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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par marie Sam 19 Fév 2011 - 19:11

la banque mondiale reconnait elle même le phénoméne ..prix "alimentaires" +15% sur 3 mois !

Citation :
"Les prix de l'alimentation continuent à augmenter dans le monde. L'indice des prix alimentaires de la Banque mondiale a augmenté de 15% entre octobre 2010 et janvier 2011, et n'est que 3% en dessous de son pic de 2008", a indiqué l'institution dans un communiqué.


Les prix alimentaires proches de "la cote d'alerte", estime la Banque mondiale :

La flambée des prix alimentaires est en train d'atteindre la cote d'alerte et accroît l'instabilité politique, a averti samedi à Paris le président de la Banque mondiale Robert Zoellick, en marge d'une réunion des ministres des Finances du G20.
"J'ai dit que nous avons atteint la cote d'alerte", a déclaré à la presse M. Zoellick, qui rapportait les propos qu'il avait tenus devant les grands argentiers de la planète. Il a appelé les dirigeants du G20 à "considérer l'alimentation comme une priorité numéro un en 2011".
La hausse des prix des produits alimentaires va encourager une hausse de l'offre agricole, mais dans les deux prochaines années "il pourrait aussi y avoir une masse de troubles, les gouvernements pourraient tomber et les sociétés basculer dans le désordre", a affirmé M. Zoellick.
La hausse continue des prix des denrées alimentaires, nourrie par la flambée des cours des matières premières agricoles, est une des causes des bouleversements en cours au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord.
"Nous devons être très sensibles à ce qui se passe en termes de prix alimentaires et sur les effets potentiels qu'ils peuvent avoir sur la stabilité politique", a ajouté le président de la Banque mondiale, lors d'une conférence téléphonique avec quelques journalistes.
La communauté internationale doit se tenir prête à réagir rapidement pour aider des pays comme la Tunisie, où le président Zine El Abidine Ben Ali a été renversé après une révolte populaire, qui a donné le coup d'envoi d'autres mouvements de protestation à travers tout le Moyen-Orient et le Maghreb.
La hausse des prix alimentaires a fait tomber entre juin et décembre 44 millions de personnes dans le monde sous le seuil de l'extrême pauvreté, selon la Banque mondiale.
L'institution a réalisé cette estimation grâce à des statistiques sur les revenus et dépenses des ménages réalisées dans les pays à revenus bas à moyens.
Le seuil de l'extrême pauvreté est défini par des dépenses de 1,25 dollar par jour et par personne. D'après les dernières estimations en date de la Banque mondiale, 1,2 milliard de personnes dans le monde sont sous ce seuil.
"Les prix de l'alimentation continuent à augmenter dans le monde. L'indice des prix alimentaires de la Banque mondiale a augmenté de 15% entre octobre 2010 et janvier 2011, et n'est que 3% en dessous de son pic de 2008", a indiqué l'institution dans un communiqué.
"Les pressions inflationnistes provoquées par les prix du pétrole, de l'énergie et des matières premières doivent être prises au sérieux", a affirmé de son côté le président de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE), Jean-Claude Trichet, lors d'une conférence de presse, à l'issue du G20 Finances.
M. Zoellick a également assuré que les ministres du G20 s'étaient montrés réceptifs à son discours et que ce groupe de pays industrialisés et émergents était prêt à agir.
"Le meilleur moyen de contrer les critiques de ceux qui disent que le G20 n'est qu'un forum de discussions est de lancer de véritables actions, et des actions en faveur des plus démunis est ce qu'on peut faire de mieux", a-t-il déclaré.
La France, qui préside actuellement le G20, a fait de la sécurité alimentaire et de la réduction de la volatilité des prix alimentaires une de ses priorités.

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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par marie Lun 21 Fév 2011 - 17:57

un édifiant récapitulatif des devises démonétisées..avec en regard la cause ( hyperinflation, guerres etc )

ça vous surprendra pas, si l'hyper inflation est au 1er rang pour dezinguer une fiat monnaie


merci à Marin Belge pour le lien

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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par Invité Jeu 10 Mar 2011 - 15:45

Un article du FT sur (entre autres choses) la question de 'inflation en Chine :

