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US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie

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MessageUS Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Sam 16 Sep 2006 - 17:14

"liberty dollar" attaqué par " US MINT"
Us Mint prétend avoir le monopole de fondre et vendre des pièces d'or et d'argent, et poursuit sévérement les "contrevenants "

ça commence fort

US Mint warns against circulating Liberty Dollars

NEW YORK, Sept 15 (Reuters) - The United States Mint warned this week that using privately produced silver and gold medallions named "Liberty Dollars" as circulating money is unlawful.

Consumers should be aware that the coins, which are marketed by a nonprofit organization that hopes to change U.S. monetary standards, look similar to U.S. currency but are not genuine U.S. coins, the Mint said in a statement on Thursday.

The entity issuing the Liberty Dollars, called NORFED (the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code), was specifically marketing them "in order to limit reliance on and to compete with" legal U.S. coinage, the Mint said.

Prosecutors with the Department of Justice have concluded that circulating these medallions as money is a crime, according to the Mint, which added that it was the only entity with the lawful authority to produce and issue legal tender U.S. coins.

NORFED offers the Liberty Dollar in three denominations of warehouse receipts -- $1.00, $5.00 and $10.00 -- all backed by varying amounts of .999 fine silver, according to its Web site, www.libertydollar.org.

It also issues a $500 gold certificate backed by one ounce of .9999 fine gold. The silver and gold is stored at the warehouse of independent firm, Sunshine Minting Inc., in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

The Mint said that NORFED had encouraged "Liberty merchants" to accept the Liberty Dollar medallions and offer them as change in sales transactions or merchandise or services.

Under U.S. legal code, "it is a federal crime to pass, or attempt to pass, any coins of gold or silver intended for use as current money except as authorized by law," the Mint said.


©️ Marie
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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par du-puel Sam 16 Sep 2006 - 18:03

marie a écrit:

Under U.S. legal code, "it is a federal crime to pass, or attempt to pass, any coins of gold or silver intended for use as current money except as authorized by law," the Mint said.

Et imprimer et faire circuler des bouts de papier comme monnaie est légal. Bande de crétins.


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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par g.sandro Sam 16 Sep 2006 - 21:23

si Le Liberty amur est illégal, le papier, lui est anticonstitutionnel bon sang , bien sur r.ire

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Dim 17 Sep 2006 - 4:15

ah .. je me disais aussi ... que j'aurais bien ce genre de réactions ! soleil

pour mémo et pour ceux qui n'auraient pas suivi le liberty $ dossier je plane pour toi pourtant signalé -entre autres -par le fameux prof groler .. entre 2 concoctions de la potion qui l'a rendu célébre Wink


m'étonne pas que ça coince chez la MINT US.. qui s'arroge le privilége de battre gold et silver MONNAIE , le gold et silver des autres étant réputé illégal comme monnaie ... mais pas de valeur zero ... ça y peuvent pas ... r.ire nuance .. et c'est bien LA que le débat commence et que les FAITS trancheront ... Wink

on attend avec interet les attendus similaires et d'autres instances us gouvernementales sur e- gold ( un concept different mais dont la conséquence est identique ... ... ) dont un des pionniers n'est autre que J. Turk avec goldmoney

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Lun 18 Sep 2006 - 16:02

paru sur midas

The Wallace Street Journal

By David Bond, Editor
The Silver Valley Mining Journal

Time For A Little Civil Disobedience

Wallace, Idaho - Perversely just in time for Silver Summit 2006, the United States Mint Thursday threw a wrench at Bernard von NotHaus’ Liberty Dollar program with secretion of a Sept. 14 press release, declaring: "Prosecutors with the Department of Justice have determined that the use of these gold and silver NORFED "Liberty Dollar" medallions as circulating money is a Federal crime."

Which is not quite the same as a legislature, a judge or a jury deciding a thing is a crime. (Prosecutors and cops declaring a thing to be a crime don’t necessarily make it so, and we have plenty of instances both nationally and locally where law enforcers invent nonexistent laws just to have an excuse to bust somebody’s chops.) And just who in Hell is the U.S. Mint, anyway? The crud passing for U.S. nickels, dimes, quarters, halves and fiat dollars is the product of counterfeiters, not of the fine craft of minting.

