soleil ... et que vous leur demandez des comptes... sur leur silence étourdissant à ce sujet !!!

vous avez la possibilité de donner votre sentiment .. et surtout la connaissance des faits que vous avez acquise , aux ceo des miniéres dont vous êtes actionnaires !... ceci étant votre humble contribution à la lutte contre les pratiques du cartel caballas

à vous de voir ...ici ( sur le post de tête de file ) vous trouverez des modéles de lettres en version originale ... donc no excuse de ne pas savoir écrire en anglais ... Wink

à adapter selon vos capacités languistiques et votre sentiment sur la question !

danseur danseur danseur

histoire de leur mettre les points sur les i ; vous pourrez joindre les attendus de la gata conference gold rush21


et même quelques photos des différents intervenants ...

communiquer , bienvenue ! diffuser sur ce sujet ne peut que signer la fin titanic des mensonges pinochio de ces orwelliens ... qui comptent sinon sur votre complicité , sur votre silence d'agneau bééé , et ce afin de mieux vous compressé

Go Gata lion , Go Gold , Silver is King .. !!!

danseur musike1 danseur musike1 danseur

©️ Marie
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