Xie says the combination of US dollars flooding the system with liquidity and China holding its currency down will be potent.
He writes,
The most likely candidates to trigger the next global crisis are the US’s sovereign debt or China’s inflation. When one goes down first, the other can prolong its economic cycle. China may have won the last race. To win the next one, China must tackle its inflation problem, which is ultimately a political and structural issue, in 2011. If China does, the US will again be the cause for the next global crisis. China would suffer from declining exports but benefit from lower oil price.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Keeping inflation down is of key concern to Beijing’s mandarins. Over the weekend state media quoted Premier Wen Jiabao pledging to keep consumer inflation, a potential source of social unrest, down in 2011.
“The central government has taken a slew of steps to stabilize prices,” Wen said, promising to put the issue higher on the official agenda, something the government has been saying since November when inflation soared to a two-year high.
Following zero-sum logic Xie expostulates that China’s inflation will be great news for the US:
Inflation is good for the U.S., because foreigners own nearly 100 percent of its GDP in financial assets. With its massive U.S. debt holdings, China will suffer especially hard. Indeed, if China’s foreign exchange reserves evaporate in value, it becomes very vulnerable, unless its structural problems are solved.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Today’s lower-than-expected Chinese purchasing managers’ data for December will likely assuage concern in Beijing, and it will also calm investors worried that Beijing will clamp down on red-hot growth. Yet it is precisely this growth, Xie says, that risks a hard landing for China. He writes,
If China has a hard landing, the US’s trade deficit can drop dramatically, maybe by 50%, due to lower import prices. It would boost the dollar’s value and bring down the US’s treasury yield. The US can have lower financing cost and lower expenditure. The combination allows the US to enjoy a period of good growth . . .</BLOCKQUOTE>




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Messagehyperinflation USA
par marie Mar 29 Mar 2011 - 0:27

12 signaux d'alarme d'hyperinflation aux USA


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Messageregardez juste le tableau des monnaies papiers, c'est simplement édifiant
par g.sandro Mar 29 Mar 2011 - 2:10

Regardez juste le tableau des monnaies papiers, c'est simplement édifiant

inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 E949b0f_ inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 664330 inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 030 inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 Temps21 inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 678126 affraidinflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 282616 inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 934535 inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 947639

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par marie Mer 30 Mar 2011 - 14:36

ton superbe tableau de l'expansion monétaire des devises internationales tombe très bien Sandro .. puisque J. Turk vient d'écrire un topo sur l'ascension hyperbolique du cours de l'or, signe d'une hyperinflation des principales monnaies nationales.. qui a déjà commencé .. mais dont la phase d'accélération est à venir ..

regardez, l'or contre toutes les principales devises .. c'est édifiant !


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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par marie Jeu 31 Mar 2011 - 0:19

inflation de retour et pas qu'aux usa .. ici on parle de statistiques officielles bien évidemment... alors imaginez ce que c'est en vrai ..
mais vous le saviez déja .. en remplissant votre caddy, en faisant le plein pour la voiture .. et en réglant vos factures élecricité et chauffage .. toutes dépenses incompressibles par ailleurs .. à part la bagnole .. et encore ça dépend si vous bossez avec .. ou si vous en avez absolument besoin pour aller sur lieu de travail ... les transports en commun c'est joli .. mais s'il faut une heure de plus aller et retour pour se rendre au lieu de travail .. ..

bref ..voilà l'article

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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par Invité Jeu 31 Mar 2011 - 10:07

Même le Canard d'hier s'y met en première page...c'est dire...inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 640581



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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par Invité Mar 5 Avr 2011 - 18:15



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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par Invité Ven 8 Avr 2011 - 20:41

Allez hop ! Je m'auto-cite afin de m'auto-congratuler ! inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 773409

Ce matin, dans libé, un petit article sur la BCE qui remonte ses taux de 0,25 %.

Et pourquoi ça donc ? Pour lutter contre l'inflation bien sûr ! inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 8939278_

Bon, même le journaliste de LIBE a pigé que remonter les taux de la BCE de 0,25 n'allait pas changer grand chose contre l'inflation importée issue du pétrole et des marchés de matières premières alimentaires de NY...

C'est dire.

inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 125380

Bref, le mécanisme précédemment décrit et si habilement mené sous Thatcher est en train d'être mis en place :

- remontée des taux sous prétexte d'une inflation qui n'a rien à voir avec lesdits taux,

- étranglement des entreprises, et surtout des PME et classes moyennes, l'inflation ne faisant que de se développer alors que le crédit s'assèche,

- probablement mise en place d'une règlementation répressive sur les diverses libertés, notamment syndicales mais probablement pas seulement, ce aux fins naturellement de lutter contre le chômage qui a, comme chacun sait, pour cause l'absence de flexibilité du travail...

- et sûrement bénéfices confortables réalisées par des banques amies renflouées par le contribuable sur divers marchés opportunément sélectionnés (le copper ? et les MPx bien sûr...et puis les MP agricoles et le pétrole naturellement...quoi d'autre ?).

C'est tellement prévisible... et pourtant ça marche à tous les coups. inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 923766

Sauf que là c'est à l'échelle mondiale, pas seulement d'un pays. inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 213402

pascalbrutal a écrit:
Elle me plaît bien cette inflation. Elle permet plein de choses bien sympathiques.

Pour rappel, et par exemple, en 1979, le gouvernement Thatcher avait prétexté une hausse de l'inflation pour remonter les taux directeurs de 5% en une nuit (de 12 à 17% de mémoire).

La cause de l'inflation invoquée par le gouvernement était le montant des dépenses publiques, et non bien entendu la hausse du prix du bbl consécutive à l'éjection du Shah d'Iran par le MI5 qui avait conduit le taux aux environs de 18%. Ce qui avait conduit à des coupes drastiques dans le budget bien entendu.