And apparently the word is getting out, that silver is money and that post-1964 U.S. Mint excrement is not. Every Federal Reserve Note, every sandwich quarter and dime, every zinc penny and nickel, is a baleful and tragic reminder of the broken faith of a vile and perfidious Lyndon Johnson Administration, then perpetrated by every administration and cowardly, callow Congress since. The seeds of this crime were sown with the creations of the Federal Reserve Bank and the federal income tax 90 years ago.

Merchants participating in the Liberty Dollar program simply accept Liberty dollars in either coin (silver) or paper form in exchange for goods and services. The difference between Liberty paper dollars and the (now, apparently compulsory) fiat fednotes is that Liberty paper dollars are backed in full by physical silver, whereas fiat paper dollars are backed by, um, snicker, the full faith and credit of the United States government, which broke that same faith with its own subjects in 1964 when it took silver out of the money and later declined even to redeem its Silver Certificates in silver. Such was the lesson of our adolescence: This is a government that cannot be trusted or believed.

And now this government that can neither be trusted nor believed is trying to hijack a perfectly legitimate barter program. Because that’s all the Liberty program really is: consenting adults agreeing to trade one thing for another thing between or amongst themselves. The difference between barter and using fiat fednotes is that with barter, the consenting parties each generally get something of value, whereas with fednotes, all you get is a promise from a deceitful government and its privately-owned, accountable-to-no-one, no-account "bank." A Federal Reserve Bank that is neither federal nor a bank, and posses no reserves. George Orwell must be spinning in his grave at this brave new triplespeak.

We own a few Liberty dollars already, but this missive from the Fed’s lackeys at the U.S. Mint has inspired us to acquire more, and to step up our own Sterling coin program here in Wallace. You’ll see lots of Sterlings at the Silver Summit, and a number of spenders and merchants in Wallace continue bravely to defy this latest edict. It’s a shabby state of affairs when using real money, silver, in lieu of fiat fraud is declared illegal by an arm of the United States government. There’s only one thing a sane person can do: spit in the bastards’ eyes and use silver for money - you know, like the government used to do.

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par g.sandro Lun 18 Sep 2006 - 22:04

remarquable réponse et j'adore surtout ça:

The difference between barter and using fiat fednotes is that with barter, the consenting parties each generally get something of value, whereas with fednotes, all you get is a promise from a deceitful government and its privately-owned, accountable-to-no-one, no-account "bank." A Federal Reserve Bank that is neither federal nor a bank, and posses no reserves. George Orwell must be spinning in his grave at this brave new triplespeak.

Wink r.ire na !

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par g.sandro Lun 18 Sep 2006 - 22:15

Ca me rappelle vaguement un truc ça... je plane pour toi
je l'ai écrit tant et tant de fois, que je ne retrouve qu'un article approchant, qui dit pareil, mais malheureusement pas cette fâmeuse phrase dont je suis si fier...

Citation :
La FED, (La Réserve Fédérale des Etats Unis) n'est pas une réserve, n'est pas Fédérale, et n'est pas "des Etats Unis"

La FED...

On m'aurait menti?
La réserve "fait des râles"


On m’aurait menti ?

La FED ne serait donc pas la Banque Centrale des Etats Unis ?
La FED ne serait donc pas la propriété collective, publique et inaliénable du peuple étasunien ?

Et bien, il semblerait que non…

A propos du caractère privé de la réserve "fait des râles"

D’abord un lien vers l’actionnariat de cette « entreprise pas comme les autres » qui a pour marché la création à partir de rien et à coût presque nul, de milliards (qui, de fait, sont de la dette) et qui en reçoit les intérêts (payés par les contribuables US) comme si sa création monétaire avait coûté quelque chose...alors qu’en réalité, depuis la mise en place des devises flottantes, par fin du Gold Exchange Standard (instauré en 1944 et poignardé par R.NIXON le 15 août 1971) La Fed n’est plus tenue de détenir une contrepartie physique pour la masse monétaire crée…de plus en plus frénétiquement.

Prenez un arbre, faites en des coupons de papier, achetez de l'encre, inscrivez sur les coupons 1, 10, 20, 100 (ou plus) Dollars, et selon le nombre de zéros après le 1, vous aurez multiplié la "valeur" (déjà très théorique) de l'unité monétaire émise par 10, 20, 100, ou plus...

En voilà un beau métier...

Bon, si c’est privé, ça appartient à des actionnaires, non ?

