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chine / Goldman Sachs et relations d'affaire , notamment sur l'or et l'argent

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Messagechine / Goldman Sachs et relations d'affaire , notamment sur l'or et l'argent
par marie Mar 14 Nov 2006 - 0:22

Chine : Réserves d'or


AFX News Limited
China moving to hold more reserves in gold - Numis
11.13.2006, 12:14 AM
BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - China is likely to diversify its foreign exchange holdings of more than one trln usd away from US dollar denominated instruments in favor of gold, Numis Securities said.

'China is estimated to hold about one pct of its reserves as gold and there is speculation that the Chinese central bank could raise gold to five to six pct of total reserves over the next 15 years. The World Gold Council estimates that China holds around 600 tons of gold which at today's market price is worth 12.2 bln usd,' Numis said in a research note.

It noted that People's Bank of China governor Zhou Xiaochuan had said recently that the government is seeking alternative instruments to US dollar denominated assets, which has contributed to an improvement in the gold price in the last week.

China's International Finance News quoted Zhou as saying the country has a very clear plan to diversify its reserves, though he later denied that China has any plans to accelerate this diversification.

'If assuming China's economy were to remain flat and the one trln usd of reserves were to include five pct gold, then this would require gold reserves worth 50 bln usd. At today's pricing this would mean that over a 15-year period China would need to purchase 1,857 tons of gold, or around 124 tons per year,' Numis said.

China's gold production has risen rapidly over the past few years and it now ranks in fourth place having produced 224 tons of gold last year, behind South Africa, Australia and the US.

©️ Marie
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Dernière édition par marie le Sam 8 Oct 2011 - 22:48, édité 3 fois




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MessageRe: chine / Goldman Sachs et relations d'affaire , notamment sur l'or et l'argent
par g.sandro Mar 14 Nov 2006 - 8:29

réserves d'or de la Chine X 6 ? Tain...039 039 039

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: chine / Goldman Sachs et relations d'affaire , notamment sur l'or et l'argent
par tripben Mar 14 Nov 2006 - 8:32

et pendant ce temps la ...
Citation :
General Motors compte emprunter 1,5 milliard de dollars

CHICAGO (Reuters) - General Motors a annoncé lundi qu'il comptait lever 1,5 milliard de dollars par l'emprunt d'ici la fin de l'année pour développer sa position de liquidité et tirer parti de conditions de marché solides.

Les prêteurs seront créanciers prioritaires sur les machines et l'équipement des sites industriels du groupe automobile.

Les changements des règles comptables gouvernant les retraites et autres prestations sociales post-emploi pourraient déboucher sur des fonds propres négatifs dans les comptes financiers de la fin de l'année 2006, rendant difficile de placer les actifs immobilisés en garantie d'une telle facilité l'an prochain, a expliqué le constructeur automobile américain.

Que le Gold vous protége !! Y a que la vérité qui compte Wink



  Chef cuistot
 Chef cuistot


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Messageconflit d'intérêt Paulson au trésor us et relation d'affaires avec la Chine
par marie Mer 15 Nov 2006 - 17:39

conflit d'intérêt Hank Paulson au trésor us et relation d'affaires avec la Chine

un truc "marrant " sur Paulson et la "filiere" chinoise
qui met un relief singulier sur le conflit d'interet entre sa position au trésor et le role determinant sinon exclusif qu'il a joué ds l'émergence des relations d'affaires Goldman sachs / chine populaire

source midas

More from Scott:

Hello Gentlemen:
I did a Google search using the key words: Paulson China, and the first article that came up raised some interesting questions. I am not familiar with this writer except that I checked him out on Wikipedia and was surprised he was so critical of Paulson in light of his past associations. In any case, I think the article is worth a read on a day that CNBC is talking about IBM investing in Chinese banks.



Best wishes,

©️ Marie
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chine / Goldman Sachs et relations d'affaire , notamment sur l'or et l'argent Sign-m10

Dernière édition par marie le Sam 8 Oct 2011 - 22:44, édité 2 fois




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MessageGS et la filière chinoise
par marie Jeu 16 Nov 2006 - 3:23

ça se corse ++++ , cet eclairage sur les relations de Goldman Sachs avec la Chine, via son patron, Hank Paulson

GS et la filière chinoise

et le pire c'est que 7 super crédible !!!

un lecteur de midas

Cause and effect?

After years of working as an engineer some habits are just too hard to break. One of those habits is to look around for cause and effect, especially if you are in new territory. A few facts published lately kind of make sense when viewed together.

1. The US is exporting gold at a rate not seen since Nixon closed the gold window in the early 70s.

2. China has been reported to have, and has now announced, the policy of diversifying its FOREX reserves.

3. Most believe that the diversification of China's reserves will include gold. China % of gold reserves is much lower than many industrialized nations.

4. Goldscum Sacks is a HUGE financial entity that has been doing numerous IPOs, purchases, etc in China for years. They have weaseled themselves into China's political elite and financial markets. (Sounds familiar doesn't it?)

5. Paulson has made many trips to China and seems to have a cozy relationship with the central dictatorial figures who control all of China's macro financial decisions. They seem to have established a private arrangement with the controllers of China.

6. Goldscum Sacks operates in its own interests, not those of the people of the US. This is obvious by the blatant manipulation that we see them doing on a regular basis even in this non-transparent environment.

7. Tonnes of physical gold is necessary to support the manipulative shorting by goldscum and associates.

8. We see that goldscum has some kind of wink wink nod nod get out of jail free card with the Us government that allows them to flaunt the laws are regulations that they seem to violate with impunity.

One scenario that fits the above is obvious. That scenario being that goldscum is orchestrating a transfer of US and European gold to China. They are keeping the price down, that is obvious. They are using gold from US and cooperative entities most likely including the CBs that are bullied by and cooperating with the US puppet masters. Neither China or goldscum operate in the light of day and the cozy relationship goldscum has with the US govt, may be the model for the relationship with China's ruling elite.

Could the intentional transfer of peoples gold to China, at very low manipulated prices, be a quid pro quo between China and goldscum at the expence of free markets and small investors all over the world?

Will be interesting to see if other little factiods evolve to support this contention.


©️ Marie
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