La conséquence de la hausse des taux en avait évidemment été une catastrophe économique et une hausse du chômage de 100 % en quelques années (de 1,5 à 3 M). Le gouvernement avait accusé les syndicats de manquer de flexibilité et d'être responsable du chômage ce qui avait servi de prétexte à Thatcher également pour cogner sur les Trade Unions et s'en débarrasser presque définitivement.

Pendant ce temps, les banques de la City encaissaient des bénéfices considérables qu'ils pouvaient réinvestir...à Singapour ou en Amérique latine, car fort opportunément Thatcher avait fait abolir le contrôle des changes. inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 923766 Il n'était évidemment pas question d'investir ces montants dans l'industrie anglaise sinistrée.

Sans parler des majors de l'industrie pétrolière qui pouvaient tabler sur un bbl de mémoire aux environs de 36$ (des vrais dollars de l'époque, pas des pesodollars de 2010).

Même cause, mêmes effets ? On parie ?



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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par Invité Dim 10 Avr 2011 - 6:41

Guess what ? Pratiquement le même article le lendemain dans Marianne p. 10 sous je titre : "Jean-Claude Trichet va tuer l'€uro !".

Comme si c'était son genre et comme si ce n'était pas le but...

Comme quoi, il apparaît scientifiquement qu'un journaliste ne fait fonctionner son cerveau en matière économique que lorsqu'il a peur de ne plus rien avoir dans son assiette. Si Monsieur Pavlov était encore de ce monde il apprécierait sûrement.



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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par marie Mer 13 Avr 2011 - 20:56

le taux d'inflation annuel actuel serait de 10%, si l'on s'en tient aux anciennes mesures en vigueur jusqu'en 1980 !

depuis, et à plusieurs reprises les critères d'évaluation de la hausse des prix à la consommation ont été "astucieusement" changé.. de sorte qu'officiellement, n'apparaisse rien d'inquiétant

on a bien et à la fois une récession en double dip, et un problème d'inflation ... autant dire le mot : il s'agit bien de stagflation , c'est à dire de récession couplée à inflation


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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par marie Mer 13 Avr 2011 - 22:11

LOL... je viens de tomber sur ça..

sur le site de la réserve fédérale de saint louis, et le "core cpi", c'est à dire l'indice de base des prix à la consommation

on nous explique benoitement, que l'énergie et l'alimentaire sont exclus de l'indice de base, en raison ... d'une trop grande volatilité

évidemment, on le savait déjà .. mais le fait qu'ils se justifient de la sorte .. au moment où justement, ce sont précisément ces 2 compartiments qui explosent à la hausse...

inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 354172

Citation :
Q. What is the core CPI?

A. The core CPI is the CPI excluding food and energy. It may seem puzzling to exclude two categories of great importance to all consumers, but here’s why it’s done. Food and energy prices tend to be more volatile and subject to more price variation—sharp and often short-term movements can obscure longer-term and underlying trends in other categories. For example, gasoline prices can change several cents per gallon overnight. By excluding food and energy, the core CPI indicates the short-run inflation trend without the risk of volatile prices concealing the true picture of that trend.

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Dernière édition par marie le Jeu 14 Avr 2011 - 3:34, édité 1 fois




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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par g.sandro Jeu 14 Avr 2011 - 2:43

T'es mauvaise langue Marie, j'ai souvent posté que les indices officiels sont très fiables,... pour quelqu'un qui ne mange pas, ne fume pas, ne se chauffe pas, n'a pas le permis ni de véhicule, n'est pas connecté, n'a pas de téléphone et vit dans les bois de braconnage et de cueillette.inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 354172

c'est l'indice INSEE...Indice Nationale de Satisfaction des Ermites Economes.

inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 030 inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu - Page 4 640581

Silver is king, Go Gold !

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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par marie Mar 26 Avr 2011 - 21:12

le paradoxe de Bernanke : La FED elle même déclare vouloir des prix plus élévés , qui augmentent plus rapidement ..

on ne peut pas être plus clair !

Citation :
Last September, the committee declared that it wanted prices to rise more rapidly, and on that score it has succeeded. The question now is whether the Fed's success in promoting inflation is undermining the economic recovery it claims to be supporting.


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MessageBBP index, mystérieuse disparition
par marie Mar 26 Avr 2011 - 23:20

BBP index, mystérieuse disparition

le bbp index est un indice très prisé des blogueurs et mesure l'inflation en temps réel aux usa

le site qui tient cette statistique à jour,The MIT research team a briévement annoncé sa prochaine suspension au profit d'une autre méthode de calcul.. s'est même retrouvé en rade .. puis tout est rentré dans l'ordre aussi mystérieusemet que ça avait commencé ..

un remake de la disparition de la disparition de M3 ?

sur les 4 mois, le BBP indique un taux d'inflation annualisé de 8%

Citation :
Just two hours after the original version of this report noting the disappearance of the BPP index, the website reappeared just as mysteriously, including the U.S. country index. It showed U.S. inflation raging on, now running at an annualized rate of 8% over the past four months. I’m just hoping that MIT will find the resources to keep the BPP going. Coming from an unbiased, mainstream institution, this is one of the best tools we have to counter the Fed’s insistence that inflation is not a problem.