On trouve souvent des liens sur Gold Eagle (editorials ou Forum) qui reprennent la répartition de l’actionnariat, et retombent sur les mêmes banques, j’ai lu pas mal de liens qui confirment la place léonine de JPM dans le tour de table, mais je n’ai pas investigué personnellement , alors on prend ça avec des pincettes ok ?


Le fait qu’une Banque Centrale pratique ce « curieux métier », sur mandat du peuple ou de ses élus est une chose, que ce soit les mêmes institutions privées qui soient chargées (par délégation du service public, serait-on tentés de dire ici) de l’opération ET, simultanément, les destinataires/bénéficiaires, du fait de leur activité de banquier, des flots de photocopies qu’elles fabriquent sans répit et multiplient via des opérations acrobatiques sur des dérivés à fort levier en est une autre…

Adam Hamilton a dénoncé avec des mots choisis, le risque systémique que la politique de l’actionnaire majeur de la FED, JPM Chase, implique, plus encore que le danger évident de la multiplication « cancéreuse » des dérivés, leur concentration en si peu de mains apparaît franchement suicidaire, vous souvenez-vous du scandale du LTCM, et de la crise boursière sévère et globale qu’il suscita en 1998?

Avez-vous en mémoire l’empressement et la diligente efficacité déployés par Greenie (Le Chevalier de la Bulle) le président de cette « drôle de boîte » pour voler au secours de ce fond pour riches spéculateurs en mal de sensations ?

(les énormes montants en cause étaient littéralement dérisoires comparés à ceux dont il est question ici)


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Mer 20 Sep 2006 - 1:18

Hi Bill,

I was disturbed to see that the Treasury Department moved against the
Liberty Dollar last Thursday. The way in which they did this is
chilling and, I think, constitutes a noteworthy step in the process of
cracking down on American's ownership of non-dollar financial assets.
I have unique knowledge of the law that Treasury cited as its
justification, and wanted to write to you with some analysis for MIDAS.

The Liberty Dollar is a privately-minted silver currency, essentially
the free-market reincarnation of the old silver dollar and silver
certificate. It circulates in both coin and in warehouse receipts. The
money has a Statue of Liberty on it, but looks unlike any current U.S.
Money. It is not "legal tender" (i.e. people cannot be required to
take it and banks do not accept it), but has been considered to be
legal for voluntary private transactions between individuals. During
its 8-year existence, many officials from the Treasury, the Federal
Reserve, and the Secret Service have all noted that, while not legal
tender, it was not itself illegal.

On Thurday 9/14, the United States Mint declared the Liberty Dollar
illegal in a press release on their website, citing as their
justification a counterfeiting law (18 USC 486). The story was covered
in a USA Today article, both attached.

The most immediately disturbing aspect of this affair is that the
Treasury Department is an arm of the Executive Branch; it is charged
with enforcing law, not making law or interpreting law.[/b
] ( le trésor se substitue à la justice pour juger de ce qui est illégal ou non )
It is not the
role of the Treasury to "declare something illegal"; that is, on its
face, a sign that the separation of powers is decaying. Treasury
claims to have discussed the issue with prosecutors at the Justice
Department - also an arm of the Executive Branch. Executive and
Executive have gotten together and decided to ban private money,
disregarding long-established positions of the courts and the

[b]Another disturbing aspect is the "legislation by press release".
( ça c'est en effet tres fort de café ... un soit disant arreté ,communiqué par seule voix de presse !! )
Imagine for a minute that you read in the newspaper that your business
has been outlawed by the town police - reversing prior on-the-record
quotes that your business was perfectly legal. The proclamation
targets your company specifically; your competitors are still free to
do business. Further, the proclamation itself does not identify the
police official who has declared you an outlaw. No one called you, no
one talked to you, and you were never given

any chance to address whatever the issue is. Your business, while
legal yesterday, is apparently illegal today without

any judicial ruling or legislation. This is simply not a situation
compatible with the Rule of Law.

The Mint press release is carefully worded to connect separate
concepts as if they were related. It implies that making private money
is illegal because the United States Federal Government has an
"exclusive" power to coin money, citing Article I, section 8, clause 5
of the Constitution. But the word "exclusive" does not appear in the
Constitution as quoted. The Constitution is, by its very nature, a set
of enumerated powers and restrictions on governments, not on people.
The *states* are restricted from coining money. The

*people* are not, and in fact numismatists are aware that the United
States has a rich and well-documented history of private mints
producing private circulating currency which, while not "legal
tender", was "lawful money". Americans create new forms of private
money all the time, from casino tokens to debit cards to PayPal to
GoldMoney. The Treasury Department appears to have suddenly targeted
certain private money, and I suspect it expand its scope soon enough.

Potentially most disturbing of all, 18 USC 486 was actually passed to
keep people from passing counterfeit replica coinage that was not
backed by actual bullion. It is now being used to do the exact
opposite - to ban using money that has real value.

At one point I performed an extensive analysis of 18 USC 486's
legislative and legal history. The historical record showed it was
firmly intended for use as a counterfeiting law, not to ban private
currency. The courts have ruled on this specific issue and found that
18 USC 486 does not reach private currencies. The reasons are
straightforward: to counterfeit something is to make a passable copy
of it for purposes of deception. The standard for counterfeiting has
always been that an ordinary person in ordinary commerce

would likely confuse the item with a specific other item. If you color
photocopy a $20 bill, you are counterfeiting. If you substitute Mickey
Mouse for the President, color it orange, and call it a Disney Dollar,
you are not counterfeiting. Disney has not committed a crime by making
their own money, even though its overall look may be similar to that
of the FRN and it may use similar symbols. No

ordinary person would confuse a Disney Dollar with a Federal Reserve
Note. For the same reason, you cannot counterfeit a $3 bill. It is
well known that there is no such bill. You could make one, and you
might even convince someone that it was a FRN, and that would be
fraud, but the bill itself could not be counterfeit.

18 USC 486 was a Reconstruction-era law intended to police
counterfeiting. At the end of the Civil War, the United States
re-backed its currency with bullion. During the war, private
businesses had issued "store tokens" to deal with the dearth of
specie. Some were legitimate, but others looked very like cents and
were easily confused. But a collection of cents was redeemable in
bullion; a collection of tokens was not. Congress acted to insure
individuals could not issue private coinage that would deceive an
ordinary observer into thinking it was U.S. coin, but was not actually
redeemable in bullion. That law was later re-codified as 18 USC 486.

One hundred and twenty years later, the Treasury Department has acted
to stand 18 USC 486 on its head, using it to ban the use of coinage
that *is* bullion and does not closely resemble circulating coin, in
place of coinage that has no real value. Black has become white; white
has become black - or so Treasury would have us believe.

It is interesting that this attack on circulating silver comes
precisely at the time the gold and silver markets are being harshly
suppressed, shortly after Goldman Sachs' Paulson took Treasury's helm.
Coincidence? I think not. A new tone has been set for the next few
years, and I don't much like its sound.

Liberty Dollars Not Legal Tender, United States Mint Warns Consumers
Justice Determines Use of Liberty Dollar Medallions as Money is a Crime

Washington, D.C. — The United States Mint urges consumers considering
the purchase or use of "Liberty Dollar" medallions, marketed by the
National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and
the Internal Revenue Code (NORFED), to be aware that they are not
genuine United States Mint bullion coins, and not legal tender. These
medallions are privately produced products that are neither backed by,
nor affiliated with, the United States Government. Prosecutors with
the Department of Justice have determined that the use of these gold
and silver NORFED "Liberty Dollar" medallions as circulating money is
a Federal crime.

NORFED is headquartered in Evansville, Indiana, and the medallions
reportedly are produced by a private mint in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
NORFED claims that more than $20 million dollars worth of Liberty
Dollar coins and notes are in circulation.

Consumers may find advertisements for these medallions confusing and
should take note of several issues related to them. The advertisements
refer to the product as "real money" and "currency." These medallions
might look like real money because they:

* Bear the inscriptions, "Liberty," "Dollars," "Trust in God"
(similar to "In God We Trust"), and "USA" (similar to "United States
of America"), and an inscription purporting to denote the year of
* Depict images that are similar to United States coins, such as
the torch on the reverses of the current dime coin, 1986 Statue of
Liberty Commemorative Silver Dollar and 1993 Bill of Rights
Commemorative Half-Dollar, and the Liberty Head designs on the
obverses of United States gold coins from the mid-1800s to the early

However, despite their misleading appearance, NORFED "Liberty Dollar"
medallions are not genuine United States Mint coins, and they are not
legal tender.