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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par marie Jeu 28 Avr 2011 - 23:46

aie ... voilà qu'arrivent les 1ers signes de stagflation aux usa,
c'est à dire une inflation conjuguée à la récession ..

les statistiques PIB US font ressortir une croissance en hausse de 1.8% sur les 4 derniers mois, en dépit du stimulus financier des assouplissements monétaires ,
le tout accompagné d'une inflation de 3.8% sur la même période

tout ça en statistiques officielles, bien entendu .. donc minimisant forcément la réalité et la suite du scénario.. que Sandro anticipait depuis le début ...

je vous laisse lire l'analyse compléte de cette news reuters


BREAKINGVIEWS-U.S. GDP data starts to spell stagflation
The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The
opinions expressed are his own –
By Martin Hutchinson
WASHINGTON, April 28 (Reuters Breakingviews) - It's starting to feel like stagflation in America. Gross domestic product rose just 1.8 percent in the first quarter, despite the
injection of additional fiscal stimulus in December. At the same time, the Fed's chosen measure of inflation -- the personal consumption expenditures deflator -- rose 3.8 percent.
If the trends aren't temporary and oil prices don't retreat, the Fed may find itself scrambling.

The first-quarter rise in GDP is weaker than it looks, for two reasons. First, half of it derived from a build-up in inventories, which may weigh on future growth. Second, while most of the bipartisan December stimulus consisted of extending the Bush tax cuts, with no short-term effect on the economy, it also included a one-year reduction of 2 percent in employees' social security contributions, estimated to cost $112 billion and entering pay packets in January. That boosted personal income, which rose at an 8.3 percent annual rate in the quarter, and should have increased growth.
Instead, prices increased so fast that even though the savings rate increased only marginally, real personal consumption rose only at a modest 2.7 percent. With government cutting back and construction weak, GDP growth was sluggish.
From this point on, there is no further stimulus available, either monetary or fiscal. Budgetary constraints are likely to cut state spending further, and inventories are unlikely to increase when growth is slow. As a result, price pressures from global commodity and energy markets may hit future GDP growth.
On the inflation front, the PCE deflator is already far outstripping the Fed's 2011 forecast range, released on April 27, of 2.1 percent to 2.8 percent, suggesting the Fed's immobility on interest rates is producing increasingly negative real rates, boosting inflation.

The economic picture could change abruptly, as it did in 2008, when the oil and commodity price spiral reversed and inflation dissipated. Of course, that came at the cost of a
major financial crash and economic downturn. There's no easy exit.

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Messagerapport hyper inflation
par marie Sam 30 Avr 2011 - 3:46

Le fameux John Williams de Shadow Stats dont nous parlons ici, réguliérement sort un rapport spécial sur l'hyperinflation!
et ça tappe !!

je précise encore une fois.. pour les défla, que le scénario envisagé est bien stagflation, c'est à dire récession conjuguée avec hyperinflatiion


pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore ce site, à visiter absolument...puisque c'est l'un des seuls sites us à fournir et analyser des statistiques 'non hédoniste" ( en clair, non truquées)...
c'est notamment Williams qui fournit des données reconstituées sur M3, depuis que la FED a carrément décidé de ne plus publier les statistiques ad hoc... tellement horribles qu'impossibles à bidouiller, peinards..

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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par g.sandro Sam 30 Avr 2011 - 15:49

g.sandro a écrit:
Mer 16 Juil 2008, 20:31
Voici donc un adepte de plus de ce que je dois ( crois devoir) appeler "MON" concept (prétenduement délirant ) :"L'HYPERSTAGFLATION",
inconnu des dictionnaires et que je fus le premier (du moins à ma
connaissance) à oser utiliser sous les quolibets et les railleries et ce
dès 1999/2000.

un peu d'auto-congratulation, après tout, je
l'ai bien mérité, puisque tout le monde ne peut pas, (et dans ce
domaine particulier encore moins encore qu'ailleurs) inventer un mot... LOL...

"HYPERSTAGFLATION" kissé qui lave Eddy?
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Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par Invité Ven 27 Mai 2011 - 14:42

L'OCDE annonce, à mots feutrés, l'arrivée probable de la stagflation :


Vous ne pourrez pas dire qu'on ne vous l'avais pas dit...



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MessageHyperinflation Warning for U.S. By Jeff Nielson for www.lemetropolecafe.com
par g.sandro Mer 1 Juin 2011 - 0:01

Hyperinflation Warning for U.S.