The advertisements confusingly refer to NORFED "Liberty Dollar"
medallions as "legal" and "constitutional." However, under the
Constitution (Article I, section 8, clause 5), Congress has the
exclusive power to coin money of the United States and to regulate its
value. The United States Mint is the only entity in the United States
with the lawful authority to mint and issue legal tender United States

Under 18 U.S.C. § 486, it is a Federal crime to pass, or attempt to
pass, any coins of gold or silver intended for use as current money
except as authorized by law. According to the NORFED website, "Liberty
merchants" are encouraged to accept NORFED "Liberty Dollar" medallions
and offer them as change in sales transactions of merchandise or

NORFED tells "Liberty associates" that they can earn money by
obtaining NORFED "Liberty Dollar" medallions at a discount and then
can "spend [them] into circulation."

NORFED’s "Liberty Dollar" medallions are specifically marketed to be
used as current money in order to limit reliance on, and to compete
with the circulating coinage of the United States. Consequently,
prosecutors with the United States Department of Justice have
concluded that the use of NORFED’s "Liberty Dollar" medallions
violates 18 U.S.C. § 486, and is a crime.

The United States Mint has a Consumer Alert with photos of Liberty
Dollars at http://www.usmint.gov/consumer/index.cfm?action=HotItems

Contact: Press inquiries: Becky Bailey (202) 354-7222


Feds lower boom on alternative money
Updated 9/15/2006 3:01 AM ET E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints &
Permissions | Subscribe to stories like this Subscribe to stories like
By Barbara Hagenbaugh, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — The government Thursday warned consumers and businesses
that it is illegal to use alternative money known as "Liberty Dollar"
coins, which organizers promote as a competitor to the almighty dollar.

"We don't want consumers to be fooled," U.S. Mint spokeswoman Becky
Bailey says, noting U.S. Attorneys offices across the USA have noticed
a marked increase in inquiries about the coins.

The coins' producers vowed to fight the government's decision.

Evansville, Ind.-based National Organization for the Repeal of the
Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code, otherwise known as
NORFED, has been making the Liberty Dollar coins for eight years and
claims $20 million is in circulation. The group says the money, unlike
official U.S. cash, has a hedge against inflation because it is made
almost entirely of silver and is backed by stocks of silver and gold
in a vault in Idaho.

The coins are then spent by the group's 2,500 Liberty Associates in
stores run by fellow supporters or are accepted unknowingly by clerks
who are unaware they are not receiving real money.

The Justice Department has determined that use of Liberty Dollars,
which come in varying denominations, "is a crime," according to the
Mint, which issued a rare public warning Thursday.

"The United States Mint is the only entity that can produce coins,"
Bailey says.

The Mint notes the coins share some resemblances to real money, such
as the term "Trust in God" instead of "In God We Trust" and use of a
torch in the design. Such similarities may confuse people into
thinking the money is real, the Mint says.

But NORFED says it will challenge the government, arguing it has never
claimed Liberty Dollars were official money and that it has a right to
offer an alternative.

"The designs and verbiage ... are original and are not copies of any
U.S. Mint currency," NORFED Executive Director Michael Johnson said in
a statement.

It's unclear how many people or businesses are unknowingly holding
Liberty Dollars, which cannot be exchanged for real money at banks.

In a case in Buffalo, a man and his son are set to go on trial next
month after they knowingly tried to buy beer at a Buffalo Sabres
hockey game with Liberty Dollars.

The Mint did not say if government officials will seek to prosecute
individuals or NORFED after its warning.

Reed Runk, part-owner of Kendall Funk & Bismark Jewelers in
Chambersburg, Pa., says the store has been accepting Liberty Dollars
for about a year and has sold a few as well. Runk says the store will
continue to accept and sell the coins.

"We just feel that they are something that educates people as to what
the monetary systems are like in the world, that they are a fiat
system, that if people lose faith in them, they will collapse," he
says. Besides, "They are a good-looking coin."

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par g.sandro Mer 20 Sep 2006 - 1:34

Effrayant affraid , la dérive dictatoriale s'affirme...