Jeff Nielson

source: www.lemetropolecafe.com

By now, most informed readers have at least a general understanding of the
concept of “hyperinflation”. It is
the exponential increase in the prices of goods, directly caused by the collapse
of the currency in which those prices are denominated. Thus, when the United
Nations issued a warning last
of a possible “crisis of confidence” and/or “collapse” of the U.S.
dollar, this was also a direct warning of the imminent risk of hyperinflation in
the U.S. economy.
There is nothing surprising here. Many prominent voices have been warning of
the increasing inevitability of U.S. hyperinflation, beginning with Shadowstats economist John Williams,
nearly a decade ago. However, when a myopic institution like the UN is now
openly warning of the “looming risk” of the collapse of the U.S. dollar, then
clearly the parameters have become desperate, indeed.
While many have some general familiarity with the concept of hyperinflation,
few yet comprehend that the unique characteristics of the U.S. economy first
make it more vulnerable to hyperinflation than any other developed
economy; and second, would make any episode of hyperinflation inside the U.S.
far more devastating than should the same fate befall any other developed
This “uniqueness” centers on the fact that (for the moment) the U.S. dollar
is still the “reserve currency” of the global economy: the money used for most
international transactions. This status has been a tremendous boon to the U.S.
economy for many decades. The artificial demand created for U.S. dollars because
of its extensive use in global commerce pushed-up the value of the dollar beyond
its actual worth.
This, in turn, produced two huge benefits for the U.S. economy. It produced
an artificially high standard of living for U.S. citizens, and provided U.S.
corporations with the added purchasing power for their capital which allowed
these corporations to scoop-up foreign corporations at what amounted to discount
Obviously the U.S. government has totally abused the privilege (and
responsibility) of managing the world’s reserve currency. Decades of grossly
excessive money-printing (especially since
) have caused an enormous glut of dollars in the world. It is this
reckless behavior which is responsible for the global movement (now well
underway) to phase-out the dollar as “reserve currency”. Indeed, various
bilateral trade agreements and “currency swaps” have already reduced global
demand for dollars by an amount in excess of $1 trillion per year.
The combination of grossly excessive supply and rapidly falling demand is
enough by itself to put the U.S. dollar (and U.S. economy) on a “collision
course” with hyperinflation. However, this is literally only half the story when
we view the pending collapse of the dollar. The key dynamic here is the inherent
(today) of this debauched banker-paper.
Prior to 1971, when the world still retained a quasi-gold standard, there was
at least some connection or “anchor” for the value of the dollar to a hard
asset: gold. As a mechanism for “price stability”, it is literally impossible
for hyperinflation to ever occur in an economy with a gold-backed currency.
To understand this principle, it is first necessary to appreciate that
hyperinflation is a “crisis of confidence” even more than a reaction to economic
fundamentals. What turns “high inflation” (even crippling inflation) into
genuine “hyperinflation” is the ensuing panic of the domestic population
to rid themselves of this banker-paper as quickly as possible. It is this
stampede to rid themselves of their currency (by buying-up goods) which
simultaneously causes the value of the currency to plummet (from lack of demand)
while prices for goods skyrocket due to over-consumption.
This brings us to one of the elementary truths of all “fiat currencies” (i.e.
“money” backed by nothing). Their “value” (indeed their survival) is
wholly dependent on the continued confidence of the ‘sheep’ using this currency
in their commerce. An un-backed paper currency is nothing but an (unsecured)
“IOU” of the government issuing the currency. Indeed, all of our banker-paper is
now created via debt.
Because there is no intrinsic value in our paper currencies (now that the
gold standard is gone), bankers have tried to fake “value” in these
currencies, by attaching debt to the creation of each and every new dollar. In
other words, the U.S. dollar went from being a unit of currency which carried
“value” to one which carried “obligation”.
The difference between a currency which has value versus one which
only implies obligation is literally identical to the difference between
a 1-oz gold coin, and an IOU to deliver 1 ounce of gold. The former has
intrinsic value, while the value of the latter is only as good as its
promise to deliver.
We can now see clearly the enormous difference between real
(gold-backed) “money” and the bankers’ fiat paper. The value of the former is
not dependent in any way on the “confidence” of the holder, while the value of
the latter is totally dependent upon the confidence of the holder – and his/her
trust in “the promise to pay”.
This obvious fact alone should have been enough to make all of our
governments shun the bankers’ fiat-paper, since it is common knowledge that the
success of any/all scams is also dependent on maintaining the
confidence of the chumps being scammed. Indeed, the colloquialism “con
man” is simply shortened from “confidence man”, since well over a century ago,
our society was well aware that the primary tool of all scammers is the creation
of the illusion of confidence in whatever scheme/scam they are
Thus it is with all fiat currencies: they are nothing but the “confidence
scams” of bankers. These scraps of (worthless) paper are “money” backed by
nothing. And more than a thousand years of “history” with such paper has taught
us another lesson as well: all such fiat currencies must return to their
actual value – zero.
From the moment that the bankers seduced our governments into severing the
final link with the gold standard, it was always inevitable that these fiat
currencies would plunge to zero. The only “variable” was the amount of time it
would take for the chumps to lose confidence in this banker-scam. In that
respect, the bankers are their own worst enemies.
As I alluded to previously, the bankers are responsible for the grossly
excessive printing
of these paper currencies – driving them toward zero on
the basis of “dilution” alone. However, even more rapidly, they have been
driving our currencies toward zero with the insane explosion in sovereign debt –
especially in the U.S.
Professor Lawrence Kotlikoff has calculated the combined
debts and obligations
of the U.S. government at over $200 trillion.
With the “unfunded liabilities” of Social Security and Medicare amounting to
roughly $100 trillion alone (before we begin looking at all the other
debts/liabilities), obviously this is at least a reasonable “ballpark figure”.
Equally obvious: it is utterly impossible for the U.S.’s puny $14 trillion to
even service these debts for much longer.
As I have written frequently, U.S. interest rates are permanently
frozen at 0%, because this deadbeat economy is so totally
that even a 1% increase in interest rates would instantly send the
U.S. economy into a deflationary death-spiral. With $60 trillion in
current public and private debt, a 1% increase in U.S. interest rates
would drain an extra $600 billion in interest payments out of the U.S.
economy – every year
This means subtracting an amount of capital equal to nearly the entire
Obama “stimulus package” – every year. It would result in an immediate plunge in
U.S. GDP of roughly 5%, even before all the “multipliers” went to work as that
capital was subtracted. Indeed, I wrote a previous commentary demonstrating how
a 0% interest rate proves that the U.S. dollar is already
We arrive at the following parameters:

  1. The supply of dollars has been ramped-up to all-time highs at the same time
    that demand for dollars has totally collapsed.
  2. The combination of a totally unmanageable mountain of debt and interest
    rates which are permanently frozen at 0% mean that the “fundamental” value of
    the U.S. dollar has already sunk to zero.
  3. U.S. hyperinflation will begin as soon as “the sheep” lose confidence in the
    value of the (worthless) dollar.

It is at this point that we can now analyze why the U.S. is more vulnerable
to hyperinflation (and will be harmed much worse by it) than any other Western
economy. While the U.S. has previously only experienced the benefits of having
the world’s reserve currency, it has now brought itself to the point where it
will experience the drawbacks of that role.
Being still the primary vehicle for international commerce, as well as the
currency in which the world’s largest debts are denominated, there is
somewhere in excess of $6 trillion in U.S. dollar holdings in the hands of
foreign entities – either in the form of U.S. Treasuries, or dollars themselves.
This means that while most episodes of hyperinflation throughout history have
been driven by a domestic collapse in confidence, because of the vast
numbers of U.S. dollar instruments held outside the country, the U.S. could
suffer a currency-collapse (and the resultant hyperinflation) from either
a loss in domestic confidence in the dollar or a loss of foreign
Because the bankers have already driven the value of the dollar to zero based
on two separate fundamentals (complete insolvency and excessive
currency-dilution), the “crisis of confidence” which leads to U.S.
hyperinflation can also be due to either fears of insolvency or merely the
consequence of excessive dilution (i.e. too much money-printing). Thus there are
already four possible “triggers” for the collapse of confidence which
leads to U.S. hyperinflation.
This is only half the “horror story” regarding the implications of
hyperinflation for the U.S. economy, however. In the world’s most recent
experience with hyperinflation: the collapse of Zimbabwe’s currency, obviously
the domestic population of that nation has suffered considerably. What has
substantially mitigated the suffering was the availability of a substitute
to use in the “blackmarket” economy which inevitably arises when a
nation experiences hyperinflation. Ironically, the substitute currency which has
lessened the devastation of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe is the U.S. dollar – the
reserve currency.
The obvious question then becomes: what will Americans do for a
substitute currency once the U.S. dollar has “greater value” as toilet paper
than as money? The answer is “no one knows”. Certainly the (relatively) small
amounts of gold and silver currently being held and accumulated by Americans is
a partial answer – but only a partial one.
There is far too little bullion available for circulation in the U.S. economy
to allow it to function in any remotely normal manner. Much like the Japanese
economy became totally disrupted when the earthquake/tsunami destroyed vital
infrastructure (and supply chains), the collapse of the U.S. dollar would have a
similar (but much worse) impact in disrupting U.S. commerce.
Once the suppliers of raw materials and other goods to the U.S.
economy stopped accepting U.S. dollars as payment, U.S. businesses would have no
way to keep that flow of goods coming. Industry would shut-down. Retailers would
close due to a lack of goods on their shelves, so even if Americans
wanted to “barter” for the necessities of life, they would quickly find
retailers closed – and those few who retained any stock would a) charge
exorbitant prices; and b) would likely only accept gold or silver as
The problem for the U.S. economy in this scenario is that its own collapse
would certainly threaten the solvency of the Euro zone, and the “Euro” is the
only other currency with both the status(?) and a large enough supply to be
usable as a valid substitute in the U.S. The question is whether those
businesses inside the U.S. who had stopped using dollars would be any more
receptive toward another form of un-backed banker-paper (of highly
questionable worth)?
The Canadian dollar would also offer a partial solution to the U.S. However,
while the CAD may be viewed as less risky than either the USD or the Euro, once
again the problem of insufficient supply arises. With the U.S. economy being (at
the moment) ten times as large as Canada’s economy, there simply isn’t a large
enough quantity of such currency to function as a surrogate for the U.S.
The U.S. economy is careening toward hyperinflation. The U.S. government is
either oblivious as to what is happening, powerless to do anything about it , or
both. The only way for ordinary Americans to cushion the shock of what lies
ahead (in addition to stocking-up on “necessities”) is to accumulate as much
“physical” gold and silver as possible.

At that point Americans will only be able to hope that the U.S. government
doesn’t repeat what it did during the Great Depression – and once again
confiscate the gold and silver of Americans…

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par marie Lun 25 Juil 2011 - 22:19

interview de Marc Faber

le grand "réajustement" monétaire va détruire l'épargne ( le cash détenu en monnaie fiduciaire )
l'ultime monnaie sera l'or et l'argent
quel sera le timing de ce réajustement ?, difficile à dire, mais pas avant qu'il ne soit impossible de faire autrement ==> inflation de 70 , 80%

n'attendez pas ce moment là pour convertir vore cash , acheter or et argent, accumulez... mais faites quelque chose !!

Citation :
When asked about the eventual monetary reset he expects and how he sees that playing out Faber had this to say, “Well when the reset comes it will be say a hundred dollar bill will be exchanged for a one dollar bill or something like this. Before we have the Great Reset, the government they will increase the war effort under whatever excuse that will be but I think that is the likely course of action...The wealth destruction will be interesting because...the people that suffer the most before the reset happens are actually the cash holders.”

But it won’t happen right away this reset, and only after the money printing will have essentially exhausted itself, when it reaches a painful level like in Latin America when we had inflation around 70%, 80% per annum or more, it reached a very painful level where reform was then initiated.”


ps et pour les incrédules, je signale qu'un pays comme le vietnam est déjà à 22 % d'inflation annuelle ( en données officielles ! )

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MessageLa fameuse photo de Cartier Bresson à garder en mémoire
par g.sandro Sam 27 Aoû 2011 - 20:43

Home / Blogs

What Does A
Precious Metals Bubble Look Like?

Jul 21 2011

source http://wealthcycles.com/blog/2011/07/21/is-the-market-fine-or-in-a-bubble?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=7+-+19+-+2011+-+GS+-+Weekly+Newsletter&utm_content=7+-+19+-+2011+-+GS+-+Weekly+Newsletter+CID_228b74c36a30ecc78b3345a13fd6ba4c&utm_source=Webmail+Marketing&utm_term=Click+here+for+more

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Before you answer that question, take a minute to think about it. Does demand
rise in a calm and orderly way, or is there a mad dash for metal as prices spike
over and over again?

A gold and silver rush is unlike a rush into, say, stocks or real estate. The
two most powerful emotions of markets are greed and fear.

A bubble in stocks and real estate involves only one of those base
feelings—greed—a very powerful emotion. Tulipmania, The South Sea Bubble, The
Florida Real Estate Craze, The U.S. stock bubbles of 1929, the ‘60’s “’tronics”
bubble, and the tech bubble were all driven by the same emotion—greed.

The word bubble is often associated the word mania­—a word that
connotes that the public has lost touch with reality. History is replete with
manias of all stripes—canal manias, bridge manias, technology manias, and stock
manias—and most of them involve a touch of madness when viewed through the
rational passage of time.

But a bubble in precious metals will be unlike those manias because it
combines both fear and greed. Profit-seekers will see rising
prices as a sign to jump into the fray, and people just looking to preserve
their purchasing power will make a mad dash as well. It is one of the very few
bubbles that combine the madness of greed with the thrashing of panic.

Most of us are familiar with the greed. We have invested in tech stocks, or
flipped homes, or jumped into a stock that was rising to meteoric levels. But do
we really know what a panic looks like?

Michael Maloney loves to show this photograph because it’s one of the
precious few examples that vividly shows the panic part of the equation.

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Here’s the caption, taken from the Met Museum:
“In December 1948, Life magazine sent
Cartier-Bresson to China to document the turbulent transition from Kuomintang to
Communist rule. This photograph captures the pandemonium incited by the currency
crash of that month, when the value of paper money plummeted and the Kuomintang
decided to distribute forty grams of gold per person. Thousands waited in line
for hours as the police made only a token gesture toward maintaining order,
resulting in ten deaths by suffocation. Cartier-Bresson deftly captured the
desperation and claustrophobia of the scene by compressing the mass of people
within a tight frame as they propelled themselves toward the bank building just
beyond the right edge of the picture.”