Potentially most disturbing of all, 18 USC 486 was actually passed to keep people from passing counterfeit replica coinage that was not backed by actual bullion. It is now being used to do the exact opposite - to ban using money that has real value.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Mer 11 Oct 2006 - 17:29

réponse de Bernard von NotHaus, l'un des fondateurs de liberty dollar

Bernard von NotHaus, one of the founders of the independent Liberty Dollar silver currency in the United States, has written an essay protesting the recent attempt of the U.S. Mint to portray the Liberty Dollar as a form of counterfeiting after eight years of U.S. government statements acknowledging that the Liberty Dollar was simply a legal private means of exchange. NotHaus' essay is titled "Get the Liberty Dollar ... Unjustly Defamed by the U.S. Mint?," and you can find it at FreeMarket News here:


Or try this abbreviated link:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Jeu 15 Nov 2007 - 18:21

oh putain !!!

Feds raid Liberty Dollar and seize and freeze everything


Citation :
For approximately six hours they took all the gold, all the silver, all the platinum, and almost two tons of Ron Paul Dollars that were just delivered last Friday. They also took all the files and computers and froze our bank accounts.

We have no money. We have no products. We have no records to even know what was ordered or what you are owed. We have nothing but the will to push forward and overcome this massive assault on our liberty and our right to have real money as defined by the U.S. Constitution.
We should not be defrauded by the fake government money.
But to make matters worse, all the gold and silver that backs up the paper certificates and digital currency held in the vault at Sunshine Mint has also been confiscated. Even the dies for minting the gold and silver Libertys have been taken.
All this has happened even though Edmond C. Moy, the director of the U.S. Mint, acknowledged in a letter to a U.S. senator that the paper certificates did not violate Section 486 and were not illegal.

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par GdB Ven 16 Nov 2007 - 15:49

J'ai pas suivi toute l'hsitoire mais ça a l'air assez hallucinant cette affaire...

Mais il est clair qu'un pouvoir est prêt à tout (y compris à la force et à la violence dite légitime) pour préserver sa monnaie de toute menace.


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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Ven 16 Nov 2007 - 16:51

le raid de la FED est confirmé par ce matin, sans aucune explication .. justification



on apprend également que la FED a saisit documents et matrices destinés à frapper les "liberty dollars ", sur 3 des sites de coeur d'aléne



+un topo de simon Constable, qui donne une orientation politicienne à l'affaire ( soutien à la campagne de Ron Paul, celui ci étant un ardent adversaire de la FED, autant qu'un farouche supporter de la vraie monnaie

du coup, le cours des piéces fondues à l'effigie de Ron Paul s'envolent sur Ebay de 25 à 220$ aaarf


merci à cmcicphl de bourso/ gold index pour ce lien cool

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Sam 17 Nov 2007 - 23:07

la suite du dossier où se distinguent 2 angles d'attaque de la FED
- le 1er contre liberty dollar pour émission de fausse monnaie ( on pourrait confondre les piéces du liberty $ avec celles du gouvernement ), blanchiement d'argent et email fraude
- le second contre la NORFED, une association défendant la vraie money, dont le sénateur Ron Paul est l'un des défenseurs les plus actifs


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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par g.sandro Dim 18 Nov 2007 - 1:40

Tain, les enfoirés...

Staline, Hitler puis Roosevelt étaient les seuls jusqu'ici a avoir prohibé la détention et l'usage de métal as money...

Au risque de me répéter, je trouve hallucinant que ce soit, justement, au nom de cette constitution qu'ils bafouent sans vergogne depuis le 16/08/71 qu' ils ( les autorités) se permettent cette délirante initiative...

bon sang , bien sur n81 yeuxx en bille affraid

Ce que la constite US prohibe, (à juste titre) c'est la FED et les dollars papiers, pas la frappe de médailles...

Quand c'est la police qui fait les lois à la place du parlement (ou pire, quand elle ne les écrit même pas, qu'elle s'en dispense) pour traquer plus facilement les comportements qui lui déplaisent (ou plutôt qui déplaisent à ses maîtres) c'est bel et bien que l'arbitraire est déjà là...ç'est quoi la différence avec tyrannie et dictature déjà?

ils sont à la gorge, à l'agonie même, et c'est un signe très clair, un signe de plus ...moi je dis...

singe angge et démmon yeuxx en bille je plane pour toi amur tchin clap clap ye.s aaarf fêttttte r.ire

Silver is king, Go Gold !

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Mer 21 Nov 2007 - 0:25

aprés 2 ans de tracasseries diverses et les saisies finales, l'épilogue de cette affaire arrive ... et va se terminer en un spectaculaire procès ... qui sera celui du systéme monétaire US ..si la FED tient ses "promesses " et "charge" BernardVon Nothaus devant les tribunaux ..