And you might think, “This time is different,”—we have brokers, the internet,
and smart phones, after all—people will never stand in line to buy gold and
silver. We call it the greatest wealth transfer of all time for exactly that
reason—most people aren’t expecting it.

Greed and fear individually are powerful emotions, but when you combine them,
you will be experiencing a completely different type of bull market.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par marie Sam 15 Oct 2011 - 14:34

US to Experience Stagflation Worse Than 1970s: Jim Rogers
Published: Friday, 14 Oct 2011 | 7:19 AM ET

Deepanshu Bagchee
Supervising Digital Editor, CNBC Asia

<p>The U.S. economy is likely to experience a period of
stagflation span#ExplainsLink a, span#ExplainsLink a img, span#ExplainsLink a:visited img, span#ExplainsLink a:visited {border:none;} http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000045099worse than the 1970s, which would cause bond yields to spike, commodity bull Jim Rogers told CNBC on Friday in Singapore. Rogers said governments were lying about the inflation problem and the recent rally in Treasurys was a bubble.

<p>"As the inflation numbers get worse and as governments print more money and as governments have to issue many, many more bonds - somewhere along the line we get to the point when (bond prices) go down."

Between 1974 and 1978 average inflation in the U.S. was at 8 percent, while unemployment hit a peak of 9 percent in May 1975. Currently, unemployment is at 9.1 percent while CPI is at 3.8 percent.

Rogers believes inflation will get much worse this time because, he said, in the 1970s only the Fed was printing money, whereas now many global central banks have been easing monetary policy.

Rogers' view is at odds with others such as economist Nouriel Roubini
who have been talking about a depression span#ExplainsLink a, span#ExplainsLink a img, span#ExplainsLink a:visited img, span#ExplainsLink a:visited {border:none;} http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000038533. Other economists have said the U.S. is experiencing a "balance sheet recession", just as Japan did in the 1990s, and that means the U.S. risks a long period of falling prices and asset values.

In the case of Japan, despite massive monetary easing, government bond yields have continued to fall. On Friday, 10-year yields were close to just 1 percent. But Rogers is convinced that the U.S. experience will be different from Japan's.

"A difference is when Japan did that they were the largest creditor nation in the world, America is the largest debtor nation - not just in the world - but in the history of the world and the U.S. dollar has been - and is the world's reserve currency. So there are some factors that might not keep the interest rate down in the U.S."

Rogers, who told CNBC in July that he was
shorting Treasurys, admitted that his view on U.S. bonds hadn't panned out. Since July, 30-year Treasurys have rallied and the yields span#ExplainsLink a, span#ExplainsLink a img, span#ExplainsLink a:visited img, span#ExplainsLink a:visited {border:none;} http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232/?video=3000027632&play=1have fallen from 4.36 percent to 3.15 percent. Bond prices and yields move inversely.
Rogers said when there is a bubble, such as the one being experienced in U.S. Treasurys, prices could go up for long periods of time. Bill Gross of Pimco, who also had a bearish view on Treasurys,
threw in the towel earlier this year. But Rogers is sticking to his opinion that Treasurys will eventually fall.

"Bernanke is obviously backing the market again and the Federal Reserve has more money than most of us - so they can drive interest rates down again. As I say they are making the bubble worse."

For now though Rogers is playing it safe and avoiding bonds. Instead, he's betting on stagflation by being long commodities and currencies (such as the Chinese yuan) and shorting stocks.

"I wouldn't advise anybody to buy bonds, I would advise you to sell bonds," he said. "If I were a bond portfolio manager, I would get another job."

"In the 70s you didn't make much money in stocks, you made fortunes owning commodities," Rogers added.

© 2011 CNBC.com

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MessageRe: inflation / Hyper Inflation /hyper stagflation / le spectre de Weimar , infos en continu
par marie Ven 28 Oct 2011 - 18:55

la guerre des monnaies fiduciaires , et les dévaluations compétitives

commentaires de James Turk sur le dernier livre de James Rickards : currency wars, où bien évidemment l'or joue un rôle essentiel

guerre des devises I 1921-1936

guerre des devises II 1967-1987

guerre des devises III : 2010 à ?

Citation :
In the second section, Rickards analyzes the first two currency wars (CWI and CWII). He provides an interesting historical account of the global monetary twists and turns, ups and downs that marked much of the twentieth century, with keen insight into the motivations why these currency wars were fought. CWI lasted from 1921 to 1936. Even though CWII came much later – from 1967 to 1987 – both wars were fought by competing national interests, which brought into the battle competitive devaluations and other interventionist actions of government. It is noteworthy that currency wars are a product of the post-Classical Gold Standard period that began in the aftermath of World War I, when the monetary role of government began to morph, as gold was driven out of day-to-day circulation, and then expand in new ways never before seen.

<p>The final section of the book explains why the world is now fighting Currency War III, which Rickards believes began in 2010. He speculates that there are three possible outcomes from CWIII – paper, gold or chaos. Each of these alternatives is analyzed in detail, providing readers with much food for thought.

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