ça m'étonnerait fort que Ron PAUL ne se méle pas à cette bagarre juridique Wink ...

restons à l'écoute, ça promet d'étre interessant !!


Spectacular trial' seen in Liberty Dollar
Submitted by cpowell on 10:00PM ET Monday, November 19, 2007. Section: Daily Dispatches
By Joseph Goldstein
The New York Sun
Monday, November 19, 2007
The monetary gadfly behind the Liberty Dollar, Bernard von NotHaus, declared over the weekend that he expects to be criminally charged over his currency and is vowing "a spectacular trial" that will "put this country's monetary system on trial."
Mr. von NotHaus was interviewed by The New York Sun via telephone on Saturday following disclosures that the Liberty Dollar, a gold- and silver-based currency marketed by anti-government activists as an alternative to the greenback, drew the federal government's scrutiny because the coins resembled official currency produced by the U.S. Mint.
After a two-year undercover investigation of the currency, federal agents last week raided the Idaho mint where the Liberty Dollar was produced and the Indiana offices that served as its marketing headquarters. Tens of thousands of gold, silver, and copper coins were seized, including a special edition bearing the image of a Republican presidential candidate, Rep. Ron Paul, a supporter of the gold standard. It is the standard edition of the Liberty Dollar, which features a profile of a crowned Lady Liberty as well as the lettering USA and "Trust In God," which federal authorities say is illegal.

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Ven 23 Nov 2007 - 2:02

interview du fondateur de Liberty dollar,Bernard von NotHaus , sur CNN

vidéo + retranscription écrite du contenu ..


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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Sam 22 Déc 2007 - 18:28

liberty dollar réouvre, avec un nouveau nom et de nouveaux produits ..à la fois pour lever des fonds en vue du procès, et pour satisfaire sa clientèle ..


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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Sam 21 Juin 2008 - 23:51

une grande 1ère et un test pour le liberty $
un groupe de supporters porte l'affaire en justice et demande la restitution du matériel confisqué par la FED, plus de 7 tonnes de métal en pièces de cuivre, or, argent et platine


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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Ven 5 Juin 2009 - 17:24

et ça recommence !!

le Fbi arrête le fondateur de Liberty dollar ainsi que 3 de ses associés


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MessageLiberty Dollar indictment alleges counterfeiting
par g.sandro Sam 6 Juin 2009 - 14:38

Liberty Dollar indictment alleges counterfeiting

US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie Gata_painting_small
Submitted by
cpowell on 12:11AM ET Saturday, June 6, 2009. Section: Daily Dispatches
12:03a Saturday, June 6, 2009
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
The Justice Department's press release on the indictments of the Liberty
Dollar people alleges counterfeiting, which seems pretty lame, insofar as the
Liberty Dollar medallions -- mustn't say "coins" -- have far more intrinsic
value than any of the coins they supposedly are impersonating. You can read the
Justice Department's statement about the indictments here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

Silver is king, Go Gold !

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Jeu 2 Juil 2009 - 1:38

la suite des événements :

Home » Daily Dispatches

Liberty Dollar prosecution update

Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2009-07-01 14:48. Section: Daily Dispatches
10:50a ET Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Bernard von NotHaus, founder of the Liberty Dollar, has provided an update on the legal situation of himself and the other Liberty Dollar people being prosecuted by the federal government on counterfeiting charges. Von NotHaus reports that a long slog through the courts is ahead and that he and his people will be grateful for any assistance. You can read von NotHaus' update toward the bottom of the Liberty Dollar dispatch here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Sam 1 Aoû 2009 - 18:04

Bernard von NotHaus suspend les activités de liberty $ jusquà son acquittement ... comme la cour le lui impose


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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par marie Dim 20 Mar 2011 - 16:24

comdamnation du fondateur de Liberty Dollar

Citation :
, of making coins resembling and similar to United States coins, of issuing, passing, selling, and possessing Liberty Dollar coins, of issuing and passing Liberty Dollar coins intended for use as current money, and of conspiracy against the United States


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MessageRe: US Mint / liberty dollar /attaque contre la vraie monnaie
par g.sandro Dim 20 Mar 2011 - 19:36

berk compressé yeuxx en bille resssssort

c'est un coup à devenir Nofearien ça...Wink

Silver is king, Go Gold !

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